James Arthur O’Connor

1792-1841;Irish landscape painter; b. Dublin; son of engraver and printer; self-taught, with some lessons from William Sadler; exhibited RDS, 1809; painted views of Westport and Ballinarobe (also Portumna); for Lords Sligo and Lord Clanricarde, 1818-19; went to London with Petrie and Francis Danby, exhibiting in RA, 1822, and also British Institute to 1840; painted intense landscapes of wild scenery in miniature scale;
visited France, Holland, and Rhineland, remaining on the continent, 1826-33; affinities with Caspar David Friedrich; returned to London, where he had lived since 1822; on returning, found his pictures not much wanted; failing health; d. 7 Jan. at lodgings, 6 Marlborough St., Brompton; there is an obit., presum. by George Mulvany, in Dublin Monthly Magazine (April 1842). ODNB DIB BREF WJM


John Hutchinson, James Arthur O’Connor [Cat. 1985 Exhibition] (NGI 1985).

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