John O’Donoghue

1900-1964; b. and lived at Coomlaegill, Co. Kerry; served in the Garda Siochána, 1924-31; entered a monastery and afterwards left it; emigrated to England; issued In a Quiet Land (1957), with a foreword by Sean O’Faolain, In a Strange Land (1958), and In Kerry Long Ago (1960). DIW DIL


In a Quiet Land: An Account of the author’s Youth in the West of Ireland, with a foreword by Sean O’Faolain (London: B. T. Batsford 1957), 208pp.; In a Strange Land (London: B. T. Batsford 1958), 218pp.; In Kerry Long Ago (London: B. T. Batsford 1960), 208pp.


Belfast Public Library
holds In A Quiet Land (1957).

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