Fynes Moryson, An Itinerary [...] containing ten yeeres trauel [with]
II part containing the rebellion of Hugh, Earle of Tyrone (London 1617)
Biblographical details: An itinerary vvritten by Fynes Moryson Gent. First in the Latine tongue, and then translated by him into English: containing his ten yeeres trauell through the tvvelue dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Jtaly, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Diuided into III parts. The I. part. Containeth a iournall through all the said twelue dominions: shewing particularly the number of miles, the soyle of the country, the situation of cities, the descriptions of them, with all monuments in each place worth the seeing, as also the rates of hiring coaches or horses from place to place, with each daies expences for diet, horse-meate, and the like. The II. part. Containeth the rebellion of Hugh, Earle of Tyrone, and the appeasing thereof: written also in forme of a iournall. The III. part. Containeth a discourse vpon seuerall heads, through all the said seuerall dominions.
Moryson, Fynes, 1566-1630; At London: Printed by Iohn Beale, dwelling in Aldersgate street, 1617. |
The following contents table is available at Books Online (Hathi ) [online] and Michigan Univ. Libr [online] |
[Ded.:] To the Right Honourable, VVJLLJAM, EARLE OF PEMBROKE, Lord Chamberlaine of his Maiesties Houshold, one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Counsell, and Knight of the most noble Order of the GARTER, &c; To the Reader. |
A Table of the Contents of the seuerall Chapters contained in this Booke; THE FIRST PART; THE SECOND PART; THE THIRD PART. |
[List of headings] |
A briefeTable to vnderstand in the First Part the expences in small Coynes most commonly spent; For England; For Scotland and Ireland; For Germany; For Bohemia; For Sweitzerland; For the Low Countries; For Denmarke; For Poland; For Italy; For Turkey; For France; |
[half title] |
The First Part; |
The First BOOKE. |
CHAP. I. Of my iourny from London (in England) to Stode, Hamburg, Lubeck, Luneburg, my returne to Hamburg, and iourney to Magdeburg, Leipzig, Witteberg, and the neighbouring Cities (in Germany.)
CHAP. II. Of my iourney from Leipzig to Prage (in Bohemia) to Nurnberg, Augspurg, Ulm, Lyndaw, Costnetz (in Germany) Scaphusen, Zurech, Baden, and Bazell (in Sweitzerland.)
To the Right Worshipfull Master Doctor Iohn Vlmer; CHAP. III. Of my iourney from Bazel to Strasburg, to Heidelberg, to Frankfort, to Cassiles, to Brunswicke, to Luneburg, to Hamburg, to Stode, to Breme, to Olden∣burg, and to Emden, (the last City vpon the confines of the Empire.)
From Stode I wrote this Letter to Francis Markham, an English gentleman, whom I left at Heidelberg; To AEgidius Hoffman, a Gentleman of Flaunders, my deare friend, Student at Heidelberg; CHAP. IIII. Of my iourney from Emden in Germany, to Leyden in Holland, and through the vnited Prouinces of the Low-Countries; CHAP. V. Of my iourney out of the vnited Prouinces, by the Sea coast, to Stode and Lubeck in Germany. Of my sauing to Denmarke, and thence to Dantzk in Prussen, and my iourney through Poland to Padoua in Italy.
The Second Booke. |
CHAP. I. Of my iourney from Paduoa, to Venice, to Ferraria, to Bologna, to Rauenna, and by the shore of the Adriaticke Sea, to Ancona: then crossing the breadth of Italy, to Rome, seated not farre from the Tirrhene Sea; CHAP. II. Of my iourney to Naples, and my returne to Rome, and of the description of both Cities. Of my iourney cursory to Sienna, Fiorenza, Pistoia, Lucca, and Pisa, and the description of the three last Cities; CHAP. III. Of my iourney to Ligorno, my returne to Florence, and to Sienna, and the description of these Cities. Of my iourney by Land to Lirigi, (in which againe I passed by Lucca and Pisa,) and by sea to Genea, with the description of that City, and my iourney by Land to Pania, to Mi∣lano, to Cremona, and to Mantous, with the discription of the Cities, and of my returne to Padena; CHAP. IIII. Of the Sopulcher of Petrarch at Arqua. Of my iourney to Vicenza, Verona, Brescia, and Bergnmo, in Italy), then passing the Alpes, to Chur, Zurech, Solothurn, Geneua, and (in my returne thence) to Berna (in Sweitzerland), thence to Strasburg (in Germany), and to Chalon, to Paris, to Roan, and to Diepe (in France), and finally of my passagety 〈◊〉 Land, to London (in England).
