Jonathan Swift: Criticism (2)
Chronological Listing (Criticism 1) |
Alphabetical Listing (Criticism 2) |
[Note: Not all of the titles listed under Chronological appear under Alphabetical - given that the latter is occasionally recompiled from the former. ] |
See Bryan Fanning & Tom Garvin, Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal (1729) in Books That Define Ireland (Sallins: Merrion 2014) - Chap. 4.
General Commentary [A-Z] |
- Adams, Robert M[artin], Satiric Incongruity and the Inner Defeat of the Mind, in Strains of Discord: Studies in Literary Openness (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1958), 146-57; rep. Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.704-11.
- ——, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Swift and the Authorship of A Tale of a Tub, Modern Philology 44 (February 1967), pp.198-232.
- Aldiss, Brian, & David Wingrove, Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (London: Gollancz 1986).
- ——, Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (London: Paladin 1988).
- Allen, Robert J., Swifts Earliest Political Tract and Sir William Temples Essays, in Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 19 (1937), pp.3-12.
- Andreasen, J. C., Swifts Satire on the Occult in A Tale of a Tub, in Texas Studies in Literature and Language 5 (Autumn 1963), pp.410-21.
- Argent, Joseph E., The Etymology of a Dystopia: Laputa Reconsidered, in English Language Notes 34.1 (September 1996), pp.36-39.
- Ball, F. Elrington, Swifts Verse (1928).
- Barash, Carol, Violence and the Maternal: Swift, Psychoanalysis, and the 1720s, in Christopher Fox, ed., Gullivers Travels [Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism] (Boston: St. Martins Press 1995), pp.442-64.
- Barroll, J. Leeds, Gulliver and the Struldbrugs, in PMLA, 73 (March 1958), pp.43-50.
- Beaumont, C. A., Swifts Classical Rhetoric (Athens GA 1961).
- Bellamy, Liz, Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf 1992).
- Berwick, Donald. The Reputation of Jonathan Swift, 1781-1882 [1941] rep (NY 1969).
- Birrell, Augustine, Dean Swift, in Essays about Men, Women, and Books (London: Stock 1895), pp.1-15.
- Blamires, Harry, The Age of Swift and Pope, in Blamires, A Short History of English Literature [2nd edn.] (London: Routledge 1989), pp.160-80.
- Blackwell, Mark R. [on Swift and Jonathan Smedley], in Aileen Douglas, et al., eds., Locating Swift: Essays from Dublin on the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
- Bloom, Allan, An Outline of Gullivers Travels, in Ancients and Moderns. Ed. Joseph Cropsey (NY: Basic Books 1964).
- ——, An Outline of Gullivers Travels, in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift NY: Norton 1973), pp.648-61.
- Boucé, Paul-Gabriel, ed. Guerres et Paix: La Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIe siècle, 2 vols (Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle 1998).
- Boyle, Frank T. [on Gullivers Travels], in Aileen Douglas, et al.,. eds., Locating Swift: Essays from Dublin on the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
- Brady, F. Jonathan Swift. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), pp.Prentice (1968.
- Bredvold, Louis I., The Gloom of the Tory Satirists, in James L. Clifford and Louis A. Landa, eds, Pope and His Contemporaries: Essays Presented to George Sherburn (Oxford: Clarendon 1949), pp.1-19.
- ——, The Gloom of the Tory Satirists, in James L. Clifford, ed., Eighteenth-Century English Literature (NY: OUP 1959).
- ——, The Tory Satirists: Jonathan Swift, in Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798 (London: Collier-Macmillan 1962), pp.67-76.
- Brown, Lloyd W., The Person of Quality in the Eighteenth Century: Aspects of Swifts Satire, in Dalhousie Review 48 (Summer 1968), pp.171-84.
- Brown, Norman O., The Excremental Vision, in Life against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History (Wesleyan UP; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1959), pp.179-201; rep. in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.611-30.
- Bullitt, John M., Jonathan Swift and the Anatomy of Satire (Harvard UP 1953).
- Bywaters, David, Anticlericism in Swifts Tale of a Tub, in Studies in English Literature 36, 3 (q.d.). pp.579-602.
- Carnochan, W. B. Lemuel Gullivers Mirror for Man (California UP 1968).
- Case, Arthur E. Four Essays on Gullivers Travels. Princeton (1945.
- ——, Four Essays on Gullivers Travels (Princeton UP; OUP 1947).
- Castle, Terry, Why the Houyhnhnms Dont Write: Swift, Satire, and Fear of the Text, in Christopher Fox, ed., Gullivers Travels [Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism] (Boston: St. Martins Press 1995). pp.379-95.
