Marie Arndt, “Seán O’Faoláin: Select Bibliography”

Bibliographical note: Marie Arndt, A Critical Study of Sean O’Faolain’s Life and Work (NY & Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press 2001), with the permission of the author. The bibliographical format of the original has been largely retained.
Works Criticism


Interview, Letters and other archive material
  • Eilis Dillon. Interview with the author. Dublin, Ireland, 16 July 1992.
  • Richard Ellmann Papers. McFarlin Library. University of Tulsa.
  • Richard Murphy Papers. McFarlin Library. University of Tulsa. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Curtis Brown Collection. Columbia University Libraries / Columbia Rare Book and Manuscript Library. New York.
  • Frank O’Connor Papers. Boston University, Mugar Memorial Library, Department of Special Collections. Boston, Mass.
  • Sean O’Faolain Papers. Boston College, John J. Burns Library. Boston, Mass.
  • Serpillo, Giuseppe. Letters from Sean O’Faolain.1984 and 1985. Privately owned.
  • A Nest of Simple Folk. New York: Viking Press 1934.
  • Bird Alone. London: Jonathan Cape 1936.
  • Come Back to Erin. New York: Viking Press 1940.
  • And Again? London: Constable 1979.
  • Vive Moi! London: Rupert Hart-Davis 1965.
  • Vive Moi!. 2d edn. Edited and afterword, by Julia O’Faolain. London: Sinclair- Stevenson 1993.

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Collections of short stories
  • Midsummer Night Madness and Other Stories. London: Jonathan Cape 1932. [“Midsummer Night Madness”, “Lilliput”, “Fugue”, “The Small Lady”, “The Bombshop”, “The Death of Stevey Long”, “The Patriot.]
  • A Purse of Coppers: Short Stories. London: Jonathan Cape 1937. [“A Broken World”, “The Old Master”, “Sinners”, “Admiring the Scenery”, “Egotists”, “Kitty the Wren”, “My Son Austin”, “A Born Genius”, “Sullivan’s Trousers”, “A Meeting”, “Discord”, “The Confessional”, “Mother Matilda’s Book”, “There’s a Birdie in the Cage”]
  • Teresa, and Other Stories. London: Jonathan Cape 1947. [“Teresa”, “The Man Who Invented Sin”, “Unholy Living and Half Dying”, “The Silence of the Valley”, “Innocence”, “The Trout”, “Shades of the Prison House”, “The End of a Good Man”, “Passion”, “A Letter”, “Vive La France!”, “The Woman Who Married Clark Gable”, “Lady Lucifer” ].
  • The Man Who Invented Sin, and Other Stories. New York: Devin-Adair 1949. [“The Man Who Invented Sin”, “Unholy Living and Half Dying”, “The Silence of the Valley”, “Innocence”, “The Trout”, “Shades of the Prison House”, “The End of a Good Man”, “Passion”, “A Letter”, “Vive La France!”, “The Woman Who Married Clark Gable”, “Lady Lucifer”, “Up the Bare Stairs”, “The Fur Coat”, “Teresa”]
  • The Finest Stories of Sean O’Faolain. Boston: Little, Brown Atlantic 1957. [Includes the stories: “Midsummer Night Madness”, “Fugue”, “The Patriot”, “A Broken World”, “The Old Master”, “Sinners”, “Admiring the Scenery”, “A Born Genius”, “Discord”, “The Confessional”, “Mother Matilda’s Book”, “One True Friend”, “The Man Who Invented Sin”, “Teresa”, “Unholy Living and Half Dying”, “Up the Bare Stairs”, “The Judas Touch”, “The Trout”, “The Fur Coat”, “The End of a Good Man”, “The Silence of the Valley”, “The End of the Record”, “Lord and Master”, “Persecution Mania”, “An Enduring Friendship”, “Childybawn”, “Lovers of the Lake”]
  • The Stories of Seán O’Faoláin. London: Rupert Hart-Davis 1958. Identical volume to The Finest Stories of Sean O’Faolain.
  • I Remember! I Remember!. Boston: Little Brown and Co 1961. [“I Remember! I Remember!”, “The Sugawn Chair”, “A Shadow, Silent as a Cloud”, “A Touch of Autumn in the Air”, “The Younger Generation”, “Love’s Young Dream”, “Two of a Kind”, “Angels and Ministers of Grace”, “One Night in Turin”, “Miracles Don't Happen Twice”, “No Country for Old Men”]
  • The Heat of the Sun, Stories and Tales. Boston: Little Brown and Co 1966. [“In the Bosom of the Country”, “Dividends”, “The Heat of the Sun”, “The Human Thing”, “One Man, One Boat, One Girl”, “Charlie’s Greek”, “Billy Billee”, “Before the Daystar”, “£1000 for Rosebud”, “A Sweet Colleen”, “Passion”]
  • The Talking Trees. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press 1970; London: Jonathan Cape 1971. [“The Planets of the Years”, “A Dead Cert”, “Hymeneal”, “The Talking Trees”, “Liars”, “Feed My Lambs”, “Our Fearful Innocence”, “Brainsy”, “Thieves”, “Of Sanctity and Whiskey”, “The Kitchen”, in Stories of Sean O’Faolain. 1970. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1977.
