Peter OConnell
1775-1826; b. Carne, Co. Clare; schoolmaster; befriended by Charles OConor of Belanagare and Dr. Riordan of Limerick, 1785-1819; hailed the visit of George iV in Ireland with an address in Irish, 1821; devoted himself to compiling Gaelic dictionary from Irish and Scottish researches, which however, remained unpublished; sought help from Daniel OConnell (the man was a fool to waste his life on such a useless labour); Anthony O"Donnell, his nephew, and bearer of the MS to Dan OConnell, then pledged [pawned?] it in Tralee for a crown where Eugene OCurry made an effort to redeem it; later becaome property of Hardiman who ultimatley sold it to the British Museum, with a copy in TCD Library; d. Carne. ODNB DIB DIH
Entry on Peter OConnell in DNB |
OCONNELL, PETER (1746-1826), Irish lexicographer, was born in 1746 at Carne, co. Clare. He became a schoolmaster, and gave his spare time to the study of Irish manuscripts and to the preparation of an Irish dictionary. He was, of course, thoroughly versed in the spoken language, and became deeply learned in the older literary forms. He travelled about Ireland, and paid a long visit to Charles OConor (1710-1791) [q. v.] at Belanagare. In 1812 a Dr. OReardon of Limerick, who cared for Irish studies, gave him a home in his house and helped him in every way. OConnells Dictionary, which he had begun in 1785, was complete in 1819; but, unfortunately, he had a difference with Dr. OReardon as to the method of publication, left his house, and carried the manuscript, and many others which he had collected, to the house of his brother Patrick at Carne. This brother died in 1824, and as the lexicographer had been able to find no means of publication, he sent his nephew, Anthony OConnell, to Daniel OConnell, the Liberator [q. v.] of Tralee, at the time of the assizes, hoping that the great politician, who was an orator in Irish as well as in English, would aid the publication of the work. OConnell declined, whereupon Anthony OConnell pledged the manuscript in Tralee. Eugene OCurry [q. v.] made efforts to recover it, but it became the property of James Hardiman [q. v.], who sold it and other Irish manuscripts to the British Museum. OConnells manuscript lexicon, which is of much philological value, is numbered Egerton 83, and is much consulted by editors of Irish texts. It consists of 330 leaves, and is written in English characters. Standish H. OGrady has pointed out that the infixed pronoun in Irish, of which the discovery has sometimes been attributed to J. C. Zeuss (Grammatica Celtica, bk. ii. c. iv.), is clearly noticed and explained under the articles rom, ron, ros, rot, by Peter OConnell. Three later manuscript copies of this dictionary exist: one in the British Museum (Egerton 84 and 85), made by John ODonovan [q. v.]; one in Trinity College, Dublin (H. 5. 25. 26), copied from ODonovans copy; and one in the Royal Irish Academy, copied from the Trinity College copy. Eugene OCurry and his brother Malachi both received instruction from OConnell, and he was often a guest at their fathers house at Dunaha, co. Clare, which is about ten miles from Carne. Bibl.: OCurrys manuscript Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in British Museum; Hardimans manuscript note in Egerton 83 in Brit. Mus.; S. H. OGradys Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the British Museum; Egerton 83.
Available online; accessed 24.01.2020. |
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Daniel OConnell: OConnell, to whom Anthony, a nephew of Peter, brought the dictionary compiled by his uncle, dismissed the author as an old fool for having spent his life on such a work. (See Michael Cronin, Translating Ireland: Translations, Languages, Cultures, Cork UP 1996, p.116.)
Note: Joep Leerssen (in Remembrance and Imagination, 1996), notes the failure of Peter OConnell to get his magnificent dictionary published, and refers to Daniel OConnells dismissive addition when asked for support in the year of Peter OConnells death as well-known, citing Oliver MacDonagh, OConnell, p.11 - but notes that OConnell subscribed to Edward OReillys Sanas Gaoidhigle-Sags-Bhearla (1817; cf. 2nd end. 1821, p.v-vi). Leerssen gives the year of his death as 1824.
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