- Celaya Villanueva, Mª Luz., Swifts Gullivers Travels and Los Viajes de Gulliver: Errors in Some 20th Century Translations into Spanish, in J. C. Santoyo,. ed., Translation Across Cultures: La traducción entre el mundo hispánico y anglosajón: Relaciones lingüísticas, culturales y literarias. Actas XI Congreso AEDEAN (León: Universidad de León 1989), pp.59-64.
- Characters of the Times: or, an Acoount of the Writings, Characters, &c., of several gentlemen libelled by S—— and P—— in a Late Miscellany (London (1728).
- Chiasson, Elias J., Swifts Clothes Philosophy in the Tale and Hookers Concept of Law, Studies in Philology 59 (January 1962), pp.64-82.
- Christie, William, Intimations of Immortality in Swift and Keats, in Review of English Studies 48.192 (November 1997), pp.501.
- Clark, John R., Form and Frenzy in Swifts Tale of a Tub (Cornell UP 1970).
- Clark, P. Odell, A Gulliver Dictionary, in Studies in Philology (1953) [q.pp.].
- Clifford, James L., & Louis A. Landa, eds. Pope and His Contemporaries: Essays Presented to George Sherburn. Oxford: Clarendon (1949).
- Clubb, Merrel D., The Criticism of Gullivers Voyage to the Houyhnhnms, 1726-1914, in Stanford Studies in Language and Literature (1941), pp.203-32.
- Concanen, Matthew, Letter on Swift and Popes Miscellanies, in British Journal (25 Nov. 1727).
- Concanen, Matthew, et al., A Collection of all the Verses, Essays, Letters, and Advertisements Occasiond by Mr. Pope and Swifts Miscellanies (London: A. Moore 1728).
- Conlon, Michael J., Performance as Response in Swifts Gullivers Travels, in Christopher Fox, ed., Gullivers Travels [Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism] (Boston: Martins Press 1995), pp.408-24.
- Cook, Richard. Jonathan Swift as a Tory Pamphleteer (Seattle 1967).
- Crane, R. S., The Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos, and the History of Ideas, in Reason and the Imagination. Ed. J. A. Mazzeo (NY 1962.
- Curll, Edmund, Some Annotations and Exlanatory Notes upon the Tale of a Tub [1710], extract in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.598-600.
- Dargan, Henry M., The Nature of Allegory as Used by Swift. Studies in Philology 13 (1916), pp.159-79.
- Darnall, F. M., Swifts Religion. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 30 (1931), pp.379-82.
- Davis, Herbert, Swifts View of Poetry, in Davis, Studies in English (Toronto 1931).
- ——, The Conciseness of Swift, in Essays on the Eighteenth Century Presented to David Nichol Smith. Oxford: Clarendon (1945.
- ——, The Conciseness of Swift, in James L. Clifford, ed., Eighteenth-Century English Literature (OUP 1959), pp.84-101.
- ——, The Satire of Jonathan Swift (NY 1947).
- ——, The Augustan Conception of History, in J. A. Mazzeo, ed., Reason and the Imagination: Studies in the History of Ideas, 1600-1800 (1962), pp.213-29 [on Clarendon, Pope & Swift].
- ——, ed. Glossary of Terms in Gullivers Travels (Shakespeare Head Press 1959).
- Deane, Seamus, Swift and Deane: Territories of the Heart, in Foreign Affections: Essays on Edmund Burke (Cork UP/Notre Dame UP 2005), pp.11-27.
- Dearing, Vinton A., New Light on the First Printing of the Letters of Pope and Swift, in Library 24 (1943), pp.74-80.
- Delany, Patrick, Observations upon Lord Orrerys Remarks (1754).
- Dircks, Richard J., Gullivers Tragic Rationalism, Criticism 2 (Spring 1960), pp.134-49.
- Domínguez Caballero de Rodas, Pedro, El patriota hibernés: una aproximación a la sátira política de Jonathan Swift. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 6 (1993), pp.63-72.
- Donoghue, Denis, The Practice of Reading (Yale UP 1998)
- Doody, Margaret Anne, Swift and the Mess of Narrative, in Aileen Douglas, et al., eds., Locating Swift: Essays from Dublin on the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998.
- Douglas, Aileen, Patrick Kelly and Ian Campbell Ross, eds. Locating Swift: Essays from Dublin on the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
- Dyson, A. E., Swift: The Metamorphosis of Irony, Essays and Studies [English Association 1958] (London: Macmillan [1959]), pp.53-67.
- ——, Swift: The Metamorphosis of Irony, in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.672-84.
- Eagleton, Terry. Heathcliff and the Great Hunger (London: Verso 1995) [q.pp.].
- Eddy, William A., Gullivers Travels: A Critical Study (Princeton: Peter Smith 1923).
- Ehrenpreis, Irwin, The Meaning of Gullivers Last Voyage, in A Review of English Literature 3 (July 1962), pp.18-38.
