Lughaidh Ó Cléirigh
Life ?1580-?1640 [fl.1609 ODNB], historian; chief of his sept, 1595; tok part in Contention of the Bards [Iomarbhágh na bhFileadh]; dictated Life of Aodh Ruadh ODonnell, to his son Cúchoigríche Ó Cléirigh (trans. Edward OReilly, 1820); not living in 1632. ODNB DIW OCIL
Criticism Paul Walsh, The Ó Clerys of Tirconnell, Studies (1935); Walsh, The Ó Cléirigh Family of Tír Conaill (1938).
References Dictionary of National Biography cites his contributions to Iomarbhágh na bhFileadh as 1] A Thaidg tothaoir Torna (O Tadgh, revile not Torna)]; Do chuala a thragrais a Thaidg (I have head all you pleaded, Tadhg); o brosd meisc a mheic Daire (Provoke me not macDaire); and An ccluine me a a mheic Daire (Do you hear me, Ó macDaire)?, v. Tadhg mac Daire macBruaidedh. Of his Life of Aodh, not pedantic ... somtimes the stilted diction found also in Annals of Four Masters; Life of ODonnell, trans. Edward OReilly, [in] Irish Writers (Transactions of Iberno-Celtic Soc. of Dublin 1820), pp.90[ff.]; and Rev. Denis Murphy, SJ, 1893, with intro. and notes.
Brian Cleeve & Anne Brady, A Dictionary of Irish Writers (Dublin: Lilliput 1985); c.1570-c.1620; b. prob. Donegal; participant in the Contention, of the Bards, 1617-20; wrote a life of Red Hugh ODonnell in Irish prose, ed. P. Walsh, in Archivium Hibernicum, VII (Dublin 1922); uncle of Micheál Ó Cléirigh; other eds. of Life by Denis Murphy (1893), and Paul Walsh, Beatha (ITS 1940).
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