P. A. Silliard
Life ?-?; [pseud. P.A.S.], author of The Life and Letters of John Martin [ed. The Irish Felon] , with sketches of Thomas Devin Reilly, Father John Kenyon [Priest of Templederry] , and other Young Irelanders (Dublin 1893).
Works The Life and Letters of John Martin, with sketches of Thomas Devin Reilly, Father John Kenyon, and other young Irelanders (Dublin: J. Duffy & Co. 1893), xiii, 297pp.
References British Library holds The Life and Letters of John Martin, with sketches of Thomas Devin Reilly, Father John Kenyon, and other young Irelanders; by the author of Life of John Mitchel, &c. (Dublin: J. Duffy & Co. 1893), pp.xiii+297. Notes, John Kenyon, RC Priest of Templederry; John Martin, Editor of The Irish Felon; Thomas Devin Reilly.
Life of Mitchel by P. A. Sillard (Duffy 1889) [another source].
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