The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore (1848 Edn.), 691pp.

[ Bibl.: The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans 1848), 691pp. Note: The table of contents of the 1848 edition has been digitised here using the two-column format of original pages and, as far as possible, the distribution of the titles by column though omitting the line-breaks in the printed original. The copy-text is in the possession of the editor (BS). ]

The / Poetical Works / of / THOMAS MOORE / compete in one volume. /
Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans
Paternoster Row.
t.p. verso
Spottiswoode and Shaw
Dedication [A2]
To the / Marquis of Landsdowne / in grateful remembrance of / nearly forty years of mutual acquaintance / and friendship, / This Volume / is inscribed, / with the sincerest feelings of Affection and Respect, / by / Thomas Moore.


Prefaces to the Collected Edition In Ten Volumes, published in 1841, 1842 [p.xv [sic] [A3], col. 1:]
Odes of Anacreon. Translated into English Verse, with Notes. Dedication to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales [1]; Advertisement; Index to the Odes; An Ode by the Translator [2]; Corrections of the preceding Ode, suggested by an eminent Greek Scholar; Remarks on Anacreon.
ODES: 1. I saw the smiling bard of pleasure; II: Give me the harp of epic song; III: Listen to the Muse’s lyre [9]; IV: Vulcan I bear your glorious task; V: Sculptor, wouldst thy glad my soul [10]; VI: As late I sought the spangl’d bowers; VII: The women tell me every day; VIII: I care not for the idle state; IX: I pray thee, by the gods above; X: How am I to punish thee [12]; XI: Tell me gentle youth, I pray thee; XII: They tell how Atys, wild with love [13]; XIII: I will, I will, the conflict’s past; XIV: Count me, on the summer trees [14]; XV: Tell me, why, my sweetest dove [15]; XVI: Thou, whose soft and rosy hues [16]; XVII: And now with all thy pencil’s truth [17]; XVIII: Now the star ofday is high [18]; XIX: Here recline you, gentle maid [19]; XX: One day the Muses twin’d the hands; XXI: Observe when mother earth is dry [20]; XXII: The Phrygian rock, that braves the storm; XXIIIL I often wish this languid lyre [21]; XXIV: To all that breathe the air of heaven [22]; XXV: Once in each revolving year; XXVI: Thy harp may sing of Troy’s alarms [23]; XXVII: We read the flying courser’s name; XXVIII: As, by his Lemnlan forge’s flame; XXIX: Yes - loving is a painful thrill [24]; XXX: ‘Twas in a mocking dream of night [25]; XXXI: Arm’d with hycanthine rod; XXXII: Strew me a fragment bed or leaves; XXXIII: ‘twas noon of night, when round the pole [26]; XXXIV: Oh thou, of all creation blest [27]; XXXV: Cupid once upon a bed; XXXVI: If boarded gold possess’d the power [28]; XXXVII:. ‘twas night, and many a circling bowl [29]; XXXVIII: Let us drain the nectar’d bowl [29]; XXXIX: How I love the festive boy [30]; XL: I know that Heaven hath Sent me here [30]; XLI: When Spring Adonis the dewy scene; XLII: Yes, be the glorious revel mine; XLIII: While our rosy fillets shed [31]; XLIV: Buds of roses, virgin flowers; XLV: Within this goblet, rich and deep; XLVI: Behold the young, the rosy Spring [32]; XLVII: ‘Tis true, my fading years decline [33]; XLVII: When my thirsty soul I steep; XLIX: When Bacchus, Jove’s immortal boy; L: When wine I quaff, before my eyes [34]; LI: Fly not thus my brow of snow; LII: Away, away, ye men of rules [35]; LIII: When I behold the festive train; LIV: Methinks, the pictur’d bull we see [36]; LV: While we invoke the wreathed spring; LVI: He, who instructs the youthful crew [37]; LVII: Whose was the artist hand that spread [38]; LVIII: When Gold, as flect as zephyr’s pinion [39]; LIX: Ripen’d by the solar beam; LX: Awake to life, my sleeping shell [40]; LXI: Youth’s endearing charms are Red [41]; LXII: Fill me, boy, as deep a draught [41]; LXIII: To Love, the soft and blooming child [42]; LXIV: Haste thee, nymph, whose well-aimed spear [42]; LXV: Like some wanton filly sporting [42]; LXVI: To thee, the Queen of nymphs divine [42]; LXVII: Rich in bliss, I proudly scorn [43]; LXVIII: Now Neptune’s mouth our sky deforms [43]; LXIX: They wove the lotus band to deck [43]; LXX: A broken cake with honey sweet [44]; LXXI: With twenty chords my lyre is hung; LXXII: Fare thee well, perfidious maid [44]; LXXIII: Awhile I bloom’d a happy flower; LXXIV: Monarch Love, resistless boy; LXXV: Spirit of Love, whose locks unroll’d; LXXVI: Hither, gentle Muse of mine [45]; LXXVII: Would that I were a tuneful lyre; LXXVIII: When Cupid sees how thickly now [end Odes]. Cupid, whose lamp has lent the ray [45]; Let me resign this wretched breath; I know thou lov’st a brimming measure; I fear that love disturbs my rest; From dread Leucadia’s frowning steep [46]; Mix we, child, a cup divine [46].
