Frank Hugh O’Donnell, The History of the Irish Parliamentary Party (1910) - Vol. 1 [of 2]

Bibliographical details: The History of the Irish Parliamentary Party, 2 vols. (London: Longmans, Green & Co 1910) - of which Vol. I - Butt and Parnell: Nationhood and Anarchy; The Curse of the American Money, / by F. Hugh O’Donnell, M.A., Q.U.I. Formerly M.P. for Galway and Dungarvan Ex-Member Of Council of Home Rule League of Ireland Ex-Vice-President of Home Rule Confederation in Great Britain Ex-President of Glasgow Home Rule Association / with portraits and other illustrations (London: Longmans & Green 1910), 508pp. (

Contents of Vol. I Contents of Vol. II


Contents of the First Volume


CHAPTER I: THE CAUSES OF THE HOME RULE MOVEMENT. The Causes of the Home Rule Movement — From the Fenian Conspiracy to the Act of Union — From the Act of Union to the Fenian Conspiracy [5]

CHAPTER II: THE ORIGINS OF THE HOME RULE MOVEMENT. Career of Isaac Butt — Federalism better than Repeal — Ireland’s Share of Empire — No Single Chamber — -Irish Gentry’ ruined by the Union — Irish Opinion ignored by England [47]

CHAPTER III: PRINCIPLES OF THE HOME RULE MOVEMENT. Main Principles of the Home Rule Constitution of 1873 — No Interference with the Settlement of Land — Sectarian Legislation to be unlawful — Members of Parliament to be Representatives and not Delegates — The Act of Union in the Imperial Parliament — Nonclerical but not Anti-clerical [65]


CHAPTER IV: THE SESSION OF 1874. From the Platform of the Conference to the Floor of the House — The Conservatism of the First Home Rule Party — The Disraelian Flippancy towards Ireland — Butt’s Great Speech on the Address — Inauguration of the New Policy on an Indian Famine Question in 1874 [87]

CHAPTER V: THE SESSION OF 1875 The Second Session of the Home Rule Parliamentary Party — Mr. Gladstone’s Polemics — ’ Vaticanism,’ Mr. James Lowther, and IMaynooth — Mr. John Mitchell and Mr. John Martin — The Foundation of Irish Obstruction — Mr. A. M. Sullivan, M.P., is the Founder — Coercion and Obstruction — Isaac Butt in the Fray — Isaac Butt and the Marquis of Hartington — The O’Connell Centenary and an AntiButt Intrigue — Enemies of Home Rule in Ireland — Peter Paul Puppet MacSweeney — The Fall of Mr. P. J. Smythe, M.P., and some others [106]

CHAPTER VI: THE SESSION OF 1876. Great Activity of the Butt Party — General Indignation in England— The Indignation of the Times — Mr. Parnell a Routine Member — Land, Education, and Home Rule Debates — Progress of Amnesty — John Bright’s Defence of the Manchester Martyrs — The Constitution of the Confederation [140]


CHAPTER VII: SECRET HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN, METHOD, AND OBJECTS OF THE NEW POLICY THE COUNCIL OF THREE AT THE MORNING POST - The Session of 1877— The Advent of Obstruction — My Return to Parliament — Suggestive Summaries in the British Press upon the Year — The Secret History of the Origin, Method, and Objects of the New Supplement to the Irish Procedure at Westminster — The End of the Fairy Tales— The Morning Post as Council Chamber of Irish Retaliation — The Origin of the Active Policy — To promote or avenge Home Rule — A Policy of Universal Intervention — A Policy of Popular Reform and Interracial Alliance — The Indispensable Service of Mr. Adam Kernahan — How Mr. Kernahan popularised the New Policy — Not Westminster but Dublin defeated the Active Policy — A Lion’s Mouth at Westminster — How I saved Arabi Pasha — England’s Alternative [171]

CHAPTER VIII: THE SESSION OF 1877 — MY RETURN TO PARLIAMENT — THE TWENTY-SIX HOURS’ SITTING MY TREATY WITH PRESIDENT KRUGER. Why £500 to Biggar and Parnell? — Mr. Sheridan Knowles coaches Parnell — Dungarvan — Ridiculous Necessity of Obstruction —South Africa Bill — My Talks with President Kruger — Mr. Biggar and Mr. Chaplin — Encouraging Mr. Courtney [202]


CHAPTER IX: THE SESSION OF 1877: PARNELL UNDERMINING BUTT. The Failing Lion — Parnell’s Gallery Play — The Obstructionist Craze — Parnell evicts Butt [237]