  • Foreign Affairs. London: Constable 1976; Boston: Little Brown 1976; Harmondsworth: Penguin 1978. [“The Faithless Wife”, “Something, Everything, Anything, Nothing”, “An Inside Outside Complex”, “Murder at Cobbler's Hulk”, “Foreign Affairs”, “Falling Rocks, Narrowing Road, Cul-de-Sac, Stop”, “How to Write a Short Story”, “Liberty”]
  • Selected Stories. London: Constable 1978. Boston: Little Brown 1978.
  • Collected Stories. 3 vols. London: Constable 1980-82.
  • Collected Short Stories. Vol. 1, Midsummer Night Madness. 1980. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1982.
  • Collected Short Stories. Vol. 2, The Heat of the Sun. 1981. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1983.
  • Collected Short Stories. Vol. 3, Foreign Affairs and Other Stories. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986.

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Separately published stories
  • O’Faolain, Sean, “Prendergast”, in Éarna, June 1924, 12-16.
  • “Under the Roof”, in Dial, Sept. 1926, 220-23.
  • “Goldylocks and Curlypoll”, in Spectator, April 1930, 620-21.
  • “Jubilee in the North Abbey” [also as “Mother Matilda’s Book”], in Lovat Dickson’s Magazine, Dec. 1933, 60-74.
  • There’s a Birdie in the Cage. London: Grayson & Grayson 1935.
  • “A Meeting”, in Living Age, Sept. 1935, 66-69.
  • The Born Genius. Detroit: Schuman’s 1936.
  • “The Murderer”, in Virginia Quarterly Review 15.3 (1939): 371-78.
  • “Janus”, in The Bell, Oct. 1940, 63-69.
  • “The Warder”, in Virginia Quarterly Review 16.4 (1940): 513-22.
  • “Two Kids”, in The Bell, May 1941, 39-46.
  • “The Warder”, in The Bell, Oct. 1941, 63-70.
  • “The Lonely Woman”, [also as “One True Friend”], in Yale Review 31.2 (1941): 269-78.
  • “The Murderer”, in The Bell, Jan. 1942, 277-84.
  • “Lady Lucifer”, in The Bell, Oct. 1942, 55-62.
  • “Teresa”, in Virginia Quarterly Review 20.2 (1944): 212-31.
  • “The Man Who Invented Sin”, in The Bell, Dec. 1944, 219-32.
  • “The Man Who Invented Sin”, in English Story. Ed. Woodrow Wyatt. London: Collins 1944. 142-54.
  • “Passion”, in Virginia Quarterly 21.2 (1945): 250-55.
  • “The Trout”, in The Bell, Sept. 1945, 489-92.
  • “Small Adam”, in The Bell, Feb. 1946, 942-46.
  • “Vive La France!”, in Irish Writing 1946, 9-18.
  • “The Silence of the Valley”, in The Bell, Sept. 1946, 466-89.
  • “Innocence”, in Yale Review 36.2 (1946): 257-61.
  • “The Silence of the Valley”, in Virginia Quarterly Review 23.2 (1947): 209-30.
  • “The Sugawn Chair”, in The Bell, Dec. 1947, 22-25.
  • “Evening Star”, in Irish Writing, July 1948, 9-20.
  • “The Bells that Nobody Heard”, in Atlantic Monthly, Dec 1948, 40-42.
  • “The Song of Solomon MacGinty”, in Envoy, Dec. 1949, 20-26.
  • “The First Kiss”, in Blarney Annual of Fact and Fancy 1949-50, 42-44.
  • “The Sighing Age”, in Irish Writing, Sept. 1950, 5-18.
  • “The Ould Jug”, in The Bell, Nov. 1950, 52-56.
  • “Eden”, [also as “The Younger Generation”] The Bell, Dec. 1951, 18-26.
  • “The Lonely Woman” [also as “One True Friend”] The Bell, July 1952, 205-12.
  • “Persecution Mania”, in The Bell, Nov. 1952, 325-30.
  • “An Enduring Friendship”, in Commonweal, 9 Jan. 1953, 355-57.
  • “Miracles Don't Happen Twice”, in Irish Writing, Sept. 1954, 18-21.
  • “Childybawn”, in The Bell, Nov. 1954, 11-20.
  • “Angels and Ministers of Grace”, in Irish Writing, Spring 1956, 8-19.
  • “Love’s Young Dream”, in Saturday Evening Post, 3 Oct. 1959.
  • “A Touch of Autumn in the Air”, in Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 1959, 76-9.
  • “I Remember! I Remember!”, in Mademoiselle, June 1961, 93, 105-7.
  • “The Sugawn Chair”, in Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1961, 59-60.
  • “One Man, One Boat, One Girl”, in Saturday Evening Post 19 Oct. 1963.