The third Booke. |
CHAP. I. Of my iourney to Stoade through the Vnited Prouinces of Netherland, and vpon the Sea-coast of Germany: then to Brunswick and (the right way) to Nurnburg, Augspurg, and Inspruck (in Germany), and from thence to Venice in Italy, and so (by the Mediterranean Seas, and the Ilands thereof) to Ierusalem. In which iourney I slightly passe ouer the places described in my former passage those waies; CHAP. II. The description of the City of Ierusalem, and the territory thereof; CHAP. III. Of our iourney from Ierusalem, by land to Ha∣leppo, by Sea to Tripoli in Syria, by land to Ha∣leppo and Scanderona, and of our passage by Sea to the Iland Candia; CHAP. IIII. Of my iourney from Candia (partly by land, partly by Sea) by the sea shoares, and by the Ilands of the AEgean Sea, Pontus, and Propontis, to the Citie of Constantinople. And of my iourney thence by Sea to Venice; and by Land to Augsburg, Nurnberg and Stode (in Germany.) And of my passage ouer Sea into England. And of my iourney through ma∣ny seuerall Shares, of England, Scotland and Ireland; CHAP. V: Of the iourney through England, Scotland and Ireland; CHAP. VI. Of the manner to exchange Moneys into forraine parts, and the diuers moneys of diuers parts, together with the diuers measures of miles in sundry Nations, most necessary for the vnder∣standing of the former iournall.
CHAP. I. Of the Induction or Preface to my Irish Iournall, and a compendious narration, how CHARLES BLOVNT, Lord Mountioy (my Lord and Master of happy memorie) was chosen Lord Deputy of Ireland; and of this worthy Lords qualitie, as also of the Councels in generali, by which he broke the Kebels hearts, and gane peace to that tren∣bled State. Together with his particular actions in the end of the yeere 1599;
The list of the chiefe Officers of the Kingdome, and the Army, and the disposall of the forces made in September, 1599, when the Lord Lieutenant left the Kingdome: Officers and Gouernours; Colonels of Horse; Colonels of Foote; The disposall of the forces; Horse in Mounster; Foote in Mounster; Horse in Connaght; Foote in Connaght; Horse at Carickfergus; Foote at Carickfergus; Horse at the Newry; Foote at the Newrie; Foote at Dundalke; Foote at Atherde; Horse at Kells and Nauan; Foote at Kells and Nauan; Horse at Trym; Foote at Trym; Foote at Leax and the Barow side; Foote at Eniscorthy; Horse in and about the Nasse; Foote in and about the Nasse; Foote at Mullingar; Foote in Ophaly; Horse at Kilkenny; Foote at Kilkenny; Foote at Ballymore, and O Carrols Countrie; Horse and Foote at Newcastle; Foote at Athboy and Phillipstown; Foote at Dublin; Horse at Fingall, and the Nauan; Horse in the Countie of Dublin; Foote vndisposed.
The Establishment signed by her Maiestie, the first of February, 1599; The aboue mentioned second Establishment, or Lyst of diuers Officers and Seruitors, not con∣tained in the former Establishment, which list was signed by the Lords the eleuenth of Februarie, the end of the yeere 1599; Elizabeth Regina.
CHAP. II. Of the Lord Deputies particular proceedings in the prosecution of the Rebels in the yeere 1600. |
A list of such as the Lord Deputy could draw into the field to prosecute Tyrone, all consisting of the companies lying in Lemster, and those of the Newrie and Carlingford; The List of the Army, and the distribution of the same into Garrisons in the end of Nouember; Horse at New castle; Foote in the Forts, Sir Francis Rush, 150; Foote and Horse in Kilkenny; Foote and Horse in Kildare; Foote and Horse in the Countie of Waxford; Foote at Dublin; Foote and Horse in Connaght; The disposall of the foot into garrisons the 23. of March, 1600.
Her Maiesties charge in Ireland from the first of Aprill in the beginning of the yeere 1600. to the last of March in the beginning of the yeere 1601; The second Booke. |
CHAP. I. Of the Lord Deputies particular proceedings in the prosecution of the Rebels, and of the Speniards inuading Ireland, in the yeere 1601; Officers Generall; Officers Prouinciall; The Forces towards the South of to lie thus;
The Forces towards the North of Lemster to lie thus: The Lord Deputies said forces; Here his Lordships Army was mustered, and was by Pole,
A perfect note of such Captaines and Companies, as are vnder the command of the Traitor Tyrone, within Tyrone, not mentioning the Chiefetaines, as O Don∣nel, O Cane, Mac Gire, and the rest of the Vlster Lords, but onely such as attend him in his Countrie; letter
CHAP. II. Of the besieging of the Spaniards at Kinsale, with the deliuery of the Towne to the Lord Deputy and their returne into Spaine in the same yeere 1601; The disposall of the whole Army in Ireland the seuen and twentieth of October 1601; The Lyst of the Army with his Lordship at Kinsale; New Companies sent into Mounster lately, which arriued and were put into pay the fourth of September past; Horse brought from the North and the Pale to Kinsale; Foote that Sir Iohn Barkeley brought from the borders of Connaght to Kinsale; Foote brought out of the Pale by Master Marshall, and from the Northerne Garrisons by Sir Henry Dauers to Kinsale; Elizabeth Regina; The Lyst of the Army at Kinsale the twentieth of Nouember; Companies sent in the Queenes ships vnder Captaines, viz; Of these not distributed into Regiments; Foote distributed into eleuen Regiments vnder command of the Lord Deputy, Lord President, and nine Colonels; Horse in the Army at Kinsale; Horse called since that time from other parts in the Kingdome to the Campe at Kinsale; Horse newly sent ouer and landed at Castle-hauen, and at Waterford; To the Prince Oneale, and Lord O Donnell; The strength of our Regiments the three and twentieth of December; A note giuen by one of Tyrones followers, of his losse at this ouerthrow; Mountioy; Geo. Carew, Clanrickard, Thomond, R. Wingfeild, Geo. Bourcher, Ro. Gardner, Ric. Leuison,
Elizabeth Regina; Elizabeth Regina.
