O’Donnell [family name]

Dictionary of National Biography

  • John Francis O’Donnell [see infra].
  • Calvagh O’Donnell (d.1566), lord of Tyrconnel, son of Manus, claimed leadership 1547, reconciled to his father by lord-deputy 1549, removed to Scotland and returned with assistance 1556, captured and usurped father, reconciled to English, 1558, surprised and captured [kidnapped] by Shane O’Neill 1561, released 1594, solicited help from Elizabeth in London, returned and restored by Sir Henry Sidney 1566; Hugh Balldearg (d.1704), soldier of fortune, property in Spain raised 10,000 men for Tyrconnel, quarrelled, joined Williamites, and contrib. to fall of Sligo, fought for Austria, became major-gen. in Spanish Army; Hugh Roe O’Donnell [see infra].
  • Hugh O’Donnell, aka Hugh Roe O’Donnell, or Red Hugh O’Donnell (?1571-1602) [see infra].
  • Manus O’Donnell (d.1564), lord of Tyrconnel, deputy-gov. of Tyrconnel, 1510, forced into alliance with O’Neill by quarrels with his brothers, chief 1537, invaded Pale with O’Neill 1539, routed and submitted 1541, released brothers at wish of St Leger 1542, attacked by Calvagh O’Donnell 1548 [as above], built castle of Portnatrynod where the Life of St Columcille was completed under his direction.
  • Mary Stuart O’Donnell (fl.1632), dg. Rory O’Donnell, escaped from her grandmother in male clothing, suspected at Bristol, reached Brussels, continued adventures as a man, m. O’Gallagher.
  • Sir Niall Garv O’Donnell (1569-1626), gs. of Calvagh; opposed his cousin Owen Roe as chief, promised Tyrconnel by Dowcra 1600, took Lifford and Donegal from his O’Neill, and opposed Cahir O’Dogherty as lord of Inisowen, causing himself to be inaugurated chief 1602, pardoned in London, and arrested for complicity in O’Dogherty’s rebellion 1608, not convicted by jury, died in Tower.
  • Rory O’Donnell (1575-1608), first earl of Tyrconnel, gs. of Manus, br. of Owen Roe, chief figure after flight of earls 1602, created earl 1603, granted Donegal 1604, aimed at independence and divulged plan to seize Dublin to Richard Nugent, and left Ireland on finding his speeches were known 1607, landed in France with Earl of Tyrone and others 1607, travelled to Brussels and Louvain, and finally to Rome, where he was well received but died of fever, put religious disabilities foremost in statement of grievances, cleared the way for Ulster settlement by his flight.

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