    [Contents, p.v.]
Notice [46]; Anticatxou Sidaniou, eiV Anacxonta [46]; Touautou eiV, tonauton [47]; Tou autou eiV, tonauton; Touautou eiV, tonauton [48].
Preface, by the Editor [49]; Dedication to Joseph Atkinson, Esq. [50]; Fragments of College Exercises [51]; Is there no call, no consecrating cause; Variety; To a Boy with a Watch. Written for a friend; Song; To - [52]; Song; Song [53];
    [Contents, p.v.]
Reuben and Rose. A tale of Romance [53]; Did not [54]; To - ; To Mrs - on some calumnies against her character; Anacreontic To - ; To Julia, In allusion to some illiberal criticisms [55]; To Julia; The Shrine. To - ; To a Lady, with some manuscript Poems, on leaving the country; To Julia; To - [56]; Nature’s Labels. A fragment; To Julia. On her birthday [57]; A Reflection at Sea; Cloris and Fanny; The Shield; To Julia, weeping [58]; Dreams. To - ; To Rosa. Written during illness; Song [59]; The Sale of Loves; To - ; To - [60]; On the Death of a Lady; Inconstancy; The Natal Genius. A dream. To - the morning of her birthday; Elegaic Stanzas, supposed to be written by Julia, on the death of her brother [61]; To the large and beautiful Miss -, in allusion to some partnership in a lottery share. Impromptu; A Dream [62]; To - ; Anacreontic; To Julia; Hymn of a Virgin of Delphi, at the tomb of her mother; Sympathy. To Julia [63]; The Tear; The Snake; To Rosa [64]; Elegiac Stanzas; Love and Marriage; Anacreontic; The Surprise [65]; To Miss - on her asking the author why she had sleepless nights; The Wonder; Lying; Anacreontic; The Philosopher Aristippus to a Lamp, which had been given him by Lais [66]; To Mrs. -, on her beautiful translation of Voiture’s Kiss [67]; Rondeau; Song; To Rosa [68]; Written in a commonplace book, called The Book of Follies; To Rosa; Light sounds the Harp [69]; From the Greek of Meleager; Song; The Resemblance [70]; Fanny, dearest; The Ring. To - ; To the Invisible Girl [71]; The Ring. A tale [72]; To - on seeing her with a white veil and a rich girdle; Written in the blank leaf of a lady’s commonplace book; To Mrs. Bl- , Written In her album [75]; To Cara, after an interval of absence [76]; To Cara, on the dawning of a new year’s day; To - 1801; The Genius of Harmony. An irregular Ode [77]; 1 found her not -the chamber seem’d [79]; To Mrs. Henry Tighe, on reading her - Psyche [79]; From the High Priest of Apollo to a Virgin of Delphi [80]; Fragment [81]; A Night Thought; The Kiss; Song; The Catalogue [82]; Imitation of Catullus to himself; Oh woman, if through sinful wile [82]; Nonsense [83]; Epigram, from the French; On a Squinting Poetess; To - ; To Rosa; To Phillis; To a Lady on her singing; Song. On the birthday of Mrs- Written in Ireland, 1799 [84]; Song; Morality. A familiar epistle. Addressed to J. Atkinson, Esq. MRIA; The Tell-tale Lyre [85]; Peace and Glory. Written on the approach of war [86]; Song; Love and Reason [87]; Nay, do not weep, my Fanny dear; Aspasia [88]; The Grecian Girl’s Dream of the Blessed Islands. To her lover; To Cloe, imitated from Martial [90]; The Wreath and the Chain; To - ; To -’s Picture [91]; Fragment of a Mythological Hymn to Love; To his Serene Highness the Duke of Monpentsier, on his portrait of the Lady Adelaide Forbes [92]; The Fall of Hebe. A dithyrambic ode; Rings and Seats [94]; To Miss Susan B-ckf-d. On her singing [95]; Impromptu, on leaving some friends; A Warning. To - [96]; To - ; Woman; To -[97]; A Vision of Philosophy [97]; To Mrs - [100]; To Lady Heatheote, on an old ring found at Tunbridge Wells; The Devil among the Scholars. A fragment [101].
