Thomas O’Hagan

1812-1885 [Lord O’Hagan; Baron O’Hagan of Tullahogue, Co. Tyrone]; b. 29 May 1812, in Belfast, son of Edward O’Hagan, merch.;ed. Belfast Academical Inst. [RBAI; ed. TCD; Irish bar, 1836; acted as ed. The Newry Examiner, 1836-40; m. Mary Teeling (d.1868), dg. of Charles Hamilton Teeling, 1836 - with whom a son Charles and two dgs., Frances and Madeleine; moved to Dublin, 1840, and defended several prominent members of the Repeal Movement in court, acting with Samuel Ferguson [q.v.] in the successful defence of Richard D’Alton Williams against the charge of treason-felony, Nov. 1848.; appt. Queen’s Council, 1849 and Solicitor-General for Ireland, 1860; Attorney-General for Ireland, 1861-61; elected MP for Tralee, 1863, and made a judge in the Court of Common Pleas, 1865;
appt. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1868-74, being the first Catholic to hold that office since the reign of James II; created peer 1870 - in which year he was involved in the passage of the Landlord and Tenant Act (1870) which ensured compensation to evicted tenants; m. Alice Townley, dg. of Col. Charles Townley, Lancs.; re-appt. Lord Chancellor 1880 at Gladstone’s return to power; resigned in 1881; issued Speeches and Papers (1885-86); Vice-Chancellor of the Royal Univ. of Ireland, 1881, and Knight of St. Patrick, 1882; and d. at Hereford Hse., London, 1 Feb. 1885; bur. Glasnevin; alluded to as ‘silver-tongued O’Hagan’ in Ulysses by James Joyce; a sister Mary became Abbess of the Poor Clares in Newry and later in Kenmare. JMC DBIV RAF DIW DIH MKA OCIL WIKI

[Note: This entry formerly confused Thomas O’Hagan [first bart.] and John O’Hagan [q.v.; author of the “Ourselves Along” and ed. of Ferguson. ]

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National Library of Ireland Catalogue
  • Speech of the Right Hon. Thomas O’Hagan, M.P., Attorney-General for Ireland, at the hustings of Tralee, on the 15th of May, 1863. (1863)
  • Address on the opening of the fifth annual conference of the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations at Antwerp ... (1877).
  • The Study of Jurisprudence, and the assimilation of law, in England and Ireland. An address delivered before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 18th ... (1867)
    Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister: Speech of the Right Hon. Lord O’Hagan, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords, ... March 13, 1873, on the second reading of the above bill (1873).
  • Speech ... on the motion for going into Committee on the Supreme Court of Judicature Bill, in the House of Lords, June 11, 1874 (1874)  
  • The O’Connell Centenary Address: Dublin, 1875 (1875).
  • A Speech delivered by the Right Hon. Lord O’Hagan: in the House of Lords, on the 11th June, 1874 (1875).
  • Speech of the Right Hon. Lord Hagan as chairman of the thirteenth anniversary dinner of the Newspaper Press Fund: Willis’s Rooms, St. James’s, London, 20th May, 1876 (1877).
  • Speech ... in the House of Lords, on the second reading of the Intermediate education (Ireland) Bill, June 28, 1878 (1878).
  • The Moore centenary address: Dublin, 1879 (1879).
  • Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Bill: Speech of the Right Hon. Lord O’Hagan, House of Lords, Tuesday, 1 August 1882 (1882).
... and other pamphlets & proceedings.
also .. .
  • Occasional Papers and Addresses (London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. 1884), 400pp. [“Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Cardinal Cadinal Newman; Charles William Russell, D.D.; Henry Grattan ..., et al.].
  • Selected Speeches and Arguments of the Right Hon. Thomas, Baron O’Hagan [ed. George Teeling] (London: Longmans 1885), xii, 527pp.

Hyland Books (Oct. 1995) lists Geo. Teeling, Selected Speeches and Arguments of Thomas [sic], Baron O’Hagan (1885), 527pp., port.

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