- Elliott, Robert C., Gulliver as Literary Artist, A Journal of English Literary History 19 (March 1952), pp.49-63.
- ——, The Power of Satire: Magic, Ritual, Art (Princeton UP 1960).
- England, A. B., World Without Order: Some Thoughts on the Poetry of Swift, Essays in Criticism 16 (January 1966), pp.32-43.
- Erskine-Hill, Howard, Jonathan Swift: Gullivers Travels (Cambridge UP 1993).
- Ewald, William B., The Masks of Swift (Harvard UP 1954).
- Fabricant, Carole, History, Narrativity, and Swifts Project to Mend the World, in Gullivers Travels, ed. Christopher Fox [Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism] (Boston: St. Martins Press 1995), pp.348-65.
- ——, Swifts Political Legacy, in Aileen Douglas, et al., eds., Locating Swift: Essays from Dublin on the 250th Anniversary of the Death of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
- Firth, Charles H. [Sir], The Political Significance of Gullivers Travels. Proceedings of the British Academy 9 (1920). rep.. in Firth, Essays Historical and Literary. Oxford (1938.
- Flynn, Carol Houlihan. The Body in Swift and Defoe [Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought, 5] (Cambridge UP 1990).
- Forster, J.-P., Jonathan Swift: The Fictions of the Satirist [Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XIV, Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, vol. 220 (Berne: Peter Lang 1991).
- Foster, M. P., ed. A Casebook on Gulliver among the Houyhnhnms. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell (1961.
- Francus, Marilyn, The Monstrous Mother: Reproductive Anxiety in Swift and Pope, ELH 1994
- Frantz, Ray W., Gullivers Cousin Symphathy. Huntington Library Quarterly 1 (1938), pp.329-34.
- Frost, William, The Irony of Swift and Gibbon, Essays in Criticism 17 (1967), pp.41-47. Selection in The Writings of Jonathan Swift. Ed. Robert A. Greenberg and William Bowman Piper (NY: Norton 1973. 684-88.
- Frye, Ronald M., Swifts Yahoos and the Christian Symbols for Sin, Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (April 1954), pp.201-17.
- Gonzálvez García, Francisco. Finding, Seeing, Thinking and Observing in English Utopian Literature: Towards an Understanding of the Relevance of NP+XP Complement Constructions in the Morphology and Grammar of J. Swifts Gullivers Travels, Atlantis 22.2 (Dec. 2000), pp.69-91.
- Gould, Stephen Jay, Sweetness and Light, in Gould, Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History [1996] (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1997), pp.76-87.
- ——, Dulzura y luz, in Gould, Un dinosaurio en un pajar. Barcelona: Crítica (1997. 87-97.
- Goulding, Sybil, Swift en France (Paris 1924).
- Gravil, Richard, ed. Swift: Gullivers Travels [Casebooks series] (Basingstoke: Macmillan 1978).
- Greene, Donald, On Swifts Scatological Poems, in Sewanee Review 75 (Autumn 1967), pp.672-89.
- Greenacre, P., The Mutual Adventures of Jonathan Swift and Lemuel Gulliver, Psychoanalytic Quarterly 24 (1955).
- Guerra Bosch, Teresa., Jonathan Swift y El Quijote, in Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. Fernando Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla (1999. 121-26.
- Gulliver Decypherd. Key to political commentary. 1727.
- Halewood, William H., Marvin Levich., Houyhnhnm Est Animal Rationale, in Journal of the History of Ideas, 26 (1965), pp.273-78.
- Hand, George, Swift and Marriage, Essays and Studies by Members of the Department of English of the University of California 14 (1943), pp.73-92.
- Hammond, Brean, Gullivers Travels (Milton Keynes: Open UP 1988).
- Hart, Philip. Swift and Anglican Rationalism: The Religious Background of A Tale of A tub. Chicago (1961.
- Hearsey, Marguerite, New Light on the Evidence for Swifts Marriage in PMLA 42 (1927), pp.157-61.
- Hopkins, Robert H., The Personation of Hobbism in Swifts Tale of a Tub and Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, in Philological Quarterly 45 (April 1966), pp.372-78.
- Hurtley, Jacqueline, Thomas More and Jonathan Swift: The Utopia as Satire, Anuario de Filología, 11 (Universidad de Barcelona (1985), pp.393-99.
- Jeffares, A. Norman, ed. Fair Liberty Was All His Cry (NY 1967).
- ——, Swift [Modern judgements] (Nashville: Aurora Publishers [1970]), 279pp. [22cm.; see contents].
- Jefferson, D. W., Swift and the Tradition of Wit, in From Dryden to Johnson. Vol. 4 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, ed., Boris Ford (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1991), pp.195-213.
