Maurice O’Connor Morris


  • ?1830-?; author Rambles in the Rocky Mountains: with a Visit to the Gold Fields of Colorado (London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1864), viii, 264pp.
  • The Prisoner of the Temple; or, Discrowned and Crowned [Quarterly Ser., Vol. 2] (London 1874) [on Louix XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and their family, with a preface by H. J. C[oleridge].
  • Triviata: or Crossroad Chronicles of Passages in Irish Hunting History during the Season of 1875-76 (London [s.n.] 1877).
  • Hibernia Venatica (London: Chapman & Hall 1878), vi, 449pp., ill. [7] lvs. of mounted photos].
  • Memini, or Reminiscences of an Irish Life (London: Harrison & Sons 1892), lxxxi, 512pp.
  • Dublin Castle (London: Harrison 1889, 1899), xviii, ii, 295pp., 8 ills. [Legare rep. edn. 2023, 334pp.].
  • Hibernia Hippica [Ireland’s Hunts and Horses] (19000, viii, 120pp., ill. [4] lvs. of pls., maps (fold).
  • Peeps at Portugal (London: Harrison & Sons 1891), ix, 129pp.
  • Hibernia Hodierna; or, Ireland Today (London: [?Harrison] 1897).


Hyland Books (Cat. 220) lists Memini, or Reminiscences of an Irish Life (1st edn. 1892) [listed in Hyland Cat. 220]. COPAC also lists Memini: or, A Mingled Yarn (London: Harrison and Sons  1892), lxxxi [1], 512p., 19cm.