Dedication, to Francis, Earl of Moira [104]; Preface - ; To Lord Viscount Strangford. Aboard the Phaeton, frigate, off the Azores, by moonlight [105]; Stanzas [106]; To.the Flying-fish [107]; To Miss Moore. From Norfolk, in Virginia, Nov. 1803; A Ballad. The Lake of the Dismal Swamp. Written at Norfolk, in Virginia. [108]; To the Marchioness Dowager of Donegal. From Bermuda, January, 1804 [109]; To George Morgan, Esq., of Norfolk, Virginia. From Bermuda, January, 1804 [101]; Lines written in a storm at sea [112]; Odes to Nea: ‘Nay, tempt me not to love again’ [112]; ‘I pray you, let us roam no more’ [113]; ‘You read it in these spell-bound eyes’ [113]; ‘A Dream of Antiquity’ [114]; ‘Well - peace to thy heart - though another’s it be’ [113]; ‘If I were yonder wave, my dear’ [115]; ‘The Snow Spirit’ [116]; ‘I stole along the flowery bank’ [116]; ‘A Study from the Antique’ [117]; ‘There’s not a look, a word of thine’ [117];

To Joseph Atkinson, Esq. From Bermuda [118]; The Steersman’s Song Written aboard the Boston frigate, 28th of April [119] ; To the Fire-fly [119]; To the Lord Viscount Forbes. From the city of Washington [119]; To Thomas Hume, Esq. M.D. From the city of Washington [122]; Lines written on leaving Philadelphia [123]; Lines written at the Cohns, or Falls of the Mohawk River [124]; Song of the Evil Spirit of the Woods [124]; To the Honourable W. R. Spencer. From Buffalo upon Lake Erie [125]; Ballad Stanzas [127]; A Canadian Boat Song. Written on the River St. Lawrence [127]; To the Lady Charlotte Rawdon. From the banks of the St. Lawrence [129]; Impromptu, after a visit to Mrs. of Montreal [130]; Written on passing Deadman’s Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, late in the evening, September, 1804 [130]; To the Boston Frigate, on leaving Halifax for England, October, 1804 [131].

Two Poems. Addressed to an Englishman by an Irishman. Preface [132]; ‘Corruption’ [133]; ‘Intolerance. A Satire’ [133]; Appendix [141].
The Sceptic, A Philosophical Satire [143].    
TWOPENNY POST-BAG. By Thomas Brown The Younger
Dedication. To Stephen Woolriche, Esq. [147]; Preface [147; Preface to The Fourteenth Edition. By a Friend of the Author [148];
Intercepted Letters, &c.:    
Letter I: From the Pr-nc-ss Ch-rl-e of W-l-s]; to the Lady B-rb-a Ashl-y [149]; Letter II: From Colonel M’M-h-n to G-ld]; Fr-nc-s L-ckie, Esq.; Postscript [151]; Letter III: From G-ge Pr-ce R-gt to the E- of Y-th; Letter IV: From the Right Hon. P-tr-ck D-gen-n to the Right Hon. Sir J-hn N-ch-l [152]; Letter V: From the Countess Dowager of C-rk to Lady - [153]; Post Script [154]; Letter VI: From Abdallah, in London, to Mobassan in Ispahan; Gazel [155]; Letter VII: From Messrs. L-ck-gt-n and Co. to - -, Esq.; Letter VIII: From Colonel Th-m-s to Sk-ff-ngt-n, Esq. [156]; Appendix [157]; Letter IV; Letter VII [150].
The Insurrection of the Papers. A Dream [160]; Parody of a celebrated Letter [161]; Anacreontic to a Plumassier [163]; Extracts from the Diary of a Politician; Epigram [164]; King Crack and his Idols. Written after the late Negotiation for a new M-n-stry; What’s my Thought like?; Epigram. Dialogue between a Catholic Delegate and]; His R-y-l H-gh-ss the D-e of C-b-l-d [165]; Wreaths for the Ministers An Anacreontic; Epigram. Dialogue between a Dowager and her Maid on the Night of Lord Y-rm-th’s Fête; Horace. Ode XI. Lib. III. Freely translated by the Pr-ce R-g-t; Horace, Ode XXII Lib. I. Freely translated by Lord Eld-n [166]; The New Costume of the Ministers [167]; Correspondence between a Lady and Gentleman, upon the Advantage of (what is called) ‘having Law on one’s Side’ [168]; Occasional Address for the Opening of the New Theatre of St. St-ph-n, intended to have been spoken by the Proprietor in full Costume, on the 24th of November, 1812 [168]; The Sale of the Tools [169]; Little Man and Little Soul. A Ballad. [170]; Reinforcements for Lord Wellington; Horace, Ode 1. Lib. III. A Fragment [171]; Horace, Ode XXXVIII. Lib. I. A Fragment. Translated by a Treasury Clerk, while waiting Dinner; for the Right Hon. G-rge R-se [171]; Impromptu. Upon being obliged to leave a pleasant Party, from the Want of a Fair of Breeches to dress for Dinner in; Lord Wellington and the Ministers.
