Andrew Sall
1612-1682; b. Cashel, Co. Tipperary; ed. St. Omer (Navarre), Castile,
and Pamplona; professor of Controversial Theology and Rector of Irish
College, Salamanca, 1652-55; professing four vows, and ord. Jesuit, c.1657;
provincial superior of Irish Jesuits, c.1662; returned to Ireland, 1664;
associate of Dr. Thomas Price, Church of Ireland archbishop of Cashel;
given asylum by Price on passage of Test Act, 1673; announced conversion
to Church of England, 1674; entered TCD, and commenced on DD; moved to
Oxford; issue an Apology, 1676; prebendary of St. Patricks Dublin,
1675; DD Oxon, 1676; Chancellor of Cashel, 1966; domestic chaplin of Charles
II, liing at Oxford, 1675-80, and Dublin, 1680-82; published books including
Ethica, sive moralis philosophia (Oxford 1680), and two other works;
returned to Ireland; assisted Robert Boyle and his sister Lady Ranelagh
in reprinting Book of Common Prayer and new Testament in Irish; assisted
Archbishop Marsh in preparation of Bedells manuscript of the Old
Testament in Irish for publication, completed after his death, 1685; Nicholas
French issued The dolefull fall of Andrew Sall (1674). ODNB
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Ethica, sive moralis philosophia (Oxonii: typis L. Lichfield, impensis
Ric. Davis 1680), 8o.
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Marshs Library, Dublin holds copy of Ethica, sive moralis
philosophia presented by author.
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