Patrick Quigley
Life 1953- ; b. Co. Monaghan; short stories and poems in Irish Times, Raven Introductions, Stet, and Irelands Own; lives in Dublin; first novel, Borderlands (1994), trans. as Grenzland (Glinkastrasse: Volk & Welt), 373pp.
Criticism [q.a.] review of Borderlands (Dingle: Brandon 1994), 254pp., Irish Times, 2 July 1994 [protagonist Shane McCabe]; Rüdiger Imhof, fiction column, Linenhall Review (Winter 1994).
Commentary [q.a.] review of Borderlands (Dingle: Brandon 1994), 254pp., ILS Books in Brief (Autumn 1994), writer renders with real psychological inwardness as well as precision of imagery the consciousness
of a young boy who is visually impaired and maimed in spirit; set just south of the border in the period between the IRA campaign of the 1950s and the Monaghan bombing of 1974; as hero-narrator reaches manhood, irrelevant details accumulate and the writing loses power (John Devitt reviewing).
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