  • “Too Beautiful, Too Good”, in Ladies’ Home Journal, Oct. 1963.
  • “Three Shapes of Love” [also “The Human Thing”], in Atlantic Monthly, March 1965, 124-8.
  • “Don Juan in Dublin” [also as “Charlie’s Greek”], in Saturday Evening Post 19 June 1965, 48-51.
  • “Billy Billee”, in Critic, Dec. 1965-Jan. 1966, 30-7.
  • “The Jungle of Love” [also as “In the Bosom of the Country”], in Saturday Evening Post, 13 Aug. 1966, 54-63.
  • “A Fool of a Man” [also as “Feed My Lambs”], in Saturday Evening Post, 23 March 1968, 58-66.
  • “What a Stunning Night!” [also as “A Dead Cert”], in Saturday Evening Post, 28 Dec. 1968, 46-47.
  • “The Kitchen”, in Atlantic Monthly, June 1969, 42-5.
  • “Planets of the Years”, in Ladies’ Home Journal, Sept. 1969, 102-3, 161-3.
  • “I’ll Write Wan Terrible Book” [also as “Hymeneal”], in Critic, Sept.- Oct. 1969, 60-73.
  • “The Kitchen”, in Irish University Review 1.1 (1970): 90-7.
  • “How to Write a Short Story”, in Winter’s Tales. Ed. A.D. MacClean. London: Macmillan 1974. 119-36.
  • “Liberty”, in Atlantic Monthly, April 1975, 73-84.
  • “Nora Barnacle: Pictor Ignotus!”, in London Review of Books, 2 Aug.-6 Sept. 1984, 23-24.

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She Had to Do Something. London: Jonathan Cape 1938.
Plays for Radio
  • “He Said to Her”, in In Consequences: a Complete Story in the Manner of the Old Parlour Game in Nine Chapters, each by a different author. Waltham Saint Lawrence: The Golden Cockerell Press 1932. 23-28.
  • The Train to Banbury. In Imaginary Conversations, edited by Rayner Heppenstall. 66-80. London: Secker & Warburg 1948a.


  • “The Young Man Bids Farewell to His Dreaming”, in Living Age, May 1929, 195.
  • “Chronos Ate His Children”, in London Mercury, Dec. 1936, 108-9.


  • The Life Story of Eamon De Valera. Dublin: Talbot Press 1933.
  • ed. The Autobiography of Wolfe Tone. London: Nelson 1937.
  • Constance Markievicz or The Average Revolutionary. 1934. Reprint. London: Jonathan Cape 1938.
  • King of the Beggars. London: Thomas Nelson & Sons 1938.
  • De Valera. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1939.
  • The Great O’Neill. London: Longmans 1942.
  • Newman’s Way. London: Longmans 1952.
  • Constance Markievicz. 1967. 2d ed. London: Cresset Women's Voices 1987.

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Travel: books and articles
  • An Irish Journey. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1940.
  • A Summer in Italy. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode 1949.
  • “The City of Rome”, in Commonweal, 10 March 1950, 575-76.
  • “A New Life for Old Calabria”, in Commonweal, 18 May 1951, 139-41.
  • “From Sicily. A Patchwork of Rags and Silk”, in Commonweal, 14 Sept. 1951, 546-47.
  • “The Gamblers”, in Virginia Quarterly Review 28.3 (1952): 417-34.
  • South to Sicily. London: Collins 1953. In the United States published as An Autumn in Italy. New York: Devin-Adair 1953.
  • “Visit to Padre Pio”, in Commonweal, 28 Aug. 1953, 507-9.
  • “Sean O’Faolain on Sicily”, in Saturday Review of Literature, 24 Oct 1953, 56.
  • “Golden Hill Towns of Italy”, in Holiday, Sept. 1954, 98-106, 120-22.
  • “Italy - Her Wonderful People”, in Holiday, April 1955, 36-43, 118-22, 124-25.
  • “Venice”, in Holiday, Oct.1955, 42-47, 119-23.
  • “Sicily”, in Holiday, May 1956, 46-51, 175-79, 181, 183-84.
  • “Las Vegas”, in Holiday, Sept. 1956, 56-61.
  • “Naples”, in Holiday, Oct. 1956, 98-104, 140-41, 144-47.
  • “The Philadelphia Tradition”, in Holiday, May 1957, 50-67, 99.
  • “The World of Los Angeles”, in Holiday, Oct. 1957, 50-63, 147-50, 152-53, 155.
  • “Ireland”, in Holiday, June 1958, 54-65, 125-26, 128, 130, 132.
  • “Texas”, in Holiday, Oct. 1958, 34-49.
  • “Flavor of Boston”, in Holiday, Dec. 1958, 92-101, 172, 174-77.
  • “The Lovely Lakes of Italy”, in Holiday, March 1959, 90-97, 157-60.
  • “A Pontificial Splendor”, in Holiday, April 1960, 82-91, 189-90 192-93 196.
  • “The New Spirit of Saint Louis”, in Holiday, May 1960.
