Donal OKelly
Life Author of Catalpa the story of the ill-fated Fenian rescue voyage, involving John Doheny and others; also Asylum! Asylum! (1997), concerning immigration officer Loe Laughran and Ugandan asylum-seeker Joseph Omara, in which the former at first attempts to protect and finally abandons the latter under pressure; toured in Red Kettle Production, 1995, winning Best Play of 1995; won an Edinburgh Fringe award in 1997; moved to Gate for nine performances, March 19th and days following; played successfully in Melbourne (1997); also played at Trircycle Th., Kilburn, London (11-13 May 1999); Catalpa played in Galway Town Hall in March 2002.
Works Bat the Father, Rabbit the Son, in John Farleigh, ed., Far from the Land: Contemporary Irish Plays (London: Methuen 1998), 340pp.; Asylum! Asylum! incl. in Christopher Fitz-simon and Sanford Sternlicht, eds., New Plays from the Abbey Theatre 1993-1995 (Syracuse UP 1997).
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