CHAPTER X: SECOND HOME RULE — CONFERENCE FENIAN CONSULTATION — AMERICAN FENIANISM ON THE SCENE The Session of 1878 — Butt and Parnell — Butt accepts Activity but condemns Obstruction — The Home Rule Conference in January — The Jacobins want a County Gintleman — They think they have got Him — The Alliance of Rome and London — The Irish Prelates hostile to Home Rule — Lord Leitrim’s Murder — Famine Memories in America — The Beginning of the American-Irish Intervention — The Irish Mission to America in 1876 — No British Ambassador — Then no Washington Government — Parnell admires the Constitution of the State of New York — The Clann-na-Gael Mission to Ireland — The Joint Conference of the Fenian Brotherhood and the Active Party^My Programme — Parnell’s Ambiguity — The New Departure — Parnell surrenders Home Rule — The Prelude of the Land League [254]

CHAPTER XI: THE SESSION OF 1878 : MR. BUTT’S BREAKING HEALTH AND HEART — PARNELL CONTINUES DISSENSION — THE TORIES AND THE CLERGY. The Session of 1878 — The Situation at Westminster — Mr. Parnell’s Renewed Attacks upon the Home Rule Leader — -Mr. Butt’s Breaking Health and Heart — Russian Policy in the East and the Parnellites — Progress of anti-Home Rule Agitation in Ireland— The Tory Government and the Catholic Clergy — The Education Control Concession — The Ruin of Education — Two Calamitous Acts — The Intermediate Education Act of 1878 and the Queen’s-University- Abolition and Examining-Board-University Act of 1879 — An Education to produce Failures [286]

CHAPTER XII: THE SESSION OF 1 879: THE DEATH OF ISAAC BUTT — MR. SHAW, M.P., AS CHAIRMAN — THE SKIRMISHING FUND STARTS — THE FARMERS’ ALLIANCE. The Session of 1879 — Social Revolution and High Politics — The Widening of Divergences — The Death of Isaac Butt — Mr. Shaw as Leader — Mr. Parnell throws off the Mask — Increasing Incompetence of the Beaconsfield Government towards Ireland — The Skirmishing Fund founds the Land League — Mr. Davitt proclaims the Socialist State— Mr. Parnell follows and explains — Preparing the General Election in England — The Last Army Flogging Act — The Farmers’ Alliance . [311]


CHAPTER XIII: MY POLICY OF INTERVENTION IN BRITISH POLITICS THE FARMERS’ ALLIANCE. The Policy of Intervention applied to British Agricultural Politics — Operation of the Farmers’ Alliance — To drive a Wedge between the English Landlords and the English Tenants — How we emptied sixty Tory Seats at the General Election of 1880 [345]

CHAPTER XIV: THE LAND LEAGUE IN 1879 — THE AMERICAN FARMERS KILLED IRISH AGRICULTURE — THE AMERICAN FENIANS BLAMED THE IRISH LANDLORDS — THE WORK OF THE DOLLARS. The Land League in 1879 — An English-bred Factory-hand as Reformer of Ireland — Mr. Lowther’s Unconventional Reply — Mr. Davitt on the Parnellite Coalition [365]

CHAPTER XV: THE ACT OF UNION THE KNELL OF IRISH LANDED ESTATE — THE FOLLY AND THE FALL OF THE IRISH GENTRY. The Land League and the Landowners — The Fall of the Irish Gentry — Four Periods in their Fall — The Disfranchisement in 1829 fatal to Ireland — How the Potato Blight was made Famine — Encumbered Estates and Church Disendowment Acts [395]

CHAPTER XVI: WITH £100,000 CONTRIBUTED BY IRISH AMERICA PARNELL ATTACKS HIS HOME RULE COLLEAGUES AND DISRUPTS THE HOME RULE PARTY — THE HISTORICAL HOME RULERS OF GRATTAN AND BUTT THE AGRARIAN PROLETARIANS OF THE LAND LEAGUE AND THE IRISH WORLD FUND. The Session of 1880 — The Parliamentary Development of the Land League- — The Collections and the Constituencies — The IrishAmerican Dollar and the British Electoral Law — Practical Impossibility of Free Elections — The General Election in Britain — The Home Rule Confederation and the Beaconsfield Manifesto — The Farmers’ Alliance — Parnell attacks the Home Rule Party — Avowed Revolution and Intended Compromise — Undeception of the Fenians — The Favourite Lieutenants — Parnell makes Russell an M.P. [424]