  • “The Three Chicagos”, in Holiday, Dec.1960.
  • “New Orleans”, in Holiday, Nov.1961, 50-63, 164-5.
  • “Fair Dubl”, in Holiday, April 1963, 72-80, 141-45.
  • “Southern Italy”, in Holiday, Sept. 1964, 38-47, 122-24, 127-128.
  • “The Miracle of Lourdes”, in Holiday, Nov.1964, 66-67, 134-37.
  • “In Search of Sardinia”, in Holiday, Jan.1966, 52-53, 82-85.
  • “Smithsonian: Biographer to the World”, in Holiday, Aug.1967, 44-48, 97-98.
  • “Vatican City: Where the Decisions Are Made?”, in Holiday, Dec. 1968, 68-71, 110-14, 128.


Literary Criticism
  • “Charles Dickens and W. M. Thackeray”, in The English Novelists, edited by Derek Verschoyle. 139-51. London: Chatto & Windus 1936.
  • The Short Story. London: Collins 1948.
  • The Vanishing Hero. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode 1956; Boston: Little, Brown 1957.
Irish social and political history
  • The Story of Ireland. London: Collins 1943.
  • The Irish. West Drayton, Middlesex: Penguin 1947.
  • The Irish. 1969. 2d ed. Reprint. Harmonsworth: Penguin 1981.

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  • Review of Outline of English Philology, by J.J. Hogan. Dublin Magazine, April - June 1935, 74-76.
  • O’Faolain, Sean, review of The Hedge-Schools of Ireland, by P.J. Dowling. Dublin Magazine, April -June 1935, 52-54.
  • Review of Outline of English Philology, by J.J. Hogan. Dublin Magazine, April - June 1935, 74-76.
  • ‘The Spring List’, review of Full House, by M.J. Farrell; Hollywood Cemetary, by Liam O’Flaherty; Stoker Bush, by James Hanley; Tuesday Afternoon, by L.A.G. Strong; Up in the Hills, by Lord Dunsany; Somewhere to the Sea, by Kenneth Reddin; Holy Ireland, by Nora Hoult; Jackets Green, by Patrick Mulloy; Bones of Contention, by Frank O’Connor; All on the Irish Shore, by Denis Ireland. Ireland To-Day, June 1936, 71-75.
  • Review of Studs Lonigan, by James T. Farrell; Fires of Beltane, by Geraldine Cummins; We in Captivity, by Kathleen Pawle; Ugly Brew, by Jake Wynne. Ireland To-Day, July 1936, 70-72.
  • ‘Travellers’ Library’, Review of Islanders, by Peadar O’Donnell; The Men of Ness, by Eric Linklater; Dubliners, by James Joyce; Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce; Spring Sowing, by Liam O’Flaherty; The Amateur Poucher, by Richard Jeffries; The Assassin, by Liam O’Flaherty; Black Soul, by Liam O’Flaherty. Ireland To-Day, Aug. 1936, 69-70.
  • ‘Nationalism in the Six Counties’, review of The Birth of Ulster, by Cyril Falls. Ireland To-Day, Aug. 1936, 77-78.
  • Review of Sea Winds, by Nora Lloyd. Ireland To-Day, Aug. 1936, 81.
  • ‘The Irish Shelf’, Review of The Green Lion, by Francis Hackett. Ireland To- Day, Sept. 1936, 68-69.
  • ‘Three Irish Plays’, Review of Exiles, by James Joyce; The Moon in the Yellow River, by Denis Johnston; Boyd’s Shop, by St John Ervine. Ireland To- Day, Sept. 1936, 74-75.
  • ‘Guerilla’, review of On Another Man's Wound, by Ernie O’Malley. Ireland To-Day, Oct. 1936, 67-68.
  • ‘The Spirit of Man’, review of The Testament of Man, by Arthur Stanley. Ireland To-Day, Oct. 1936, 69-70.
  • Review of Ramparts of Virtue, by John Brophy. Ireland To-Day, Oct. 1936, 74-75.
  • ‘Fiction’, review of Mount Prospect, by Elisabeth Connor; Hero Breed, by Pat Mullen. Ireland To-Day, Nov. 1936, 89-90.
  • ‘Thomas Mann’, review of Stories of Three Decades, by Thomas Mann. Ireland To-Day, Dec. 1936, 83-84.
  • Review of Stress, by Olga Fielden; Sand Castle, by Janeth Beith. Ireland To- Day, Jan. 1937, 86.
  • Review of Famine, by Liam O’Flaherty. Ireland To-Day, Feb. 1937, 81-82.
  • ‘Good Company’, review of The Hill is Mine, by Maurice Walsh; The Wild Garden, by Francis MacManus; From an Old Waterford House, by Albert Power; North Road, by Philip Rooney; An Irish Journey, by Sean O’Faolain. The Bell, Dec. 1940, 89, 91.
  • Review of The Great O’Neill, by E. Boyd-Barrett. The Bell, Jan 1942, 323-25.
