Seán Ó hEigeartaigh
Life 1917-67 [Seán Sairséal Ó hEigeartaigh; also Seán OHegarty]; publisher, b. Welshpool, Montgomeryshire, son of P. S. OHegarty, at the time removed from Ireland for Sinn Féin associations, and Wilhelmina Rebecca [née] Smyth, a Presbyterian; ed. St Andrews
College, and TCD (Foundation Schol.), and 1st class BA in Science; auditor of Cumann Gaelach, arranged De Valeras first visit to TCD; entered Civil Service rising to principal officer in Dept. of Finance; leading role in foundation of An Comhchaidreamh (Union of University Irish societies), Craobh na hAiséirí, the active branch of Gaelic League;
appt. Director of Comhar (1942- ); founder of An Club Leabhar, 1948; first director of Comhar, founded by An Comhchaidreamh, 1941; m. Bríd Ní
Mhaoileoin, and founded with her Sairseál agus Dill, Irish-language publisher, 1945; published Máirtín Ó Cadhain, Seán Ó Riordáin, Máirtín Ó Direáin, Máire mhac an tSaoi, and Liam Ó Flaithearta; received state assistance in 1966; principal officer in Dept of Finance; lived on Highfield Road; died suddenly at 14 July, at his home; death attributed to overwork. DIB
References Henry Boylan, Dictionary of Irish Biography (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1988); see Comhar (June 1966) for list of publications.
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