Dedication to the Marchioness Dowager of Donegal [172]; Preface [172];
Go where Glory waits thee; War Song: Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave [173]; Erin! The Tear and the Smile in thine Eyes; Oh, breathe not his Name; When he, who adores thee; The Harp that once through Tara’s Halls; Fly not yet; Oh, think not my Spirits are always as light; Tho’ the last Glimpse of Erin with Sorrow I see [175]; Rich and rare were the Gems she wore; As a Beam o’er the Face of the Waters may glow; The Meeting of the Waters; How dear to me the Hour; Take back the Virgin Page. Written on returning a blank Book [176]; The Legacy; How oft has the Benshee cried [177]; We may roam through this World; Eveleen’s Bower; Let Erin remember the Days of old [178]; The Song of Fionnuala; Come, send round the Wine; Sublime was the Warning [179]; Believe me, if all those undearing young Charms; Erin, Oh Erin; Drink to her [180]; Oh, blame. not the Bard; While gazing on the Moon’s Light [181]; Ill Omens; Before the Battle; After the Battle [182]; ‘tis sweet to think; The Irish Peasant to his Mistress; On Music [183]; It is not the Tear at this Moment shed; The Origin of the Harp; Love’s Young Dream [184]; The Prince’s Day; Weep on, weep on; Lesbia hath a beaming Eye [185]; I saw thy Form In youthful Prime; By that Lake, whose gloomy Shore; She Is far from the Land [186]; Nay, tell me not, dear; Avenging and bright [187]; What the Bee is to the Floweret; Love and the Novice; This Life is all chequer’d with Pleasures and Woes; Oh the Shamrock [188]; At the mid Hour of Night; One Bumper at parting [189]; ‘tis the last Rose of Summer [; The young May Moon; The Minstrel-Boy [190]; The Song of O’Ruark, Prince of Breffni; Oh, had we some bright little Isle of our own; Farewell! - But whenever you welcome the Hour [191]; Oh, doubt me not; You remember Ellen; I’d mourn the Hopes [192]; Come o’er the Sea; Has Sorrow thy young Days shaded; No, not more welcome [193]; When first I met thee; While History’s Muse [194]; The Time I’ve lost in wooing; Where is the Slave; Come, rest in this Bosom [195]; ‘Tis gone, and for ever; I saw from the Beach; Fill the Bumper fair [196]; Dear Harp of my Country; My gentle Harp [197]; In the Morning of Life; As slow our Ship; When cold in the Earth [198]; Remember thee; Wreath the Bowl [199]; Whene’er I see those smiling Eyes; If thou’lt be mine; To Ladies’ Eyes; Forget not the Field [200]; They may rail at this Life; Oh for the Swords of former Time; St. Senanus and the Lady]; Ne’er ask the Hour; Sail on, sail on [201]; The Parallel [202]; Drink of this Cup; The Fortune-teller [203]; Oh, ye Dead; O’Donohue’s Mistress; Echo [204]; Oh banquet not; Thee, thee, only thee; Shall the Harp then be silent; Oh, the Sight entrancing [205]; Sweet Innisfallen [206]; ‘Twas one of those Dreams [206]; Fairest! put on awhile [206]; Quick! we have but a Second [207]; And doth not a Meeting like this; The Mountain Sprite [208]; As vanquish’d Erin; Desmond’s Song; They know not my H.eart [209]; I wish I was by that dim Lake; She sung of Love; Sing- sing - Music was given [210]; Though humble the Banquet; Sing, sweet Harp [211]; Song of the Battle Eve; The wandering Bard [211]; Alone in Crowds to wander on [212]; I’ve a Secret to tell thee; Song of Innisfail; The Night Dance [213]; There are Sounds of Mirth; Oh! Arranmore, loved Arranmore; Lay his Sword by his Side [214]; Oh, could we do with this World of ours; The Wine-cup is circling; The Dream of those Days [215]; From this Hour the Pledge is given; Silence is in our festal Halls. APPENDIX. Advertisement prefixed to the First and Second Numbers [216]; Advertisement to the Third Number; Letter to the Marchioness Dowager of Donegal prefixed to the Third Number [217]; Advertisement to the Fourth Number [220]; Advertisement to the Fifth Number [221]; Advertisement to the Sixth Number [222]; Advertisement to the Seventh Number; Dedication to the Marchioness of Headfort prefixed to the Tenth Number.
    [Contents, pp.vii-viii]
