Joseph Stock
Life Anglican Bishop of Killalla and witness to events of 1798 in Connact; issued of A Narrative of What Passed at Killala, in the County of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798 (1799).
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Works A Narrative of What Passed at Killala, in the County of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798 [2nd edn.] (Dublin: R. E. Mercier 1800), 182pp. [var. 152pp.] Vide Bath [1st] edn. of 1799, cited in Notes, infra.
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Criticism Rev. William Campbell, An Examination of the Bishop of Cloynes Defence of his Principals with documents of some apologists particularly the Rev. Stock ...&c.
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References University of Ulster Library (Morris Collection) holds A Narrative of What Passed at Killala, in the County of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798 (1800) 182pp.
De Burca Books (Cat 32) lists Right Hon. Joseph Stock, Lord Bishop of Kilalla [sic], A Narrative ... &c. Second ed., Dublin for R E Mercier, 1800, 152pp.
Irish Booklover, Vol. I, No. 1 (Aug. 1909), Our Forerunner [article on John Power], makes reference to “What passed at Killala” (Bath 1799) without bibl. details thus but citing Stock by name.
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