  • Review of The Greatest of These, by Francis MacManus. The Bell, Jan 1944, 360-62.
  • Review of Yesterday Morning, by Lynn Doyle. The Bell, March 1944, 543-45.
  • ‘Too Many Drums’, review of Drums Under the Window, by Sean O’Casey. The Bell, Dec. 1945, 815-21.
  • ‘New Short Stories’, review of The Demon Lover, by Elizabeth Bowen; The Leaning Tower, by Katherine Anne Porter; Dear Baby, by William Saroyan. The Bell, April 1946, 76-80.
  • ‘Evenings on a Farm at Sandymount’, review of A Postscript to Existentialism, by Arland Ussher. The Bell, March 1947, 67-68.
  • ‘Comments’, review of The Worm as Hero, by Brian T. Cleeve. Studies 47 (1958): 29-31.
  • ‘The Irish Famines’, review of The Great Hunger, by Cecil Woodham- Smith. Nation, 30 March 1963, 269-71.
  • ‘The Mole on Joyce’s Breast’, review of Joyce’s Politics, by Dominic Manganiello. London Review of Books, 20 Nov.-4 Dec. 1980, 3-4.
  • ‘Hate, Greed, Lust and Doom’, review of William Faulkner: His Life and Work, by David Minter. London Review of Books, 16 April -6 May 1981, 16-17.

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Articles:The Bell
  • ‘This is Your Magazine’, Editorial. Oct. 1940, 5-9.
  • ‘For the Future’, Editorial. Nov. 1940, 5.
  • ‘Answer to a Criticism’, Editorial. Dec. 1940, 5-6.
  • ‘Fine Cottage Furniture’, Dec. 1940, 28-30.
  • ‘On Conversation’, Editorial. Jan. 1941, 5-6.
  • ‘Jack B. Yeats’, Jan 1941, 33-36.
  • ‘The Galway Gaelic Players’, Jan. 1941, 86-87.
  • ‘A Challenge’, Editorial. Feb. 1941, 5-6.
  • ‘Frederick Robert Higgins’, Feb. 1941, 53-55.
  • ‘New Writers’, Feb. 1941, 61.
  • ‘From Bottom to Top’, Editorial. March 1941, 5-6.
  • ‘New Writers’, March 1941, 67.
  • ‘1916-1941: Tradition and Creation’, Editorial. April 1941, 5-12.
  • ‘Provincialism’, Editorial. May 1941, 5-8.
  • ‘Standards and Taste’, Editorial. June 1941, 5-11.
  • ‘Don Quixote O’Flaherty’, June 1941, 28-36.
  • ‘Ulster’, Editorial. July 1941, 4-11.
  • ‘Our Nasty Novelists’, Editorial. Aug. 1941, 5-12.
  • ‘Attitudes’, Editorial. Sept. 1941, 5-12.
  • ‘Beginnings and Blind Alleys’, Editorial. Oct. 1941, 1-5.
  • ‘The Gaelic and the Good’, Editorial. Nov. 1941, 93-103.
  • ‘Dare We Suppress That Irish Voice?’, Editorial. Dec. 1941, 169-76.
  • ‘F. R. Higgins’, Editorial. Jan. 1942, 251-53.
  • ‘Fifty Years of Irish Literature’, Editorial. Feb. 1942, 327-34.
  • ‘New Writers’, Feb. 1942, 370.
  • ‘Books in the Country’, Editorial. March 1942, 407-9.
  • ‘To What Possible Future’, Editorial. April 1942, iv-9.
  • ‘Two Kinds of Novel’, April 1942, 64-70.
  • ‘The Gaelic League’, Editorial. May 1942, 77-86.
  • ‘The Mart of Ideas’, Editorial. June 1942, 153-57.
  • ‘An Ulster Issue’, Editorial. July 1942, 229-31.
  • ‘New Writers’, July 1942, 253-54.
  • ‘New Wine in Old Bottles’, Editorial. Sept. 1942, 381-88.
  • ‘Third Year’, Editorial. Oct. 1942, 1-3.
  • ‘That Typical Irishman’, Editorial. Nov. 1942, 77-82.
  • ‘Twilight in Rome’, Nov. 1942, 127-34.
  • ‘Why Don't We See It?’, Editorial. Dec. 1942, 161-64.
  • ‘A New Writer’, Dec 1942 193.
  • ‘The Senate and Censorship’, Editorial. Jan.1943, 247-52.
  • ‘The Greatest War Novel’, Jan. 1943, 290-98.
  • ‘Gaelic - the Truth’, Feb.1943, 335-40.
  • ‘Drama in Wexford’, Feb.1943, 390-96.
  • ‘Ireland and the Modern World’, Editorial. March 1943, 423-28.
  • ‘Antonio Fogazzaro’, March 1943, 475-81.
  • ‘On State Control’, April 1943, 1-6.
  • ‘Books and a Live People’, Editorial. May 1943, 91-98.
  • ‘The Strange Case of Seán O’Casey’, May 1943, 112-21.
