J. J. OMeara
Life 1915- [John Joseph OMeara]; b. Co. Galway; ed. Cashel and TCD; Classics doctorate, Oxford; played rugby for Oxford, 1943-44; Prof. of Latin, UCD, 1948; Against the Academics (1950); The Young Augustine, The Growth of St Augustines Mind up to His Conversion (1954), and trans. into French as Recherches Augustiniennes (Paris 1958); with Odlie de Montfort, Ordeal at Lourdes (1959); Charter of Christendom, The Significance of St Augustines City of God (1962); trans. Giraldus Cambrensis, Topography of Ireland (1951; 1978) also Porphyrys Philosophy from Oracles; Augustines Dialogues of Cassiciacum, both in Études Augustiniennes (1969); trans. Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis (1967); Saint Augustine on the Question of Man (1978); ed. works on Eriugena and Augustine. DIW
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Works John OMeara, On the Fringe of Letters, in Irish University Review, 27, 2 (Autumn/Winter 1997), pp.310-24; trans. Giraldus Cambrensis, Topography of Ireland (1951; rep. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1982).
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