William Philips
1675-1734 [or Phillips]; playwright, soldier, The Revengeful Queen
(1698) and St. Stephens Green (1700); Hibernia Freed: A Tragedy
(1722), Belasar[i]ius (1724); St. Stephens
Green was revived at the Abbey during the Dublin Millenium Celebrations,
1988; poems included in Mathew Concanen, ed., Poems by several hands (Dublin
1722); his St. Stephens Green was revived by the Abbey Th. in 1988). DIW ODNB OCIL
Works St. Stephens Green,
or the Generous Lovers, ed. Christopher Murray [Dolmen Texts 6] (Dublin: Dolmen 1980) [infra]; Christopher Wheatley & Kevin Donovan, eds., Irish Drama of the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries, 2 vols. (UK: Ganesha Publishing UK 2003) [incls. Hibernia Freed: A Tragedy (1722)]. See also Wells Microcards Edition.
Bibliographical details
St. Stephens Green, or the Generous Lovers, ed. Christopher Murray [Dolmen Texts 6] (Dublin: Dolmen 1980); Introduction and sections, pp.1-32 [1. William Philips; 2. Irish Theatre in the Late 18th c.; 3. St Stephens Green and the Drama of Its Time].
Christopher Wheatley, Beneath Iernes Banners: Irish Protestant Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth century (Notre Dame UP 1999) [q.pp.].
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William Smith Clark, The Early Irish Stage (Oxford: Clarendon Press
1955; Connecticut 1973), cites St Stephens Green, or the Generous
Lovers (1699/70), a social comedy and the first play with Irish characters
and setting, writ ... for oure Irish stage, and the first
Irish play with Irish background and characters; Philips was son of George
Philips, Governor of Londonderry.
Peter Kavanagh, The Irish Theatre
(Tralee: The Kerryman 1946), bio-data on William Philips (d.1734); b.
Londonderry; ed. TCD. Army Captain; Wincops Cat. (A Compleat
List of all English Dramatic Poets) has an independent entry for one
Captain Philips who wrote Hibernia Freed, but actually the same.
He took a commission after he wrote his first play. Works, The Revengeful
Queen (London, Drury Lane 1698); St. Stephens Green or The Generous Lovers
(Dublin, Th. Royal 1700); Hibernia Freed (London, Lincoln's Inn Fields 13 Feb. 1722); Belisarius
(Lincoln's Inn Fields 14 April, 1724). St Stephens Green is Irish in title
only; chars. incl. Feignyouth, Wormwood, Vanity, and Frickwell; love intrigue.
Poor, conventional comedy, attended by modest preface. Hibernia Freed
ded. Henry OBrien, Earl of Thomond. Turgesius, the Danish king,
has reduced Ireland; ONeill comes to the assistance of OBrien
whose dg. Sabina he loves; Sabina rejects advances from Turgesius, who
demands her and 14 virgins in revenge; ONeill and other young men
dress as the virgins and kill their ravishers in the Danish Camp; Turgesius
is led off, and Hibernia is freed. Kavanagh comments, Philips patriotism
was not really sincere [as is revealed when Turgesius is made to say,
another nation shall revenge my death, and an encomium of
England by the bard Eugenius follows.
C. G. Duggan, The Stage Irishman
(1937), William Phillips [sic], Hibernia Freed, dedicated to the
Earl of Thomond, and acted Lincolns Inn, Lon., 1722; shows Phillips
capable of sustained and vigorous verse; plot includes Turgesius and the
three Irish kings OConnor, ONeill, and OBrien. Turgesius
has a passion for Sabina, OBriens daughter, and demands fifteen
maidens as the victors due; the girls ask to where veils to spare
their shame, and are revealed as ONeill and OConnor. The bard
Eugeniuss epilogue - another nation shall indeed succeed/
... They shall succeed invited to our aid/And mix their blood with ours,
one people grow,/Polish our manners and improve our minds. Duggan
thinks, however, that the authors sympathies were less orthodoxically
colonial, When we for Honour, Faith or Justice bleed - said
ONeill - Gibbets and chains are honourable made/And martyrs with
the heroes vie for fame. ALSO, William Phillips, St Stephens
Green, or The Generous Lovers, dated with reference to the Wool Bill,
staged Theatre Royal in 1700, and written at the suggestion of the Earl
of Inchiquin to whom it is dedicated; chars. incl. Freelove and Aemilia;
Trickwell, his servant; Bellmine, Irish gent.; Sir Francis Feignyouth;
Wormwood; Vainly; Lady Volant; Timothy Tellpenny; Aemilia is niece to
Sir Francis, and Marina, his daughter. The conversation between the lovers
is not brilliant. Similar plays by the score in Post-Restoration drama,
and Phillips does not rise above the merest mediocrity. Yet it must
reflect Dublin of the day, a somewhat shallow, gossiping, philandering
world indeed. [116] Trickwell, I have known many of them when they
came first to London think there is no way so ready to purchase the title
of a wit as to ridicule their own country.
Joseph Leerssen, Mere Irish &
Fíor Ghael (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co. 1986): William Phillips, in Hibernia freed
(Dublin 1722), treated Gaelic aspirations wholly sympathetically; treats
of expulsion of Vikings by Kings OBrien of Munster and ONeill
of Leinster, the former modelled on Brian Boru; dedicated to Henry OBrien,
earl of Thomond. The preface is a sop to the English feeling, Another
Nation shall succeed/But different far in manners from the Dane/ .../And
mix their Blood with ours, one People grow,/Polish our Manners, and improve
our Minds (p.59). [p.378-89]
Paul Hadfield reviewing Leon Rubins
production of St. Stephens Green (Abbey 1988), in Theatre Ireland
(Sept.-Nov. 1988), p.43: [...] The plot of St Stephens Green is embellished by impossibly strained conventions and a clutch of stage
Irishmen whose contribution to the play is inversely proportionate to
their political integrity. Freelove, an apparently impecunious English
squire appears on the scene with his libidinous comrade, local hero Bellmine.
They bump into two masked women, Aemilia and Marina taking the air on
the Green. These are daughter and ward respectively of Sir Francis Feignyouth
who thereby holds the key to the buckos material and physical elevation.
However the purity of their intentions are for the time compromised by
lady Volant, a penniless madam with designs on Feignyouth. The generous
lovers aspiration on the estate of Sir Francis are finally and inevitably
ensured by the fortuitous appearance of another marital appendage of lady
Volants who, dogged by ill-luck, is determined that his abandoned
wife shant either climb out of the mire. Reviewer believes
the play to suffer from two problems, firstly, the dramatists obsessive
belief that Dublin rather than London is the place for the talented actor;
secondly, his being a naive playwright, lacking necessary range of dramatic
or theatrical skills to have any more than an embryonic sense of self-mockery,
all making it a bad choice for the Millenium.
Dictionary of National Biography, gives details: son of George Philips [supra], St. Stephens Green, the scene throughout in Dublin; dedicated
to William OBrien, Earl of Inchiquin; a play, Hibernia Freed,
produced Lincolns Inns Fields on 13 Feb. 1722 and published that
year; The subject is the liberation of Ireland and its king, OBrien,
from Turgesius, the Danish invader; the capture and death of Turgesius
to be effected by young men attired as maidens. Turgesius. was acted by
Quin; dedicated to Henry OBrien, Earl of Thomond. Belisarius
performed Lincolns Inns Field theatre Royal and printed Lon. 1724;
another trag., Alcamenes and Menelippa, ascribed to Philips in
William Mearss Catalogue of Plays (1713).
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