[Rev.] John OHanlon
Life 1820-1905 [pseud. Lageniensis; var. b.1821]; b. Stradbally [Co. Laois], emigrated Quebec, 1842; ordained missionary priest at St Louis, Missouri, 1847; returned to Ireland in 1853; PP St. Marys, Irishtown [Sandymount], 1880-1905; appt. Canon, 1886; The Irish Emigrants Guide of the United States ([1851] 1903); Life of St Laurence OToole (1853); Life of St Malachy (1859); Cathecism of Irish History (1st Edn. 1964) [see infra]; Life of St David (1869); Irish Folklore (1870); Lives of the Saints (10 vols., 1875-1903); The Buried Lady: A Legend of Kilronan (1883), by Lageniensis; Life and Scenery in Missouri (1890); Irish Local Legends by Lageniensis (1896); Irish American History (1903); and poems; RIA; author of report of OConnell Monument Committee. PI ODNB DIW DIH IF ODNB OCIL
Works Lives of the Irish Saints, compiled from calendars, martyrologies, and various sources related to the ancient church history of Ireland, 3 vols. (Dublin [1873]; The Life of St Malachy OMorgair (Dublin 1859); The Life of St. Laurence OToole, Archbishop of Dublin (Dublin: J. Mullany 1857); Poetical Works of Lagiensis (Dublin: J. Duffy & Co. 1893), viii, 328pp.
Reprints, Pádraig Ó Macháin & Tony Delaney, Like Sun Gone Down: Selections from the Writings of John Canon OHanlon (Kilkenny: Galmoy Press 2005), 303pp.
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Canon OHanlon [essay/chap.], in The Will and The Way, by Irish Priests, ed. John Guinan (Dublin: Gill 1912), contrib. by pp.87-96: |
History is defined as a prose narrative of past events, as probably true as the fallibility of human testimony will allow. it is not a poetic narrative, for poetry appeals to the imagination [...] ought to be a living narrative [...] biography of a nation [...] attained some degree of civilisation [Prof. Freeman cited]; its social life [...] everyday life of the castle and the cabin; [87] every many loves, or ought to love, his own land best of all.
In pagan Ireland the Druids had well nigh a monopoly of learning [...] chronology, antiquities and genealogies [88] Feis of Tara [...] Christian annals, historical tracts, and lives of saints [...] destruction which overwhelmed bardic and monastic schools during the Danish wars [destroyed] large proportion of books [...] Adamnans Life of Columba; Book of Leinster; Book of Ballymote; Book of Lecain; Leabhar Breac; Lives of Saints; after Clontarf zeal for historical composition returned; Annals of Tighernach; [90] Anglo-Normans evil times came, and if Fitzgerald and De Burgo plundered the Irish of their properties Gerald Barry [Giraldus Cambrensis] robbed, or attempted to rob, them of their character [...] even Irish saints subject to their ridicule and sneers; Statutes of Kilkenny [91] plantations, broken treaty of Limerick, penal laws [...] sow seeds of bitterness and hate in Catholic minds; Protestants on their side recalled alliance of Irish Catholics with Spain, proscriptions of James IIs Parliament, and more than all, the Protestant lives lost and Protestant property destroyed in the rebellion of 1641.
History written under the influence of such bitter recollections is nothing more than an advocates plea; Moryson, Davies, Spenser and Camden in footsteps of Gerald Barry; Keating, a Catholic priest and persecuted outlaw, not likely in such circumstances to be impartial; John Lynch on the same side had a higher sense of what history should be; but, after all, his real object in writing was not so much to write impartial history as to confound Gerald Barry [...] did prove the Welsh priest to be a defamer who foully calumniated Ireland and her people; Leland [...] the dawn of toleration [...] reflected in his writings [91] had not the learning of his co-religionist Usher, but neither had be his fierce intolerance; every lover of learning will regret [...] that Ushers extraordinary abilities and extraordinary learning were so grievously disfigured by the worst prejudices of his time; in the pages of Magegohegan [...] toleration appears; softening down of race hatred [...] mid eighteenth c. received fatal check from rebellion of 1798. |
Further: |
Emancipation; Established Church [...] reproduced passions [...] OConnell [...] to Catholics greatest of all Irish leaders, to London Times the big beggarman, foul-mouthed calumniator of England [...] even Lecky doubts whether his services to Ireland were a blessing or a curse [92] [...] occasional outburst from nationalist platforms [...] oratory of Ulster Hall and Sandy Row and the loud beats of the Orange drums; first thing to be sought for is the truth, and we must have the whole truth; archaeologists Mr Coffey and Prof. Macalister [...] must wring their secrets from our ancient monuments [...] a university named National [...] must aim at doing patriotic work; Irishmen with English names must cease to copy libels of Gerald Barry [Giraldus Cambrensis]; the air they breathe is Irish, Irish blood, &c; those with purely Irish names ought cease upbraiding the man with an English [93];
Protestant seeking truth will discover as Lecky did that there was no organised massacre in 1641; condemn Cromwellian Settlement and massacres of Drogheda and Wexford; inherent defects of Grattans Parliament; why the famine came, read Thomas Drummond and study the Devon Commission Report; agrarian war too recent [but note] value of contemporary historian; [cites Lord Acton on knowledge of history as ingredient of character and the future]; no finality in Irish written history [or] [95] the land acts; historical judgement will need to be revised; not a prophet [but] there will be in Ireland a great softening of ancient prejudice and fictional zeal [...] common ground; co-religionists of Usher [to learn that] the illuminated books admiration of the world; learning in dark ages attracted foreign scholars; Catholic in bondage will gratefully learn that it was a Protestant leader who fought for him [...] helped to break his chains; persecution does not generate conviction; battlefield [...] opposing creeds [...] gallant charge [...] heroic resistance [...] brave men fell as brave men ought; At a time when our race at home is sadly dwindled I can see no nobler vision than this - that all Irishmen would come together to build up after so much has been pulled down, and thus to shape a better and brighter future for Ireland, guided by the knowledge and warned by the experience of the past. [END; see Guinan, q.v.]
