Christopher Pembridge

fl.1370 [var. Pembrige]; author of Annales Hiberniae, 1162-1370; Bodleian MS printed in London in William Camden’s Britannia, 6th edn. of 1607, reprinted many times, and trans. into English by Philemon Holland, 1610; ed. Gough and Nichols, 4 vols. (1806); noticed in Sir James Ware’s Writers of Ireland. CAB ODNB DIW.

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Dictionary of National Biography [ODNB]: conjectured by Sir James Ware to have been a native of Dublin, fl. ?1370, apparently author of Annales Hiberniae ab anno Christi 1162 usque ad annum 1370; printed by Camden at the end of his Britannia, and again by J. T. Gilbert in Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin. the MS used by Camden is Bodleian, Laud 526; the Latin Annales Hiberniae attributed to James Grace of Kilkenny and published in J. Irish Arch. Soc. (1842), is considered to show that Pembridge and Grace were both probably translated from some common original in a language other than Latin, according to Grace’s editor, Richard Butler. See also Roy Foster, Modern Ireland (1988).

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