James Roderick OFlanagan
Life 1814-1900; b. 1 Sept., Fermoy, Co. Cork; son of Barrack Master; ed. Fermoy, TCD, and Kings Inns; bar, 1838, after wide travels; worked on Munster circuit; post in Insolvency Court; fnd.-ed. of Fermoy Illustrated Journal of Instruction and Amusement (1885-86), and ed. The Irish National Magazine; published works include Impressions at Home and Abroad (1837); Blackwater in Munster (1844); The History of Dundalk [with John Dalton] (1861); The Bar Life of OConnell (1875); The Irish Bar, Containing Anecdotes, Bon-Mots, & Biographical Sketches (1879); The Munster Circuit (1880); Annals, Anecdotes, Traits and Traditions of the Irish Parliaments 1172-1800 (1895); Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland (2. vols., 1870); and several novels including Bryan ORegan (1866); d. Fermoy. CAB IF DIB DIW DIH SUTH OCIL
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References Stephen Brown, Ireland in Fiction: A Guide to Irish Novels, Tales, Romances and Folklore [Pt. I] (Dublin: Maunsel 1919), lists Gentle Blood (1861), The Yelverton Case; The Life and Adventures of Bryan ORegan; Capt. OShaugnessys Sporting Career (1873). Works incl. Irish biog. and topography; The Irish Bar containing Anecdotes, Bon-Mots, & Biographical Sketches (1879); The Munster Circuit [1880]; An Octogenarian Literary Life (Cork 1896). Justin MacCarthy, Irish Lit., gives gives Tried by His Peers from The Irish Bar. [QRY: JMC, not found in Vol.8]
Henry Boylan, Dictionary of Irish Biography (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1988): 1814-1900, b. Fermoy; son of barrack master; ed. TCD, Kings Inns, Bar 1838; practised Munster circuit; post in Insolvency Court, 1847; The Blackwater in Munster (1844); contrib. DUM; ed Irish National Magazine; publ. History of Dundalk (1861) with John DAlton; and books on bar life; moved to London, 1870; fnd. and ed. Fermoy Journal, 1885; chf. work, Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland, 2 vols. (1870). Built house on inherited estate, Fermoy.
John Sutherland, The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction (Harlow: Longmans 1988); Irish bar, 1836; Crown Prosecutor, Cork, 1846; retired due to failing sight, 1872; treatises on law and misc. works of biog. and local history. Novels of strong Irish flavour featuring sporting scenes, including Gentle Blood, or the Secret Marriage (1861), based on the Yelverton case; The Life and Adventures of Bryan ORegan (1866); Captain OShaugnessys Sporting Career (1873). b. and d. Fermoy.
Belfast Public Library holds Bar Life of OConnell (1869); The Irish Bar (1879); The Munster Circuit, tales, trials and traditions (1880).
Pearse St. Public Library (Gilbert Collection/Madden Papers) holds OFlanagans MS list of his [own] contributions to periodical[s] as Gilbert MS 282.
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