Bishop Patrick
Life ?1025-1084; Writings, ed. Aubrey Gwynn, in Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, Vol. 1 (1955). DIW FDA
Commentary W. B. Stanford, Ireland and the Classical Tradition (IAP 1976; this ed. 1984), Patrick, second Bishop of Dublin, from 1074 to 1084, could compose competent and highly rhetorical verses in Latin hexameters, alcaics, and adonics, used elaborately contrived phrases reminiscent of Columbanus hisperic Latinity. See A. Gwynn, The Writings of Bishop Patrick of Dublin 1074-1084 (Dublin 1955).
Seamus Deane, gen. ed., Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry 1999): Bishop of Dublin on death of first bishop, Dúnán, in 1074. Prob. established a Benedictine community at Christ Church; retained contact with Worcester, and communicated with Bishop Lanfranc; devoted to Wulfstan; leader of movement for ecclesiastic reform in Ireland drowned in Irish Sea, 10 Oct. 1084. Bibl. cites Gwynn, and other commentators.
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