Conleth O’Connor

1947-1993 ; b. Newbridge, Co. Kildare; Trinities (1976), thin vol. of prose and verse; committee member of Irish Writers’ Union and Irish Writers’ Centre; member of Aosdana; printed “Purdah” in mem. Mary Farl Powers; an obituary by Philip Casey in the Irish Times was reprinted as ‘An Appreciation’ in Poetry Ireland (Summer 1995); Selected Poems with an foreword by Anthony Cronin (1997). DIL


Trinities (Clondalkin: Profile 1976); Behind the Garden Gnomes (Raven Arts Press 1982), 39pp.[0 906897 36 X]; A Corpse Auditions Its Mourners: New and Selected Poems (Raven Arts 1987), 89pp.; prev. collections, Trinities (Profile Press 1976); The Judas Cry (Raven 1979); Behind the Garden Gnomes (Raven 1982); Nights without Stars, Days Without Sun: Selected Poems, foreword by Anthony Cronin (Dublin: New Island Books 1997).


Nights without Stars, Days Without Sun”, poem published posthumously in The Irish Times (8 Feb. 1997): ‘The sea fumbles its way towards the horizon / a cold night for walking with her by my side. / The city’s lights are bristling under the supremacy / of the stars. / Dawn is waiting round the corner / to offer a garland of light / for people to strive in. / She is present in my thoughts, so clearly that my skin / tingles as it used to when we turned from each other / we from the heat of love. / The sea fumbles its way to the horizon / while I stumble towards the void.’

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