William Lorcan OByrne
Life 1845-1913 [W. Lorcan OByrne], b. Dublin; worked in Education Office; wrote A Land of Heroes (1899); Kings and Vikings (1900); Children the Kings (1904); The Knight of the Cave (1906); The Falcon King (1907), all ill. by Paul Hardy. His works are based in mythology and early history, stronger on research than narrative, and aimed generally at children. IF
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References Stephen Brown, Ireland in Fiction: A Guide to Irish Novels, Tales, Romances and Folklore [Pt. I] (Dublin: Maunsel 1919), listing shows publisher of all the first two of the forgoing to be Blackie in London and Scribners in New York, and the remainder to be Blackie of London only, while the first is ill. by J. H. Bacon, and the remainder by Paul Hardy.
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