Thomas Mooney, History of Ireland [1845] (1853)

Bibliographical details: The work bears the copyright date 1845 on the t.p. verso [”Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by Thomas Mooney, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of Massachussets. Front matter suggests that the author published and circulated the book to those whose letters “approbation” are printed here. The RIA article on Mooney indicates that his first printing met with success and resulted in an enlarged edition - of which this two-volume text of 1,652 pages is the result.

  GUIDE THROUGH THE WORK. (pp.xv-xvii.)  
LECTURE I. Introduction — Ancient Nations — Egyptians — Phoenicians, &c  [1]
LECTURE II Phoenician Mythology — Etruscans — Their Discovery of Ireland — First Settlers of Ireland, &c. [34]
LECTURE III Government — Legislative Assemblies — Laws — Literature — Religion and Customs of the Ancient Irish from 1260 to 860 B. C. [51]
LECTURE IV The Irish Language — Historians of Ireland — Ancient Architecture - Round Towers, &c
LECTURE V. The Irish Bards — Their Poetry, &c. [151]
  LECTURE VI. The Music of Ireland [180]
LECTURE VII The Historic Narrative resumed — 860 B. C. to the first Year of the Christian Era — Names and Deeds of twenty Kings — Military Code — Laws of Chivalry — Division of Ireland into Provinces and Counties. [248]

From the Birth of Christ to A. D. 141. Names and Deeds of forty-three Kings — Moran — Roman Invasions — Roman Customs contrasted with those of the Irish [271]
LECTURE IX. From A. D. 141 to 279. Laws — Caledonian Colony — Leinster Militia — Reign of Cormac [298]
LECTURE X. From A. D. 279 to 500. The Constitution of the Irish Militia — Origin of several Irish Families — Defeat of the Romans in Caledonia — Literature, Religion, and Customs of tho ancient Irish contrasted with those of Rome, &c. — The Mission of St. Patrick [325]
LECTURE XI. From A. D. 500 to 800. Origin of the Saxons — The English Heptarchy — Spirit of the Christian Ages — The Monks — Numerous Irish Missionaries — Their Labors in Europe [364]
LECTURE XII. From A. D. 800 to 1066. Names of fifty-nine Kings of Ireland — State of Europe — Charlemagne — Mahomet — The Venetians — The Danes — Invasions and Battles in Ireland — Brien Boroimhe — Battle of Clontarf. [409]
LECTURE XIII. Religion, Literature, and Architecture of Ireland in the tenth and eleventh Centuries, with Engravings illustrative of the latter Subject [448]
LECTURE XIV. FROM A. D. 1016 TO 1509. Names of nineteen Irish Kings — Norman Conquest — First English Invasion — Magna Charta — Bruce — The Laws and Battles of the Pale. [545]
LECTURE XV. From A. D. 1509 to 1603. The Reign of Henry the Eighth — Queen Mary — The Reformation — Seizure of Church Property, &c [601]
LECTURE XVI. From A. D. 1560 to 1603. Mary Queen of Scots — Queen Elizabeth — The Fifteen Years’ War — The Deeds of Hugh O’Neill [635]
LECTURE XVII. From A. D. 1603-1691. The Reign of .James the First — Charles the First — “Irish Rebellion” — Cromwell’s Invasion — Charles the Second — James the Second — William the Third — Treaty of Limerick — Irish Exiles — Sarsfield [714]
  [End Vol. I]  
LECTURE XVIII. From A. D. 1691 to 1782. Breach of the Treaty of Limerick — Confiscations — Suppression of Trade and Manufactures — Penal Laws — Reign of Queen Anne — George the First, Second, and Third — Irish Volunteers — Independence [804]
LECTURE XIX. From A. D. 1782 to 1798. The Dissolution of the Irish Volunteers — The Rise and Progress of the United Irishmen — Wolfe Tone’s Exertions — Battles of ’98 — Trials and Executions of tliat Period — Fall of Ireland [858]
LECTURE XX. From A. D. 1798 to 1800. The United Leaders — The “Union” and the Mode of carrying it [990]
LECTURE XXI. Life of Robert Emmet — Russell — Letters of T. A. Emmet and Macnevin — Insurrection — R. Emmet’s last Speech and Death Miss Curran. [1068]
LECTURE XXII. Biographical Sketches of the eminent Men of Ireland, that flourished from the Beginning of the Eighteenth to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. [1097]
LECTURE XXIII. O’CONNELL AND HIS TIMES. — FROM A. D. 1800 TO 1820. His Ancestry — Youth — Professional Career — Duels and Agitation [1199]
LECTURE XXIV. O’CONNELL AND HIS TIMES. — FROM A. D. 1820 TO 1830. The Rise, Progress, and Triumph of the Catholic Association — Biographical Sketches of the Catholic Leaders [1295]
LECTURE XXV. O’CONNELL AND HIS TIMES. — FROM A. D. 1830 TO 1845.The Reform Agitation — The Repeal Agitation — The “Experiment” — Resources and Manufactures of Ireland — Revival of the Repeal Agitation — Monster Meetings — State Trials — Imprisonment and Triumph [1343]
LECTURE XXVI. O’Connell and his Family — Father Mathew — The Archbishop of Tuam — Bishop Higgins — William Smith O’Brien, with the leading Repealers, and distinguished Men of Intellect [1554]  
NOTES, supplemental, on the Round Towers, the Volunteers, and the Laws and Law-Makers of England 1633  


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