Donnchadh Mór Ó
c.1175-1244 [var. Donogh ODalagh the Great]; prob. b. Meath; brother of Muireadach Albanach; held by respectful legend to have been Abbot of Boyle, Co. Roscommon, where he died; founded branch of family settling in Clare; religious poetry of high standing, still in Gaeltacht repertoire; poems by later poets also ascribed to him. DIW ODNB OCIL
Works See Kuno Meyer, Anecdota from Irish MSS, XI, Gaelic Journal V (Dublin 1894); C. Ward, Mil na mBeach (Dublin 1911), Lambert McKenna S.J., ed., Dán Dé, the Poems of Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh and the Religious Poems in the Dunaire of the Yellow Book of Lecan (Dublin 1922).
Note: Church of Ireland Hymnal (1960, 1987), gives Alúinn dún Mic Muire, trans. Coslett W. C. Quinn [No. 321; listed as Donogh ODalagh, the Great, d.1244].
References Dictionary of National Biography lists more than thirty poems, chiefly devotional, attributed to him.
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