Brian Ó Cuív
Life 1916-1999; Irish language scholar; expert on Cork dialects; ed. Proceedings of International Congress of Celtic Studies (1959); ed. Celtica 1974-1990;also ed. Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College libraries (DIAS 2001-03);
d. 13 Nov. 1999;
Works Irish Dialects and Irish-Speaking Districts: Three Lectures (1951; rep. 1993), 95pp., ill. [maps]; Cnósach focal ó Bhaile Bhúirne i gCunndae Chorcaí: Mícheál Ó Briain (1866-1942)
a bhailig (1947), xii+287pp.; ed., Seven Centuries of Irish Learning [Thomas Davis Lects.] (Stat. Ofice [for Radio Eireann 1961), 151pp; A View of the Irish Language (Dublin: Stationary Office 1969), x, 156pp.; Aspects of Irish Personal Names (1986), 36pp.; [ed.,] Sean Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaighs Irish primer of religion, published in 1571 (1994), x, 246pp.; Irish Language and Literature, 1845-1921, in A New History of Ireland, ed. W. E. Vaughan, Vol. V: Ireland under the Union, II: 1870-1921 (2009), pp.385-35.
See also The Penitential Psalms in Irish Verse [rep. from Eigse 1900] (q.d.); ed. Eigse: a journal of Irish Studies, Vol. XIV: Pts I, II & III (NUI 1971); Do. Vol. XV, Pts. I, II & III (NUI 1974).
[ 109 items by O Cuiv are listed in the DIAS Cat. (1996) - online; access 29.08.2023. ]
Criticism Pádraig de Brún and Máirtín Ó Murchú, eds. [assisted by Colin Ireland], Celtica: Journal of the School of Irish Studies, Vol. 21: Essays in honour of Brian Ó Cuív (1990), p.x, 678pp.; N[icholas] J. A. Williams, rev. of Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma: Seaán Ó Cearnaigh's Irish Primer of Religion Published in 1571, ed. Brian Ó Cuív, in Studia Hibernica, 28 (Liverpool UP 1994), pp.164-67; Tomás Ó Con Cheanainn, "Brian Ó Cuív (1916–1999)", in Éigse, 33 (2002), pp.227–28 [apprec.] Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh, ed., A Title Index of Brian Ó Cuívs Publications, 1942–71, in Celtica, 24 (2003),pp.270–79; Celtica [Spec. iIss. In memory of Brian Ó Cuív] (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).
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