A. N. Oulton
Life [Andrew Newton Oulton]; presum. Dublin lawyer; author of Index to Statutes at present in force in or affecting Ireland from the year 1310 to 1838 [with supplements] (1836-49), and other works relating to English law, and especially landlord-tenant law, in Ireland.
Works Chronological Table of the Statutes in force in, or affecting, Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time, 1310 to 1839: with references to the Index of the Statutes (Dublin: Hodges & Smith 1836), [4], 147, [1]pp., 8o., and supplements to 1949 [1st pt., infra]; The Law, Duties, and Office of Churchwardens in Ireland. With an appendix of acts referred to (Dublin: Hodges & Smith 1835), viii. 115pp. [civ], 12o; Laws of Ireland analogous to the Laws of England, treated of in Blackstones Commentaries (Dublin: Hodges & Smith 1838); Digest of the Acts Relating to Landlords and Tenants in Ireland (Dublin 1840).
Bibliographical details
Index to the Statutes at Present in Force in, or Affecting Ireland from the Year 1310 to 1835, inclusive: to be continued by annual supplements; [and], Chronological table of the statutes in force in, or affecting Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time, with references to the index to these statutes (Dublin: Hodges & Smith 1836), and Do. ]2nd edn.] (Dublin: Hodges & Smith 1839), [i], 809pp., &c. [1836-49].
References Belfast Public Library holds Index to Statutes at present in force in or affecting Ireland from the year 1310 to 1838 inclusive (1839); Index ... comprising an index of the statures passed in the 2nd and 3rd Victoria etc. (1839).
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