Bob Quinn
Life 1935- ; b. Dublin; film-maker and author; joined RTE as producer, 1962; member of RTE authority; issued The Atlantean Irish (1986), based on his own 1985 documentary and tracing Irish culture to Moorish Spain and North Africa; films incl. Listen (1978); Self-Portrait with Red Car (1976); Poitín (1978); Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoire (1975); Atlantean (1985); and Budawanny (1987); issued Smokey Hollow (1991), a fictional memoir; co-authored Sit Down and Be Counted (1969), with Lelia Doolan and Jack Dowling; issued Maverick: A Dissident View of Broadcasting Today (2001); lives Connemara; operates his own company, Cinegael; two of his films held in NY Museum of Modern Art; elected to Aosdána, 1985, being the first film-maker to join; awarded of Life-time Achievement Award of IFI, 2001.
Works with Lelia Doolan & Jack Dowling, Sit Down and Be Counted: the cultural evolution of a television station (Dublin: Wellington 1969);Conamara: An Tir Aineoil (Indreabhan: Clo Iar-Chonnachta 1997); Smokey Hollow (Dublin: OBrien Press 1991), 172pp. [novel]; Maverick: a Dissident View of Broadcasting Today (Dingle: Brandon Press 2001), 279pp.; Atlantean: Ireland's North African and Maritime Heritage (London: Quartet 1986), 184pp., and Do., rep. as The Atlantean Irish: Irelands Oriental and Maritime Heritage (Dublin: Lilliput Press 2005), 272pp.; Also, Play Hurling [Basic Instructional Book for Players, No. 1] (Baile Átha Cliath: An Foras Oiliúna [q.d.]), 20pp., ill.
There is Bob Quinn website at
[q.a.], Books Ireland [feature] (Feb. 2005).
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