Tadhg Ó Donnchadha
Life 1874-1949 [pseud. Torna]; b. Carrignavar, Co. Cork; ed. locally and North Monastery, CBS, and St Patricks TTC, Drumcondra; editor of Banba (1901-6) and from 1901-08, Irish language editor of The Freemans Journal; contrib. to Irisleabhar na Gaeilge/Gaelic Journal. Leabhar Cloinne Aodh Buidhe (Dublin 1931).
References British Library Catalogue lists under Tadhg Ó Donnchadh [Torna] incl Imtechta an Oireactais (Gaelic League 1898); do., 897; 101; 1903 [var. bks]; Saotar Filideata an Atar Padraigin Haicead (1916); Handbook of Irish Music (1928); Fócloir [Irish Free State] (1928); trans. of Alice Milligan, Oisin in Tir na nOg (1944); trans. Molières Bourgeois Gentilhomme (1930); &c.
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