Advertisement [223]; A Temple to Friendship. Spanish Air; Flow on, thou shining River (Portuguese Air) [224]; All that’s bright must fade (Indian Air); So warmly we met (Hungarian Air); Those Evening bells (Air - The Bells of St. Petersburgh); Should those fond Hopes (Portuguese Air) [225]; Reason, Folly, and Beauty (Italian Air); Fare thee well, thou lovely one! (Sicilian Air); Dust thou remember? (Portuguese Air) [226]; Oh, come to me when Daylight sets (Venetian Air); Oft, in the stilly Night (Scotch Air) [211]; Hark! the Vesper Hymn Is stealing (Russian Air); Love and Hope (Swiss Air); There comes a Time (German Air)]; My Harp has one unchanging Theme (Swedish Air) [227]; Oh, no - not even when first we lov’d (Cashmerian Air) [227]; Peace be around thee (Scotch Air) [228]; Columbia Sense and Genius (French Air); Then, fare thee well (Old English Air); Gaily sounds the Castanet (Maltese Air) [229]; Love is a Hunter-boy (Languedocian Air); Come, chase that starting Tear away (French Air); Joys of Youth, how fleeting (Portuguese Air); Hear me but once (French Air) [230]; When Love was a Child (Swedish Air); Say, what shall be our Sport to-day? (Sicilian Air); Bright be thy Dreams (Welsh Air); Go, then - ‘tis vain (Sicilian Air) [231]; The Crystal Hunters (Swiss Air); Row gently here (Venetian Air); Oh, Days of Youth (French Air); When first that Smile (Venetian Air) [232]; Peace to the Slumberers! (Catalonian Air); When thou shalt wander (Sicilian Air); Who’ll buy my Love-knots? (Portuguese Air); See, the Dawn from Heaven (To an Air sung at Rome, on Christmas Eve) [233]; Nets and Cages (Swedish Air); When through the Piazzetta (Venetian Air) 233]; Go, now, and dream (Sicilian Air) [234]; Take hence the Bowl (Neapolitan Air); Farewell, Theresa! (Venetian Air); How oft, when watching Stars (Savoyard Air); When the first Summer Bee (German Air) [235]; Though ‘tis all but a Dream (French Air); When the Wine-cup is smiling (Italian Air); Where shall we bury our Shame? (Neapolitan Air) [235]; Ne’er talk of Wisdom’s gloomy Schools. (Mahratta Air); Here sleeps the Bard (Highland Air [236]; Do not say that Life is waning; The Gazelle; No - leave my Heart to rest; Where are the Visions [237]; Wind thy Horn, my Hunter Boy; Oh, guard our Affection; Slumber, oh slumber; Bring the bright Garlands hither; If in loving, singing [238]; Thou lov’st no more; When abroad in the World; Keep those Eyes still purely mine; Hope comes again; O say, thou best and brightest [239]; When Night brings the Hour; Like one who, doom’d; Fear not that, while around thee; When Love is kind [240]; The Garland I send thee; Ho shall I woo?; Spring and Autumn; Love alone [241].
    [Contents, pp.viii-ix]
Dedication, to Edward Tuite Dalton, Esq.; Thou art, O God (Air - Unknown); The Bird, let loose (Air - Beethoven) [242]; Fallen is thy Throne. (Air - Martini) [242]; Who is the Maid? St. Jerome’s Love (Air. - Beethoven); This World is all a fleeting Show (Air- Stevenson) [243]; Oh Thou who dry’st the Mourner’s Tear (Air - Haydn); Weep not for those (Air - Avison); The Turf shall be my fragrant Shrine (Air - Stevenson.) [244]; Sound the loud Timbre. Miriam’s Song (Air - Avison.); Go, let me weep (Air - Stevenson); Come not, O Lord (Air - Haydn) [245]; Were not the sinful Mary’s Tears (Air - Stevenson); As down in the sunless Retreats (Air - Haydn); But who shall see (Air - Stevenson); Almighty God. Chorus of Priests (Air - Mozart) [246]; Oh fair! oh purest! Saint Augustine to his Sister (Air - Moore); Angel of Charity (Air- Handel); Behold the Sun (Air - Lord Mornington) [247]; Lord, who shall bear that Day (Air - Dr. Boyce); Oh, teach me to love Thee (Air - Haydn); Weep, Children of Israel (Air - Stevenson) [248]; Like Morning, when her early Breeze (Air - Beethoven); Come, ye disconsolate (Air - German); Awake, arise, thy Light is come (Air - Stevenson); There is a bleak Desert (Air Crescentini) [249]; Since first Thy Word (Air - Nicholas Freeman); Hark! ‘tis the Breeze (Air- Rousseau) [250]; Where is your Dwelling, ye sainted? (Air - Hasse); How lightly mounts the Muse’s Wing (Air - Anonymous); Go forth to the Mount (Air- Stevenson) [251]; Is it not sweet to think, hereafter (Air -Haydn); War against Babylon (Air - Novelle); The Summer Fête [252]; Dedication to the Honourable Mrs. Norton.
    Contents, p.ix]
First Evening [262];   Second Evening [270].
    [Contents, p.ix]
Dedication to the Miss Fieldings [280]
The Voice; Cupid and Psyche; Hero and Leander [281]; The Leaf and the Fountain; Cephalus and Procris [282]; Youth and Age [282]; The dying Warrior; The Magic Mirror [283]; The Pilgrim; The high-born Ladye; The Indian Boat [284]; The Stranger; A Melologue upon National Music [285]; Advertisement [285].
    [Contents, p.ix]
SET OF GLEES (music by Moore)    
The Meeting of the Ships [287]; Hip, hip, hurrah!; Hash, hush! [287]; The Parting before the Battle [288]; The Watchman. A Trio; Say, what shall we dance?; The Evening Gun [289].
