Ciarán Ó Coiligh
1953- ;
b. Dublin; ed. UCD and TCD; taught in Modern Languages, UCG [NUI Galway] and UCD [NUI Dublin]; also lect. in Irish in DCU, Drumcondra [Dublin]; appt. President of Newman College, Dublin, 2015; latterly subject of controversy when he posted an email among colleagues condemning same-sex relationships at the death of Anne Louise Gilligan (m. Katherine Zappone) and received suspension of email from DCU; winner of Colm Cille Poetry Prize, (2011); he supported Arlene Foster of DUP and the Northern Ireland Assembly in the assertion of his right to resist the Irish Language Act in 2017, joining her when canvassing in South Co.Down. [WIKI]
Poetry & Prose, Cion (Cló Iar-Chonnachta 1991), 56pp.; Troigh ar an Tairne agus Scéalta Eile (Cló Iar-Chonnachta
1991), 104pp.; Duibhlinn (Cló Iar-Chonnachta 1991), 170pp.;
Slán le Luimneach (Coiscéim. 1999), 96pp. Also ed. Filíocht Ghaeilge: Phádraig Mhic Phiarais' (Baile Átha Cliath: Clóchomhar, 1981).
See also Cion (q.d.); The Heritage of John Paul II; An Fhilíocht chomhaimseartha, 1975-1985; Duibhlinn [all cited in Wikipedia - online] Miscellaneous,
Pádraig de Brún, trans., An Odaisé [Homers Odyssey], ed. Ciarán Ó Coigligh (Coiscéim
1990), 482pp.; ed., Diarmuid Ó Gráinne, Fhealsúnacht
agus an tSíceolaíocht (Coiscéim 1993), 128pp.;
Sándor Petöfi, File Náisiúnta na hUngáire (Coiscéim 1991), 207pp.; ed., Seanchas Inis Meáin
as Bailiúchán na Scol (Coiscéim 1990). 191pp.
Note: Reporting on ÓCoilighs support for Arlene Foster, Belfast Telegraph, refers to his writings credits as three novels, 12 collections of poetry, short stories and also dozens of academic books. (Belfast Telegraph, 24 Feb. 2017 - online.)
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