Thomas Smythe
Life Dublin apothecary and author, quoted in who denounced Irish poets in 1561.
Quotations [T]hese people be very hurtfull to the commonwealle, for the chifflie mayntayne the rebells; and, further, they do cause them that they would be true, to be rebellious theves, extorcioners, mutherers, ravners, yea and worse if it were possible. Their furst practisse is, if they se anye younge man discended of the septs of Ose or Max, and have half a dowsen about him, then will they make him a Rime, wherein they will commend his father and his aunchetours, nowmbyring howe many heades they have cut of, howe many townes they have burned, and howe many virgins they have defloured, how many notable murthers they have done, and in the ende they will compare them to Animal, or Scope, or Hercules, or some other famous person; wherewithal the pore fool runs made, and thinks indeed it is so (Quoted in [?] Quinine, 1911; cited in Joseph Th. Leerssen, Mere Irish & Fior-Ghael: Studies in the Idea of Irish Nationality, Its Development and Literary Expression Prior To The Nineteenth Century (John Benjamins Pub. Co., Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1986, p.53 [no bibl. details].)
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