    [Contents, p.ix]
To-day, dearest! is ours; When on the Lip the Sigh delays; [289]; Here, take my Heart [290]; Oh, call it by some better Name [290]; Poor wounded Heart; The East Indian; Poor broken Flower; The pretty Rose Tree; Shine out, Stars!; The young Muleteers of Grenada; Tell her, oh, tell her; Nights of Music [292]; Our first young Love; Black and Blue Eyes; Dear Fanny; From Life without Freedom [293]; Here’s the Bower; I saw the Moon rise clear (A Finland Love Song); Love and the Sun-dial; Love and Time; Love’s light Summer-cloud [294]; Love, wand’ring through the golden Maze; Merrily every Bosom boundeth (The Tyrolese Song of Liberty); Remember the Time (The Castilian Maid) [295]; Oh, soon return; Love thee?; One dear Smile; Yes, yes, when the Bloom [296]; The Day of Love; Lusitanian War-song; The young Rose; When ‘midst the Gay I meet; When Twilight Dews [297]; Young Jessica; How happy, once; I love but thee; Let Joy alone be remember’d now [298]; Love thee, dearest? love thee?; My Heart and Lute; Peace, peace to him that’s gone!; Rose of the Desert [299]; ‘Tis for thee; The song of the Olden Time; Wake thee, my dear; The Boy of the Alps [300]; For thee alone; Her last Words, at parting; Let’s take this World as some wide Scene [301]; Love’s Victory; Song of Hercules to his Daughter; The Dream of Home [302]; They tell me thou art the favour’d Guest; The young Indian Maid; The Homeward March; Wake up, sweet Melody; Calm be thy sleep; The Exile; The Fancy Fair; If thou wouldst have me sing and play [304]; Still when Daylight; The Summer Webs; Mind not though Daylight; They met but once [305]; With Moonlight beaming; Child’s Song. From a Masque; The Halcyon hangs o’er Ocean; The World was hush’d; The two Loves [306]; The Legend of Puck the Fairy; Beauty and Song [307]; When thou art nigh; Song of a Hyperborean; Thou bidst me sing; [p.x, col. 2:] Cupid armed [308]; Round the World goes; Oh, do not look so bright and blest; The Musical Box [309]; When to sad Music silent you listen; The Language of Flowers; The Dawn is breaking o’er us.
    [Contents, pp.ix-x]
Here at thy Tomb (By Meleager) [310]; Sale of Cupid (By Meleager); To weave a Garland for the Rose (By Paul, the Silentiary) [310]; Why does she so long delay? (By Paul the Silentiary) [311]; Twin’st thou with lofty Wreath thy Brow (By Paul the Silentiary); When the sad Word. (By Paul, the Silentiary) [311]; My Mopsais little (By Philodemus) [312]; Still, like Dew In silence falling (By Meleager); Up, Sailor Boy, ‘tis Day; In Myrtle Wreaths (By Alcaeus).
    [Contents, p.x]
Ask not if still I love [313]; Dear? yes; Unbind thee, Lore; There’s something strange (A Buffo Song) [314]; Not from thee; Guess, guess; When - Love, who rul’d [314]; Still thou fliest [315]; Then first from Love; Hush, sweet Lute; Bright Moon [316]; Long Years have pass’d; Dreaming forever; Though lightly sounds the Song I sing (A Song of the Alps); The Russian Lover [317].
    [Contents, p.x]
Dedication [317]; The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan [320]; Paradise And The Peri [350]; The Fire-Worshippers [359]; The Light of the Harem [386]
    [Contents, p.x]
Lines on the Death of Mr. P-rc-v-l [399]; Fum and Hum, the Two Birds of Royalty; Lines on the Death of Sh-r-d-n [400]; Epistle from Tom Crib to Big Ben, concerning some foul Play in a late Transaction [401];
    [Contents, p.x]
Preface [402]; Letter 1: From Miss Biddy Fudge to Miss Dorothy - of Clonkilty, in Ireland; Letter II: From Phil. Fudge, Esq. to the Lord Viscount C-st-r-gh [404; Letter III: From Mr. Bob Fudge to Richard Esq. [406]; Letter IV: From Phelim Connor to - - [408]; Letter V: From Miss Biddy Fudge to Miss Dorothy - [409] Letter VI: From Phil. Fudge, Esq. to his Brother Tim Fudge, Esq. Barrister at Law [411]; Letter VII: From Phelim Connor to - [414]; Letter VIII: From Mr. Bob Fudge to Richard - , Esq. [416]; Letter IX: From Phil. Fudge, Esq. to the Lord Viscount C_st_r-h; Letter X: From Miss Biddy Fudge to Miss Dorothy - [422]; Letter XI: From Phelim Connor to - [424]; Letter XII: From Miss Biddy Fudge to Miss Dorothy - [425].
    [Contents, pp.x-xi]
Dedication. To Lord Byron [427]; Preface [428; Fable I. The Dissolution of the Holy Alliance. A Dream; Fable II: The Looking-glasses [430]; Fable III: The Torch of Liberty [431]; Fable IV: The Fly and the Bullock [432]; Fable V: Church and State [433]; Fable VI: The Little Grand Lama [434]; Fable VII: The Extinguishers [436]; Fable VIII: Louis Fourteenth’s Wig [437].
    [Contents, p.xi]
Introductory Rhymes [439]; Extract I [441]; Extract II; Extract III; Extract IV [442]; Extract V [443]; Extract VI [444]; Extract VII [445]; Extract VIII [446]; Extract IX [447];   Extract X [448]; Extract XI; Extract XII [449]; Extract XIII [450]; Extract XIV [452]; Extract XV [454]; Extract XVI [455].