CHAPTER XVII: THE SESSION OF 1880 — FAILURE OF CROPS IN IRELAND THE OPPORTUNITY OF DAVITT AND PARNELL. Land League Sympathisers in I,iberal Party and Cabinet — National Fenians detest Land League — Mr. H. J. Gladstone and Frank Byrne — Compensation for Disturbance— National Fenians oppose Parnell — Parnellites and Bradlaughites — The Fourth Party — Tipperary and Northampton [467]

Contents of Vol. I Contents of Vol. II

Contents of the Second Volume


CHAPTER XVIII: THE SESSION OF 1881 — PARNELL FEARS THE LEAGUE — FROM WEXFORD TO KILMAINHAM. Foreign Opinion on Irish Crisis — Ford's Cheques — National and Ribbon Fenians — Parnell and Crime — Coercion before Reform plays Parnell's game — Crude Obstruction brings the Dollars — Gladstone's unsettling Land Bill — Parnell's Provocation — ' The Old Methods ' to the Front — United Ireland founded — Safe in Kilmainham ! — The Land League suppressed — Stafford Election [3]

CHAPTER XIX: THE SESSION OF 1882 — MR. EGAN'S YEAR — MR. PARNELL LIES LOW IN KILMAINHAM AND EGAN PAYS THE LOCUM TENENS — THE LIBERAL PROTECTORS — THE LADIES’ LAND LEAGUE — CLOSURE IN PARLIAMENT — THE ACT AND THE GENTRY. Lying Low in Kilmainham — Captain Moonlight as Locum Tenens — An Invitation to visit Parnell — Kilmainham as Headquarters— Co. Derry Election — “Vote for Porter and Fair Rents” — Messrs. T. P. O’Connor and P. Ford — Madam Moonlight — Coercion pour rire — The Allies in the Cabinet — “The Rollers of the Ball”  — Undercultivation and Depopulation under the Land Act — Six Points of Injury — ' The Rule of Funk ' — Shrinkages of Employment and Trade — Why did the Government protect the Foreign Moonlighter Fund? [41]

CHAPTER XX: THE SESSION OF 1882 — THE COERCION FIASCO — THE LAND ACT FIASCO — THE TIMES INVITES ME TO EXPLAIN THE CORE OF THE IRISH DIFFICULTY — GLADSTONE, CHAMBERLAIN, THE O’SHEAS, AND PARNELL — FROM KILMAINHAM TO PHCENIX PARK. The Locum Tenens did the rest — Why I applied to the Times — The Arrears were the Core of the Difficulty and the Opportunity of the Locum Tenens — The Times backs my Disclosures — Kilmainham baffled if Arrears settled — Origin and Remedy of the Difficulty — Gladstone's Treaty with Parnell revived the League — Through Mr. H. Gladstone I plead for Arrears and Amnesty — Mr. Gladstone prefers a Compact with Parnell — The Locum Tenens refuses to resign [84]

CHAPTER XXI: THE SESSION OF 1882 — THE BLOOD ON THE TREATY — PARNELL DENOUNCES MURDER AT LAST — GLADSTONE SUPPORTS PARNELL. The Session of 1882 — The Invincibles break the Bargain — Parnell, Davitt, Dillon and McCarthy in Council — Parnell's Despair — Gladstone's Magnanimity or Calculation — Mrs. O’Shea persuades Gladstone to save Parnell — Gladstone credits Parnell with the Arrears Settlement — Another Coercion Bill gives Parnell another Opportunity — The Obstruction of Coercion effaces the Surrender in Kilmainham — Pat Ford sends Dollars and Charles Russell manages Ministerialists — ' All the Bridges were cut ' — Old Mr. Brady was unconvinced — Gladstone's Mistake about Parnell's ' Restraining Influence ' — The Great Activity of Mr. Charles Russell, Q.C., M.P. — A Grave Condition of the British Press [121]

CHAPTER XXII: THE SESSIONS OF 1883, 1884, AND 1885 — MRS. O’SHEA SUPPORTS GLADSTONE — GLADSTONE'S RISING INFLUENCE AND PARNELL'S SINKING HEALTH AND POWER — THE END OF ELECTORAL FREEDOM. Land Act checks neither Emigration nor Crime — Undercultivation and Dismissal of Labour — Eltham supports Gladstone — Mrs. O’Shea and Parnellites — Trial of Invincibles — Forster attacks and enriches Parnell — Conciliating Gladstone and Ford — Secretary of State Bill — Parnell's Party getting Gladstonised — Migration Sham — Secondary Education Destruction — Ruinous Effects of Electoral Laws of 1884-5 — Parnell eclipsed by the Lieutenants — The Galway Election Mutiny — Parnell's Failing Health — His Contempt for his Followers [142]


