Kate Newmann
Life 1965- ; b. Dromore; dg. of Joan Newmann; ed. Cambridge Univ.; settled at Ballycastle with her mother; ed. Ulster Dictionary of Biography (1993) while engaged as junior fellow at QUB/IIS; issued, The Blind Woman in The Blue House (2001), poems; resettled in Donegal.
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Works The Blind Woman in The Blue House (Donegal: Summer Palace Press 2001), 64pp.; with Joan Newmann, Belongings (Dublin: Arlen House 2007), 160pp.
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Criticism Christine St. Peter, In Conversation with Joan and Kate Newmann: Irish Poets and Publishers, in Canadian Journal of Irish Studies/Revue canadienne détudes irlandaises, 28, 2/29, 1 (Fall 2002/Spring 2003), pp.148-53.
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