Tadhg Ó Murchadha
Life 1843-1919 [pseud. Seandún]; b. and ed. Macroom, Co. Cork; learned Irish as country tailor; moved to Cork city, 1864; met revivalist Denis Fleming in 1885; fnd. mem. Cork branch of Gaelic League, 1894; contrib.
to Cork Weekly Examiner and Gaelic Journal in spite of difficulties in writing Irish; assisted with translation of Eachtra Robinson Crúsó (c.1905) by Osborn Bergin; assisted Terence MacSwiney with recollections, appearing as Sgéal [Pt. 2] The Father Mathew Record,
July 1924-April 1925.
References Hyland Books (Cat. 214) lists D. OMurchadha [Tadhg OMurchadha] & T. MacSuibhne, ed., Sgeal Seanduin (1st ed. 1920).
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