Con OLeary
Life 1887-1958; journalist and novelist, asst. ed. of T.P.s Weekly; An Exiles Bundle (1923), sketches; novels, Break o
Day (1926); This Delicate Creature (1928); Passage West (1946). IF DIW DIL
Works An Exiles Bundle (1923); novels, Break o Day
(1926); This Delicate Creature (1928); A Hillside Man (1933); Grand National (1945); Passage West (1945; var. 1946); A Wayfarer in Ireland (1935).
References Belfast Public Library holds Exiles Bundle (1923); Grand National (1945);
A Hillside Man (1933); Passage West (1945); A Wayfarer in Ireland (1935).
Notes Letters from Con OLeary to Lady Gregory, dated 8 Feb. 1913, 10 Egerton Grove, Stratford Rd., Manchester, are held in the Berg Collection (New York Public Library).
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