  • ‘The Stuffed-Shirts’, Editorial. June 1943, 181-92.
  • ‘Shadow and Substance’, Editorial. July 1943, 273-79.
  • ‘Silent Ireland’, Editorial. Sept. 1943, 457-66.
  • ‘Personal Anthologies - 1’, Sept. 1943, 496-502.
  • ‘The Plain People of Ireland’, Editorial. Oct.1943, 1-7.
  • ‘The State and Its Writers’, Editorial. Nov. 1943, 93-99.
  • ‘Past Tense’, Editorial. Dec. 1943, 186-91.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. Jan. 1944, 281-91.
  • ‘The Craft of the Short Story - 1’, Jan. 1944, 337-44.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. Feb. 1944, 373-81.
  • ‘The Craft of the Short Story - 2’, Feb. 1944, 403-10.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. March 1944, 465-74.
  • ‘The Craft of the Short Story - 3’, March 1944, 529-36.
  • ‘The University Question’, Editorial. April 1944, 1-12.
  • ‘The Craft of the Short Story’, April 1944, 46-54.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. May 1944, 93-103.
  • ‘Toryism in Trinity’, Editorial. June 1944, 185-97.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. July 1944, 277-86.
  • ‘The Craft of the Short Story - 5’, July 1944, 306-14.
  • ‘The Pleasures and Pains of Ireland’, Editorial. Aug. 1944, 369-79.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. Sept. 1944, 461-72.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. Oct. 1944, 1-10.
  • ‘On Editing a Magazine’, Editorial. Nov. 1944, 93-101.
  • ‘The Gaelic Cult’, Editorial. Dec. 1944, 185-96.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. Jan. 1945, 277-87.
  • ‘Thoughts of a Juryman’, Editorial. Feb. 1945, 369-79.
  • ‘One World’, Editorial. March 1945, 461-71.
  • ‘Eamon De Valera’, Editorial. April 1945, 1-18.
  • ‘One World: The Next Geneva?”Editorial. May 1945, 97-106.
  • ‘A Tale of a Town’, May 1945, 106-121.
  • ‘Principles and Propaganda’, Editorial. June 1945, 189-205.
  • ‘One World: The Price of Peace’, Editorial. July 1945, 281-90.
  • ‘Romance and Realism’, Editorial. Aug. 1945, 373-82.
  • ‘One World: An Irish Council’, Editorial. Oct.1945, 557-64.
  • ‘All Things Considered - 1’, Nov. 1945, 649-57.
  • ‘All Things Considered - 2’, Dec. 1945, 761-69.
  • ‘All Things Considered - No. 3’, Jan. 1946, 877-86.
  • ‘Signing Off’, Editorial. April 1946, 1-4.
  • ‘Shaw’s Prefaces’, Aug. 1946, 425-32.
  • ‘Rebel by Vocation’, Nov. 1946, 97-114.
  • ‘People and Books: The Irish Conscience?”Dec.1946, 67-71.
  • ‘The Priest in Politics’, Jan. 1947, 4-24.
  • ‘People and Books: Dickens and Dostoievsky’, Jan.1947, 75-77.
  • ‘Public Opinion: ‘Pro-Soviet’’, Letter. Feb.1947, 58.
  • ‘Palestine’, Letter. May 1947, 1-2.
  • ‘Guy De Maupassant’, Jan. 1948, 12-26.
  • ‘Public Opinion: “Coloured Balloons’’’, Jan. 1948, 61-62.
  • ‘Guy De Maupassant’, Feb. 1948, 7-22.
  • ‘Religious Art’, Jan. 1951, 39-42.
  • ‘The Liberal Ethic’, Feb. 1951, 5-11.
  • ‘Autoantiamericanism’, March 1951, 7-18.
  • ‘The Death of Nationalism’, May 1951, 44-53.
  • ‘The Dail and the Bishops’, June 1951, 5-13.
  • ‘Autoantiamericanism’, June 1951, 57-59.
  • ‘The Bishop of Galway and The Bell’, Sept. 1951, 15-17.
  • ‘The Divided Generation’, Feb. 1952, 5-11.
  • ‘The New Criticism’, June 1952, 133-42.
  • ‘In the Appartamento Borgia: Imaginary Conversation’, Oct. 1952, 261-73.
  • ‘On a Recent Incident at the International Affairs Association’, Feb. 1953, 517-27.
  • ‘Ireland After Yeats’, Summer 1953, 37-48.
  • ‘The Irish and the Latins’, Dec. 1953, 145-50.

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Articles: other publications
  • O’Faolain, Sean, ‘The Best Irish Literature’, in Irish Statesman, 5 Sept. 1925, 816.
  • ‘A Plea for a New Irish Scholarship’, in Irish Statesman, 14 Nov. 1925, 296-97.
  • ‘Form in Poetry’, in Irish Statesman, 16 Jan. 1926, 591-92.
  • ‘Irish and Anglo-Irish Modes in Literature’, in Irish Statesman, 9 Jan. 1926, 558-59.
