Peadar Ó Dubhda
1881-1971; b. Dundalk; ed. National School to 12, becoming messanger boy;
self-taught in Irish, co-founded Gaelic league branch, 1889; collected
songs and stories in Gaeltacht; won Oireachtas music awards; given temporary
certificate of competence in Irish by Patrick Pearse, 1914; translated
Douai Bible into Irish; involved in argument with clergy over its use
in churches; produced illuminated manuscript of Irish Bible, completed
in 1953; 3,000pp. in NLI.
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Aodh Ó Cearra & Séamus Céitinn, Peadar Ó
Dubhda, A Shaol agus a Shaothar (Dublin 1981), includes Séamus
Céitinn, Peadar Ó Dubhda, An Scríbhneoir Gaeilge.
[See Alan Titley, An tÚrscéal Gaeilge (1991).]
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