    [Contents, p.xi]
Occasional Epilogue, spoken by Mr. Corry, in the Character of Vapid, after the Play of the Dramatist, at the Kilkennv Theatre [456]; Extract from a Prologue written and spoken by the Author, at the Opening of the Kilkenny Theatre, October, 1809 [457]; The Sylph’s Ball; Remonstrance [458]; My Birth-day [459]; Fancy; Song. Fanny, dearest!; Translations from Catullus; Tibullus to Sulpicia; Imitation. From the French [461]; Invitation to Dinner, addressed to Lord Lansdowne; Verses to the Poet Crabbe’s Inkstand. Written May 1832; To Caroline, Viscountess Valletort. Written at Lavock Abbey, January, 1832 [462]; A Speculation; To My Mother. Written in a Pocket Book 1822; Love and Hymen; Lines on the Entry of the Austrians into Naples, 1841 [463].
    [Contents, p.xi]
Preface [464]; First Angel’s Story [466]; Second Angel’s Story [471];   Third Angel’s Story [482].
    [Contents, p.xi]
Scepticism [486]; A Joke versified; On the Death of a Friend; To James Corry, Esq., on his making me a Present of a Wine Strainer; Fragment of a Character [487]; What shall I sing Thee? To - ; Country Dance and Quadrille [488]; Gazel [489]; Lines on the Death of Joseph Atkinson, Esq. of Dublin [490]; Genius and Criticism; To Lady J-r--y, on being asked to write something in her Album [491]; To the same, on looking through her Album. [491]
    [Contents, p.xi]
To Sir Hudson Lowe [491]; Amatory Colloquy between Bank and Government [492]; Dialogue between a Sovereign and a One Pound Note; An Expostulation to Lord King [493]; The Sinking Fund cried [494]; ]; Ode to the Goddess Ceres. By Sir Th-m-s L-th-br-e [494]; A Hymn of Welcome after the Recess [495]; Memorabilia of Last Week [496]; All in the Family Way. A new Pastoral Ballad [496]; Ballad for the Cambridge Election [497]; Mr. Roger Dodsworth; Copy of an intercepted Despatch. From his Excellency Don Strepitoso Diabolo, Envoy Extraordinary to his Satanic Majesty [498]; The Millennium. Suggested by the late Work of the Reverend Mr. Irv-ng “on Prophecy” [499]; The Three Doctors; Epitaph on a Tuft-Hunter [500]; Ode to a Hat; News for country Cousins [501]; A Vision. By the Author of Christabel [502]; The Petition of the Orangemen of Ireland; Cotton and Corn. A Dialogue [503]; The Canonization of Saint B-tt-rw-rth [504]; An Incantation. Sung by the Bubble Spirit; A Dream of Turtle. By Sir W. Curtis [505]; The Donkey and his Panniers. A Fable [506]; Ode to the Sublime Porte; Corn and Catholics [507]; A Case of Libel; Literary Advertisement [508]; The Irish Slave [509]; Ode to Ferdinand [510]; Hat versus Wig; The Periwinkles and the Locusts. A Salmagundian Hymn [511]; New Creation of Peers. Batch the First [512]; Sperch on the Umbrella Question. By Lord Eld-n [513]; A Pastoral Bailad. By John Bull; A late Scene Swanage [514]; Wo! Wo!; Tout pour la Tripe [515]; Enigma; Dog-day Reflections. By a Dandy kept in Town [516] The ‘Living Dog’ and the ‘The Dead Lion’ [517]; Ode to Don Miguel [517]; Thoughts on the present Government of Ireland; The Limbo of lost Reputations. A Dream [518]; How to write by Proxy [519]; Imitation of the Inferno of Dante [520]; Lament for the Loss of Lord B-th-st’s Tail [521]; The Cherries. A Parable [521]; Stanzas written in Anticipation of Defeat [522]; Ode to the Woods and Forests. By one of the Board [523]; Stanzas from the Banks of the Shannon [523]; The Annual Pill [524]; ‘If’ and ‘Perhaps’ [524]; Write on, Write on. A Ballad [525]; Song of the departing Spirit of Tithe; The Euthanasia of Van [526]; To the Reverend - One of the sixteen Requisitionists of Nottingham [527]; Irish Antiquities; A curious Fact [528]; New-fashioned Echoes; Incantation. From the New Tragedy of The Brunswickers [529]; How to make a good Politician [530]; Epistle of Condolence. From a Slave-Lord, to a Cotton-Lord [530]; The Ghost of Miltiades [531]; Alarming Intelligence - Revolution in the Dictionary - One Galt at the Head of it [532]; Resolutions passed at a late Meeting of Reverends and Right Reverends]; Sir Andrew’s Dream [533]; A Blue Love-Song. To Miss - [534]; Sunday Ethics. A Scotch Ode [534]; Awful Event [535]; The numbering of the Clergy. Parody on Sir Charles Han. Williams’s famous Ode [535]; A sad Case [536]; A Dream of Hindostan [536]; The Brunswick Club [537]; Proposals for a Gynaecocracy. Addressed to a late Radical Meeting [537]; Lord H-nl-y and St. Cecilia [538]; Advertisement [539]; Missing; The Dance of Bishops; or, the