  • ‘The Gaeltacht Tradition’, in Irish Statesman, 24 April 1926, 175-76.
  • ‘The Gaeltacht Tradition’, in Irish Statesman, 22 May 1926, 294-95.
  • ‘The Language Problem 1: Is Irish Worth Reviving?’, in Irish Tribune, 9 July 1926, 20-21.
  • ‘The Language Problem 2: Irish - an Empty Barrel?’, in Irish Tribune, 16 July 1926, 6-8.
  • ‘What Does an Irish Speaking Ireland Imply?’, Irish Tribune, 23 July 1926, 9-10.
  • ‘Constructive’, in Irish Tribune, 30 July 1926, 496-97.
  • ‘The Cruelty and Beauty of Words’, in Virginia Quarterly Review 4 (1928), 208-25.
  • ‘Style and the Limitations of Speech’, in Criterion, Sept. 1928, 67-87 [formerly in Virginia Quarterly Review 4, 1928, supra].
  • ‘The Carol in Ireland’, in Commonweal, 2 Jan. 1929, 261-62.
  • ‘The New Irish Revolutionaries’, in Commonweal, 11 Nov. 1931, 39-41.
  • ‘Celts and Irishmen’, in New Statesman and Nation, 23 July 1932, 93-94.
  • ‘The New Direction in Irish Literature’, in Bookman, Sept. 1932, 446-48.
  • ‘Literary Provincialism’, in Commonweal, 21 Dec. 1932, 214-15.
  • ‘The Emancipation of Irish Writers’, in Yale Review 23.3 1934. 485-503.
  • ‘Plea for a New Type of Novel’, in Virginia Quarterly Review 10. 1934. 189-99.
  • ‘An Irish Letter’, in Hound and Horn, Jan.-March 1934, 271-73.
  • ‘An Irish Schooling’, in Life and Letters, April 1934, 27-32.
  • ‘It No Longer Matters, or Death of the English Novel’, in Criterion, Oct. 1935, 49-56.
  • ‘Novelists See Too Much’, in Spectator, 8 March 1935, 385-86.
  • ‘Irish Poetry Since the War’, in London Mercury, April 1935, 545-52.
  • ‘Poor Scholar’, in Commonweal, 31 May 1935, 127-28.
  • ‘Cost of Living in Ireland Today’, in New Statesman and Nation, 3 Aug. 1935, 156-57.
  • ‘Revamping Ireland’, in Commonweal, 30 Aug. 1935, 417-18.
  • ‘Irish Letters: To-day and To-morrow’, in Fortnightly Review, Sept. 1935, 369-71.
  • ‘The Case of Sean O’Casey’, in Commonweal, 11 Oct.1935, 577-78.
  • ‘English as It Is Spoken’, in Commonweal, 25 Oct.1935, 633.
  • ‘The Modern Novel: A Catholic Point of View’, in Virginia Quarterly Review 11 (1935), 39-51.
  • ‘The New Ireland: a Letter from Any Irishman to Any Englishman’, in Yale Review 25.2 (1935), 321-29.
  • ‘Pigeon-Holing the Modern Novel’, in London Mercury, Dec. 1935, 159-64.
  • ‘Almost a Great Novelist?’, in Commonweal, 10 Jan.1936, 293-95.
  • ‘Roger Casement’, in London Mercury, Feb. 1936, 160-67.
  • ‘Daniel Corkery’, in Dublin Magazine, April -June 1936, 49-61.
  • ‘Book Section’, in Introduction. Ireland To-Day, July 1936, 69-70.
  • ‘The Gamut of Irish Fiction’, in Saturday Review of Literature, 1 Aug. 1936 19- 20.
  • ‘Cheap Editions’, in Ireland To-Day, Aug. 1936, 67.
  • ‘A Special Note’, in Ireland To-Day, Sept. 1936, 67.
  • ‘Commentary on the Foregoing’, in Ireland To-Day, Oct. 1936, 32.
  • ‘Daniel Corkery’, in Commonweal, 6 Nov. 1936, 35-37.
  • ‘The Dangers of Censorship’, in Ireland To-Day, Nov. 1936, 57-63.
  • ‘It Is Raining Over Here’, in Commonweal, 25 Dec. 1936, 243.
  • ‘The New Ireland’, in Yale Review 25.2 (1936), 321-29.
  • ‘The Proletarian Novel’, in London Mercury, April 1937, 583-89.
  • ‘The Priests and the People’, in Ireland To-Day, July 1937, 31-38.
  • ‘Written Speech’, in Commonweal, 5 Nov. 1937, 35-36.
  • ‘Don Quixote O’Flaherty’, in London Mercury, Dec. 1937, 170-75.
  • ‘‘Oh Yeah?’’ in Living Age, May 1938, 256-58.
  • ‘Comments on the foregoing article: No. 4’ [‘Politics and Culture: Daniel O’Connell and the Gaelic Past’] , in Studies 27 (1938), 378-80.