CHAPTER XXIII: THE FIRST BILL FOR GLADSTONIAN HOME RULE — MR. GLADSTONE SUPPLANTS PARNELL. The Sessions of 1885 and 1886— Mr. Gladstone wants to exclude the Irish— Parnell's Last Effort for a Grattan Parliament — The Mutual Accusations of Party Government — Lord Salisbury and Home Rule — Lord Randolph Churchill and Parnellism — The Reform Act of 1885 and its Consequences in Ireland — TheTall of the Gladstone Ministry in 1885 as Preliminary to the Conversion of the Liberal Party — The First Gladstonian Home Rule Bill — An Impossible Fancy Scheme — Mr. Chamberlain avenges the Empire and himself — Mr. Gladstone leads the Converted Liberals and the Disappointed Parnellites into Opposition — Parnell more retiring and ill than ever — Mr. Gladstone champions the Plan of Campaign and out-Parnells Parnell — The Union of Hearts and the Attacks of the Times — Parnellism and Crime? [181]

CHAPTER XXIV: THE SESSIONS OF 1888 AND 1889 — BEHIND THE SCENES OF PARNELLISM AND CRIME — SIR CHARLES RUSSELL'S MANAGEMENT— WHAT THE PUBLIC SAW AND WHAT THE PUBLIC DID NOT SEE — FOUNDING THE INVINCIBLES — THE CONCLUSIONS? A Letter from Sir Charles Russell — The Beginnings of the Trouble — O’Donnell v. Walter — What the Public saw and what the Public did not see — The Special Commission — The Invincibles founded by the Land League — The Conclusions? [224]

CHAPTER XXV: THE SESSIONS OF 1890 AND 1891 — BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE DIVORCE COURT — THE CASE OF PARNELL AND MRS. O’SHEA — SENILE AMBITION AND VINDICTIVENESS — THE HIRED MEN'S REVOLT — TREACHERY AND TRAGEDY THE CHURCHMEN'S CHANCE — MORE FANCY HOME RULE. Behind the Scenes of the Divorce Drama — The Tragedy of the Woman — The Wrath of the Man — Mr. Gladstone admires Vaticanism at last — The Desertion of the Lieutenants — An Abyss of Meanness and Dirt — From Glasnevin to the Second Bill for Gladstonian Home Rule [286]


CHAPTER XXVI: IRISH PARLIAMENTARIANISM AND NATIONALISM FROM THE FALL OF PARNELL TO THE PRESENT DAY. THE MISERABLE SPLIT — Violent Scenes and Recriminations — Mr. Gladstone's Second Experiment in Home Rule — The In-and-Out Bill — Mr. Redmond's Criticisms— From Gladstone to Balfour via Rosebery — The Tweedmouth Cheque and the End of the Split— Mr. Balfour's Attitude — The Congestion Policy — The Continuous Decline of the Gentry:

“RES AD TRIARIOS” — The Education Chaos — Lord MacDonnell's Council Bill — Maynooth and Home Rule — the Sound Loyalty of the Church — The Gaelic League — Sinn F6in — Electoral and Financial Organisation of the Parliamentary Party — The Patrons of Ribbonism. THE IRISH IN AMERICA — The Irish who are ex-Irish — Irish Americans and American Imperialism — The Parliamentarians and Militant Nationalism [331]

CHAPTER XXVII: INTERVENTION IN GENERAL AND IMPERIAL AFFAIRS. RECAPITULATION — Annotation to Debates against Flogging — Objections to an Ambassador — Foundation of Constitutional Union of India — Indian Press and Leaders accept my Proposals — Inauguration of the Constitutional Society of India — The National Democratic League — Election Expenses the Bulwark of the Dublin Tammany — The Clergy and the League — The Fraud on the Electorate — Gombeen-man and League Press — Conclusion — A Lesson from Ancient Rome . [409]


IRELAND AFTER THE LAST ELECTION: No Practical Alteration whatever — Private Purse against Collecting Hat — Level of Representation unchanged — The Holders of the Balance of Power [474]

INDEX [479]

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