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References D. J. ODonoghue, The Poets of Ireland: A Biographical Dictionary (Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co 1912); lists Legends and Lays of Ireland (Dublin 1876); The Buried Lady (1883), Poetical Works of Lageniensis (Dublin: J. Duffy & Co. 1893), viii+328pp. [BML]; ed. Molyneuxs Case of Ireland Stated. IF lists Irish Folk-Lore, Traditions and Superstitions of the Country (1870); The Buried Lady, a Legend of Kilronan (1877); Irish Local Legends (Dublin: Duffy & Co. 1896), xi+144pp.
Stephen Brown, ed., Ireland in Fiction (Dublin: Maunsel 1919); Irish Local Legends (1896), pleasant and chatty [...] not for the folklorist [Brown]. Pseud. Lagiensis [err. for Lageniensis].
Brian McKenna, Irish Literature (1978), p.79, cites Hanlon, Rev. John [Lagiensis], Irish Folk Lore, Traditions and Superstitions of the Country with Humorous Tales (Glasgow 1870).
British Library holds; Report of the OConnell Monument Committee, by J. Canon OHanlon, Hon Sec. (1888); Legends and Poems of John Keegan, ed. by John OHanlon (1907); H J M Mason, The Antiquity of Parliaments in Ireland, with a life of the author by John Canon OHanlon (1907); Devotions for Confession and Holy Communion (London 1866); Irish American History of the United States (Sealy Bryers & Co. 1903), xix+677+lxxxxviii pp.; John OHanlon, Life and Scenery in Missouri, some reminiscences of a missionary priest (1890); Life and Works of Saint Aengussius Hagiographus or Saint Aengus the Culdee (Dublin: J. Fowler 1868), vi+39pp.; Life of St Lawrence OToole Archbishop of Dublin &c (Dublin: J Mullany 1877), xi, 186pp.; Life of Saint Malachy OMorgair, &c. (Dublin 1859); Lives of Irish Saints compiled from calendars, martyrologies, and various sources relating to the ancient Church History of Ireland [1875 &c.]; Poetical Works of Lagiensis [J. OHanlon] (J. Duffy & Co. 1893), viii,328 4o. also The Life of Saint Grellan, patron of the OKellys, and of the Tribes of Hy-Maine (Dublin: J. Duffy & Sons 1881), 30pp.
University of Ulster Library, Morris Collection holds Lives of the Irish Saints, vols. 1-9 (1875); The Poetical Works of Lagiensis (Duffy 1893); Report of the OConnell Monument Committee (1888).
Belfast Public Library holds Lives of St. Laurence OToole (1857), St M[al]achy OMorgair (1859); Lives of the Irish Saints, 29 vols. (1873); Poetical Works of Laganiensis (1893).
Booksellers: CATHACH BOOKS (1996/97) lists John OHanlon, Report of the OConnell Monument Committee (1888), lxxx+183pp.; Cathecism of Irish History (1st Edn. 1964); HYLAND BOOKS (Oct. 1995) Matthael Kelly, Apologia pro Hibernia adversus Cambri Calumnias [&c.] (ODaly 1849), 259pp. [ex libris Canon John OHanlon]
Notes James Joyce: OHanlon with two others celebrates benediction at temperance retreat at Mary Star of the Sea Church in Sandymount. (Ulysses, 13.6-8; 13.448 (Nausicca); and ref. back from 15.1128-30 [Gebler edn.])
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