The third Booke. |
CHAP. I. Of the prosecution of the warre by the Lord Mountioy, Lord Deputy, against the rebels, in the yeere 1602. |
The Lyst of the forces in Ap; rill, 1602; The forces lying Southward vpon Lemster in Garrisons; The forces lying Northward vpon Lemster in Garrisons; Garrysons in the North; The Forces at Loughfoyle lay thus in Garrisons, out of which Sir Henrie Dockwra was to draw a competent force into the field, for the Summer seruice, and to meete the Lord Deputy in Tyrone; At Dunagall, Asheraw, and Ballishannon; The Forces in Garrison at Carickfergus, out of which Sir Arthur Chichester was to draw a competent strength to come by water, and meete the Lord Deputie in Tyrone; The Lord Deputies Army in the field for this Summers seruice; Elizabeth Regina; Elizabeth Regina; Elizabeth Regina; A Lyst of the Army as it stood the first of Ianuarie, 1602; Elizabeth Regina; The Proclamation.
CHAP. II. Of Tyrones taking to mercy, whereby the warre was fully ended. And of a new mutinie of the Cities of Mounster for establishing the publike exercise of the Roman Religion, with the appeasing thereof in the beginning of the yeere 1603. Together with the Lord Deputies recalling into Eng; land, and the rewards there giuen him for his seruice in the beginning of the yeere 1603; with mention of his vntimely death within few yeeres af∣ter and a word of the State of Ireland some ten yeeres after; Mountioy; To Our trusly and well beloued, Sir William Godol∣phin, and Sir Garret More Knights; To all Commanders of horse and foot, and to all other her Maiesties Officers and Subiects to whom it may appertaine; Certaine heads whereupon some Waterford men were examined a part one from the the other, and in a carelesse manner, yet so as the answeres were written out of sight; A Lyst of the Army, as it was disposed at the Lord Mountioyes returne for England, about the eight and twentieth of May, in the beginning of the yeere 1603; The Lyst of Officers Generall and Prouinciall, Warders, Horsemen and Footemen, as they stood at this time of Peace; Officers Generall; Officers Prouinciall; Warders; Horsemen; Footemen.
CHAP. I. That the visiting of forraigne Countries is good and profitable: But to whom, and how farre?
CHAP. II. Of Precepts for Trauellers, which may instruct the vnexperienced; CHAP. III. Of the opinions of old Writers, and some Prouerbs which I obserued in fir∣raigne parts by reading or discourse, to be vsed either of Trauellert them∣selues, or of diuers Nations and Prouinces; The second Booke; CHAP. I. Of the fit meanes to trauell, and to hire Coaches and Horses; CHAP. II. Of the Sepulchers, Monuments, and Buildings in generall; for I haue spoken particularly of them in the first Part, writing of my daily iournies; CHAP. III. Of Germany, Boemerland and Sweitzerland, touching the Geographicall de∣scription, the situation, the fertilitie, the trafficke, and the diet; CHAP. IIII. Of the vnited Prouinces in Netherland, and of Denmarke and Poland, tou∣ching the said subiects of the precedent third Chapter; CHAP. V. Of Italy touching all the subiects of the third Chapter going before; The third Booke; CHAP. I. Of the Geographicall description of Turkey, the Situation, Fertility, Trafficke, and Diet; CHAP. II. Of France, touching the particular subiects of the first Chapter; CHAP. III. Of England, touching the particular subiects of the first Chapter; CHAP. IIII. Of Scotland touching the Subiects contained in the first Chapter; CHAP. V. Of Ireland, touching the particular subiects of the first Chapter.
The fourth Booke. |
CHAP. 1. Of the Germans, Bohemians, Sweitzers, Netherlanders, Danes, Polonians and Italians apparrell; CHAP. II. Of the Turkes, French, English, Scottish, and Irish Apparrell; CHAP. III. Of the Germans, and Bohemians Commonwealth, vnder which title I con∣taine an Historicall introduction; the Princes pedegrees, and Courts, the present state of things, the tributes and reuenews, the military state for Horse, Foote, and Nauy, the Courts of Iustice, rare Lawes, more special∣ly the Lawes of inheritance, and of womens Dowries, the capitall Iudge∣ments, and the diuersitie of degrees in Family and Common-wealth; CHAP. IIII. Of the particular Common-wealths, as well of the Princes of Germany, as of the Free Cities, such of both, as haue absolute power of life and death; CHAP. V. Of the Common-wealth of Sweitzerland, according to the diuers subiects of the former Chapters; CHAP. VI. Of the Netherlanders Common-wealth, according to the foresaid subiects of the former Chapters.