Tomás Ó Maille
1883-1938 [var. 1880 NLI]; b. Connemara, ed. University College, Manchester, Freiburg, Baden, and Berlin; Prof. of Irish at UCG; The Language of the annals of Ulster (1910); History of the Verb of Existence in Irish (1911); An Gaoth Aniar (1920); MacDatho (1927); Medb Chriachna
(1934); sDiarmad Dann (1936); An BÉal Beo (1936); ed. An Stoc, also ed. Amhráin Cearbhailláin (1916); co-ed. Amhrann Chlainne Gaedhael (1905); produced with his friend Micheál Breathnach texts for Linguaphone (1927). DIH
Bibl.: Tomás Ó Máille and Micheál Breathnach, Irish in 30 lessons [Rostons Pictorial Language ser.; 1st edn.] (London: Linguaphone Institute 1928)
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