  • ‘How the Irishman Talks’, in Commonweal, 8 Dec. 1939, 158-59.
  • ‘W. B. Yeats’, in New Statesman and Nation, 11 Feb. 1939, 209.
  • ‘AE and W.B’, in Virginia Quarterly Review 15 (1939), 41-57.
  • ‘The Greatest of War Books’, in Yale Review 30.1 (1940), 141-49.
  • ‘Ah Wisha! The Irish Novel’, in Virginia Quarterly Review 17.2 (1941), 265-74.
  • ‘Yeats and the Younger Generation’, in Horizon, Jan. 1942, 43-55.
  • ‘The Case of the Young Irish Writer’, in Commonweal, 6 Aug. 1943, 392-93.
  • ‘Partition’, in The North: A Collection of Short Stories, Articles and Poems. [No edn.] Belfast: Ulster Union Club 1944/45.
  • ‘Getting at Which Public?’ in Virginia Quarterly Review 24.1 (1948), 90-95.
  • ‘O’Flaherty, Quixote of Ireland’, in The Literary Digest, Winter 1948, 8-12.
  • ‘Romance and the Devil’, in New English Review Magazine, Nov. 1948 193-96.
  • ‘On Translating From the Irish’, in Poetry Ireland, Jan. 1949, 14-18.
  • ‘Romance and the Devil’, in Atlantic Monthly, Jan 1949, 73-75.
  • ‘The Secret of the Short Story’, in United Nations World, March 1949, 37-38.
  • ‘The Dilemma of Irish Letters’, in The Month 2.6 (1949), 366-79.
  • ‘Irish and the Latins’, in Commonweal, 13 March 1953, 571-73.
  • ‘Love Among the Irish’, in Life, 16 March 1953, 140-57; Reader’s Digest Dec. 1953, 1-5. [Condensed version].
  • ‘Being an Irish Writer’, in Commonweal, 10 July 1953, 339-41.
  • ‘In Ireland wird spät geheiratet’, in Monat, Oct. 1953, 38-44.
  • ‘The Irish - Thoughts on St. Patrick's Day’, in New York Times Magazine, 14 March 1954, 9, 46-49.
  • ‘For the Child - And for the Wise Man’, in New York Times Magazine, 27 March 1955, 9, 67- 68, 76.
  • ‘The ‘Doomed Daredevils’ of the IRA warm up their 40 years’ War’, in Life, 7 Nov. 1955, 139-53.
  • ‘Are You Writing a Short Story?’, in Listener, 13 Feb.1958, 282-83.
  • ‘How a Writer Writes’, in Ball State Teachers College Forum III, PMLA 1961, 5-13.
  • ‘Fifty Years of Irish Writing’, in Studies 51 1962, 93-105.
  • ‘Writer at Work’, in St Stephens, Michaelmas 1962, 25-26.
  • ‘This is Your Life...Luisa May Alcott’, in Holiday, Nov. 1968, 18, 22, 24-26.
  • ‘And Svengali Was a Reviewer’, in The Best of ‘Speaking of Books’ from New York Times Book Review, edited by Francis Brown. 108-9. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1969.
  • ‘A Story and a Comment’, in Irish University Review 1.1 (1970), 86-97.
  • ‘A Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man’, in Irish University Review 6.1 (1976), 10-18.
  • ‘Valedictory’, in The Irish Press, 6 Jan. 1977, 6.
  • ‘Sean O’Faolain on Frank O’Connor’, in The Irish Press, 26 May 1977, 6.
  • ‘How NOT to Write a Short Story’, in The Irish Press, 29 April 1978, 9.
  • ‘What it Feels Like to Be a Writer’, in Writers: A Sense of Ireland, edited by Andrew Carpenter and Peter Fallon. Dublin: O’Brien Press 1980. 149-53.
  • ‘Living and Dying in Ireland’, in London Review of Books, 6-19 Aug. 1981, 3-4.

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  • ed. Lyrics & Satires From Tom Moore. Dublin: Cuala Press 1929.
  • The Silver Branch. London: Jonathan Cape 1938.
  • Preface. Maura Laverty. Never No More. London: Longmans 1942.
  • Foreword. Adventures of Handy Andy. Dublin: Parkside 1945.
  • With the Gaels of Wexford. Enniscorthy: n.p. 1955.
Audio recordings
  • “The Fur Coat”, “The Trout”, “Admiring the Scenery”: audiotape of reading by the author on 3 May 1954. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Woodberry Poetry Room, Lamont Library. MT PR6029.F3 A6x 1954.
  • Extract from Vive Moi!. Audiotape of reading by the author on 20 April 1964. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Woodberry Poetry Room, Lamont Library. MT PR6029.F3 V5x 1964
  • The Promise of Barty O’Brien. Script by Sean O’Faolain. 49 min. Ireland. George Freedland. 1951.
Television programmes
  • Herbert, Victor. Rocky Road to Dublin (1968) Peter Lennon, director. Ireland.
  • Burton, Benjamin. The Tear and the Smile (1959) USA.

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