Jane Porter
Sister of Anna Maria Porter [q.v.]; no Irish writings.
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British Library holds for Jane Porter: |
- [1] Powstanie Kosciuszki w powiesci Angielskiejzr. 1803 [i.e. Thaddeus of Warsaw by Jane Porter]. (Odbitka z Przegladu Polskiego.). pp. 48. Kraków, 1908. 8o.
- [2] The Healing Waters. pp. 207. Andrew Melrose: London & New York [1924.] 8o.
- [3] Duke Christian of Luneberg; or, Tradition from the Hartz. Second edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1824. 3 vol. 12o.
- [4] Duke Christian of Luneburg; or, Tradition from the Hartz, etc. 3 vol. London 1824. 12o.
- [5] Le Coin du feu du Pasteur, roman. Traduit de langlais par Mme. É. de Bon. 4 tom. Paris, 1817. 12o.
- [6] Le Duc Christian de Lunebourg, ou traditions du Hartz. Traduit de langlais par le traducteur des romans historiques de Sir W. Scott
- [A. J. B. Defauconpret]. 4 tom. Paris, 1824. 12o.
- [7] Le Polonais. Traduit de langlais [Thaddeus of Warsaw]. par [M. & Mme. Terrasson de Sennevas]. Seconde édition, etc. 3 tom. Paris, 1809. 12o.
- [8] Les Chefs Écossais. Roman historique. traduit de langlais par le traducteur dIda, etc. [-Dubuc?]. 5 tom. Paris, 1814. 12o.
- [9] Thaddeus of Warsaw. A new and illustrated edition revised, etc. Do., New. edition. Do., [another edn.]. pp. 607. George Virtue: London 1845. 8o. London 1854. 8o. pp. viii. 360. Routledge & Sons: London [1880.] 8o.
- [10] Thaddeus of Warsaw. Fifth edition. 4 vol. London 1809. 12o.
- [11] Thaddeus of Warsaw. Fourth edition. 4 vol. Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme: London 1806. 12o.
- [12] Thaddeus of Warsaw. New edition, revised, corrected, and illustrated with an
introduction, notes, etc., by the author. Paris: Baudrys Foreign Library, 1831. pp. xiv, 424. 8o.
- [13] Thaddeus of Warsaw. Second edition. Do., [Another copy.]. London: T. N. Longman & O. Rees, 1804. 4 vol. 12o.
- [14] Thaddeus of Warsaw. The sixth edition. Do., Seventh edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812. 4 vol. 12o. 4 vol. London 1816. 12o.
- [15] Thaddeus of Warsaw. The tenth edition. Do., Eleventh edition. Do., [another edn.]. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1819. 4 vol. 12o. 3 vol. Longman, Rees and Co.: London 1826. 12o. pp. xxiv. 440. 1831.
- [16] The Field of the Forty Footsteps.
- [17] The Pastors Fire-side. A novel, etc. 4 vol. Longman & Co.: London 1817. 12o.
- [18] The pastors fireside. The third edition. Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edition] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1821. 4 vol. 12o. 2 vol. 1832. London 1856. 12o. pp. 474. G. Routledge & Sons: London 1880. 8o.
- [19] The Pastors Fireside, a novel. Second edition. 4 vol. London 1817. 12o.
- [20] The Scottish chiefs. London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1886. xii, 563p; 19 cm.
- [21] The Scottish Chiefs. pp. vi. 448. 1904.
- [22] The Scottish Chiefs. Edited by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith. Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. pp. xvi. 503. Hodder & Stoughton: London 1921. 4o.
- [23] The Scottish Chiefs. Revised, corrected and illustrated with a new retrospective introduction, notes, &c., by the author.
- [With plates, including a portrait.]. 2 vol. James S. Virtue: London [1840.] 8o.
- [24] The Scottish Chiefs. With illustrations by T. H. Robinson. pp. xii. 564. J. M. Dent & Co.: London [1900.] 8o.
- [25] The Scottish chiefs. A romance. Halifax: Milner and Sowerby, 1859. 448p. [1]leaf of plates; 14cm
- [26] The Scottish Chiefs, a romance. Do., Third edition. Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.]. 5 vol. Longman & Co.: London 1810. 12o. 5 vol. London 1816. 12o. 2 vol. 1831. pp. 176. 1840.
- [27] The Scottish Chiefs, etc. Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.] Do., [another edn.]. 2 vol. James Duffy: Dublin, 1841. 12o. London 1854. 8o. London [1855.] 8o. Halifax, 1862. 8o. London [1870.] 8o. London [1879.] 8o. pp. 507. G. Routledge & Sons: London [1880.] 8o. pp. 192. Routledge and Sons: London 1882. 8o.
- [28] Do., 1937. 8o.
- [29] Coming Out; and The Field of the Forty Footsteps, by Jane and Anna Maria Porter. Do., [another copy.]. 3 vol. Longmans: London 1828. 12o.
- [30] Tales round a Winter Hearth. 2 vol. London 1826. 12o.
- [31] Sir Edw. Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. [By W. O. Porter.] Edited by Miss Jane Porter. Third edition. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1841. 2 vol.; illus. 12o.
- [32] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. [By W. O. Porter.] Edited by and sometimes attributed to] Miss Jane Porter. Abridged from the last
edition of the original. Do., [another copy.] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative
of his shipwreck, etc. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans,
1852. 2 pt.: pp. 314. 18 cm. 1852.
- [33] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative
of his shipwreck. [By W. O. Porter.] Edited by Miss Jane Porter. Do., Second edition. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1831. 3 vol. 12o. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1832. 3 vols. 8o.
- [34]
Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. By Jane Porter [or, rather, by W. O. Porter]. With a preface by W. H. G. Kingston. London New York: George Routledge & Sons, [1884]. pp. xxiv, 607. 19 cm.
- [35]
Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. By Jane Porter [or, rather, by W. O. Porter]. With a preface by W. H. G. Kingston. London; New York: George Routledge & Sons [1883]. pp. xxiv, 607. 19 cm.
- [36] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. By Jane Porter [or, rather, by W. O. Porter]. With a preface by W. H. G. Kingston. London; New York: George Routledge & Sons,
- [1879]. pp. xxiv, 607: plates. 19 cm.
- [37] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck. By Jane Porter [or, rather, by W. O. Porter]. London & Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1878. pp. 634: plate. 19 cm.
- [38] Sir Edward Seawards Narrative of his shipwreck, and consequent discovery of certain islands in the Caribbean Sea: with a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events . as written in his own diary.
- [By William Ogilvie Porter.] Edited by and sometimes attributed to] Miss Jane Porter. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1831. 3 vol.; illus. 8o.
- [39] Young Hearts. A novel. By a Recluse. With a preface by Miss Jane Porter. 3 vol. London 1834. 12o.
- [40] Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney; with remarks, by Miss Porter [i.e. Jane Porter]. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, 1807. 2 vol.: plates; port. 12o.
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