[Rev] William Phelan
Life 1789-1832; b. and baptised a Catholic, in Clonmel; converted 1806, at TCD; DD; The Policy of the Church of Rome in Ireland (1827); shocked by sectarianism of Catholic education; TCD Fellow and Donnellan Lecturer. [WEBB].
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References With Mortimer OSullivan, ed., A Digest of the Evidence Taken Before the Select Committee of the Two Houses of Parliament, Appointed to Inquire into the State of Ireland, 1824-25; With Notes Historical and Explanatory
and a Copious Index, 2 vols. (1826), xvi+523, viii+303pp. [devoted to Whiteboy reports]; Remains of William Phelan, DD, with a Biographical Memoir by John, Bishop of Limerick (1st edn. 1832), [xxvi]+96+320pp. [Hyland
Oct. 1996; 219].
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