John O’Connell

1810-1858 [J.P., D.L.]; 3rd son of Daniel O’Connell, the others being Maurice and Morgan; ed. Clongowes Wood College, and TCD; King’s Inns, and bar; MP Youghal, 1832-37; MP Athlone 1837-41; MP Kilkenny 1841-47; tried with his father in State Trials of 1843, imprisoned in Richmond prison and released by order of House of Lords, 1844; dominated Repeal Association during his father’s decline, and was vehement in denouncing what he saw as the irreligious and lawless tendencies of Young Ireland; closed down Conciliation Hall, 1847; reacted to the rising of 1848 by establishing closer links with the government and hence became bête noir of the Young Irelanders;

elected MP for Limerick, from 1847; participated in ejecting of Lord John Russell and the Whigs, 1851; took the Chiltern Hundreds after censure by his constituency; opposed Tenant League; MP Clonmel, 1853; accepted sinecure post in Hanaper Office, Dublin Castle; undistinguished as a speaker; wrote propaganda for the Association, viz., Argument for Ireland (1844); Repeal Dictionary (1845); compiled The Life and Speeches of Daniel O’Connell (1846), and a rambling Recollections (1846); died 24 June; an 11-page obituary appeared in the Irish Quarterly Review. ODNB PI DIB DIH


Ulster Libraries: Belfast Linen Hall Library holds The Repeal Dictionary (1845). Belfast Public Library holds Recollections and Experiences (1849).

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