Episcopal Quadrille, A Dream [540]; Dick ---- A Character [540]; A corrected Report of some late Speeches [541]; Moral Positions. A Dream [542]; The Mad Tory and the Comet. Founded on a late distressing Incident [542]; From the Hon. Henry - , to Lady Emma [543]; Triumph of Bigotry [544]; Translation from the Gull Language; Notions on Reform. By a Modern Reformer [545]; Tory Pledges [546]; St. Jerome on Earth. First Visit [546]; St. Jerome on Earth. Second Visit [547]; Thoughts on Tar Barrels. (Vide Description of a late Fête) [548]; The Consultation [548]; To the Rev. Ch-rl-s Ov-rt-n, Curate of Romaldkirk [549]; Scene from a Play, acted at Oxford, called “Matriculation”; Late Tithe Case [550]; Fools, Paradise. Dream the First; The Rector and his Curate; or, One Pound Two [551]; Paddy’s Metamorphosis [552]; Cocker, on Church Reform. Founded upon Some late Calculations; Les Hommes Automates [553]; How to make One’s Self a Peer. According to the newest Receipt, as disclosed in a late Heraldic Work [553]; The Duke is the Lad [554]; Epistle from Erasmus on Earth to Cicero in the Shades; Lines on the Departure of Lords C-st-r-gh and St-w-rt for the Continent [555]; To the Ship in which Lord C-st-r-gh sailed for the Continent [556]; Sketch of the First Act of a new Romantic Drama [557]; Animal Magnetism [558]; The Song of the Box; Announcement of a New Thalaba. Addressed to Robert Southey, Esq. [559]; Rival Topics. An Extravaganza [560]; The Boy Statesman. By a Tory; Letter from Larry O’Branigan to the Rev. Murtagh O’Mulligan [561]; Musings of an Unreformed Peer; The Reverend Pamphleteer. A Romantic Ballad [562]; A Recent Dialogue; The Wellington Spa [563]; A Character; Ghost Story [564]; Thoughts on the late destructive Propositions of the Tories. By a Common-Councilman; Anticipated Meeting of the British Association in the Year 1836 [565]; Songs of the Church. No. l. [566]; Epistle from Henry of Ex-t-r to John of Tuam [567]; Song of Old Puck; Police Reports. Case of Imposture [568]; Reflections. Addressed to the Author of the Article of the Church in the last Number of the Quarterly Review [569]; New Grand Exhibition of Models of the two Houses of Parliament; Announcement of a new grand Acceleration Company for the Promotion of the Speed of Literature [570]; Some Account of the late Dinner to Dan [571]; New Hospital for Sick Literati [572]; Religion and Trade; Musings, suggested by the late Promotion of Mrs. Nethercoat [573]; Intended Tribute to the Author of an Article in thelast Number of the Quarterly Review, entitled “Romanism in Ireland”; Grand Dinner of Type and Co. A poor Poet’s Dream [574]; Church Extension [575]; Latest Accounts from Olympus [576]; The Triumphs of Farce; Thoughts on Patrons, Puffs, and other Matters. In an Epistle from T. M. to S. R. [577]; Thoughts on Mischief. By Lord St-nl-y. (His first Attempt in Verse) [578]; Epistle from Captain Rock to Lord L-ndh-t [579]; Captain Rock in London. Letter from the Captain to Terry Alt, Esq. [580].
    [Contents, p.xi-xii]
Preface, [581]; Letter I: From Patrick Magan, Esq., to the Rev. Richard - , Curate of -, in Ireland; Letter II: From Miss Biddy Fudge, to Mrs. Elizabeth - [582]; Letter III: From Miss Fanny Fudge, to her Cousin, Miss Kitty - . Stanzas (inclosed) to my Shadow;, or, Why? - What? - How? [585]; Letter IV: From Patrick Magan, Esq. to the Rev. Richard [587]; Letter V: From Larry O’Branigan, in England, to his Wife Judy, at Mullinafad [588]; Letter VI: From Miss Biddy Fudge, to Mrs. Elizabeth - [590]; Letter VII: From Miss Fanny Fudge, to her Cousin, Miss Kitty -. Irregular Ode [593]; LetterVIII: From Bob Fudge, Esq. To the Rev. Mortimer O’Mulligan [594]; Letter IX: From Larry O’Brandgan to his Wife, Judy; Letter X: From the Rev. Mortimer O’Mulligan, to the Rev. - [598]; Letter XI: From Patrick Magan, Esq. to the Rev. Richard [599].
    [Contents, pp.xi-xiiii]
Songs [600, 601]; Boat Glee; Cupid’s Lottery [601];   Song [602; p.xiii, col. 2:]
At night [602]; To Lady Holland. On Napoleon’s Legacy of a Snuff-Box [602]; Epilogue. Written for Lady Dacre’s Tragedy of Ina [602]; The Day-Dream [603]; Song [604]; Song of the Poco-curante Society; Anne Boleyn. Translation from the metrical “Histoire d’Anne Boleyn [604]; The Dream of the Two Sisters. From Dante [605]; Sovereign Woman. A Ballad; Come, play me that simple Air again. A Ballad.
GENERAL INDEX [681].    

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