- Johnson, Maurice. The Sin of Wit: Jonathan Swift as a Poet (Syracuse UP 1950).
- ——, Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, in Notes & Queries 199 (November 1954), pp.473-74.
- Johnston, Maurice, Text, and Possible Occasion for Swifts Day of Judgment, in PMLA 76 (1971), pp.210-17.
- Jones, Richard Foster, Ancients and Moderns: A Study of the Background of The Battle of the Books (St. Louis 1936; rRev. edn. St. Louis 1961).
- Kallich, Martin. The Other End of the Egg: Religious Satire in Gullivers Travels. Bridgeport (1970.
- Karpman, B., Neurotic Traits of Jonathan Swift, Psychoanalytic Review 29 (1942).
- Kelling, Harold D. Gullivers Travels: A Comedy of Humours, University of Toronto Quarterly 21 (July 1952), pp.362-75.
- ——, Reason in Madness: A Tale of a Tub, PMLA 69 (March 1954), pp.198-222.
- King, William. Remarks on the Tale of a Tub. 1704.
- Kulishek, Clarence L., Swifts Octosyllabics and the Hudibrastic Tradition, Journal of English and German Philology 53 (July 1954), pp.361-68.
- Landa, Louis A., rev. of John F. Ross, Swift and Defoe: A Study in Relationship (California UP 1941), in Philological Quarterly 21 (1942), pp.221-23.
- ——, Swift, the Mysteries, and Deism. Studies in English, University of Texas (Austin 1945), pp.-56.
- ——, A Modest Proposal and Populousness. Modern Philology 40 (November 1942), pp.161-70.
- ——, A Modest Proposal and Populousness, in James L. Clifford, ed., Eighteenth-Century English Literature (OUP 1959), pp.102-11.
- ——, Swifts Economic Views and Mercantilism. ELH 10 (1943), pp.310-35.
- Landa, Louis A., Jonathan Swift and Charity, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 44 (1945), pp.337-50.
- Leavis, F. R., The Irony of Swift, Scrutiny 2.4 (March 1934), pp.364-78.
- ——, The Irony of Swift. The Common Pursuit (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1962), pp. 73-87.
- Lemuel Gullivers Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World Compendiously Methodizd (1726).
- Letter on Pope and Swift, in Flying Post (8 August 1728).
- Levine, Jay Arnold, The Design of A Tale of a Tub (with a Digression on a Mad Modern Critic), in English Literary History 33 (1966), pp.198-227 [Swift and Nabokov].
- ——, The Design of A Tale of a Tub, ELH 33.2 (1966), pp.214-17. In The Writings of Jonathan Swift. Ed. Robert A. Greenberg and William Bowman Piper (NY: Norton 1973): 712-15.
- Looten, C. La pensée religieuse de Swift et ses antinomies. Lille and Paris (1935).
- López García, Dámaso, Jonathan Swift: Los límites de la hermenéutica. Revista de Filología Moderna 2/3 (1992), pp.195-216.
- Losada Friend, María, El discurso de la autoridad disfrazado: el poder en las islas imaginarias de Swift y Shakespeare, Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla (1999. 347-51.
- Lunacharsky, Anatoly, Jonathan Swift and A Tale of a Tub. 1930. In Lunacharsky, On Literature and Art. Moscow: Progress (1965), pp.306-20.
- Mack, Maynard, The First Printing of the Letters of Pope and Swift in Library 19 (1939), pp.45-85.
- Mahony, Robert, Jonathan Swift: The Irish Identity (Yale UP 1995).
- Mahony, Robert, Protestant Dependence and Consumption in Swifts Irish Writings, in S. J. Connolly, ed., Political Thought in Eighteenth-century Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2000), pp.83-104.
- Martínez Lorente, Joaquín, Literatura utópica inglesa y teoría de los géneros literarios: Estudio de Utopia, New Atlantis y Gullivers Travels desde un punto de vista genérico (U de Murcia; q.d.).
- McHugh, Roger, & Philip Edward, eds., Jonathan Swift 1667-1967 (Chester Springs, PA 1968).
- McIntosh, Carey, The Evolution of English Prose (1700-1800: Style, Politeness and Print Culture (Cambridge UP 1998) [Swift, Defoe, Shaftsbury, Johnson & Burke].
- Monk, Samuel Holt, The Pride of Lemuel Gulliver, Sewanee Review (Winter 1955), pp.48-71.
- ——, The Pride of Lemuel Gulliver, in James L. Clifford, ed., Eighteenth-Century English Literature (OUP 1959), pp.112-29.
- ——, The Pride of Lemuel Gulliver, in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.631-47.
- Moore, John B., The Role of Gulliver, Modern Philology 25 (May 1928), pp.469-80.
- Moore, John R., The Geography of Gullivers Travels. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 40 (1941), pp.214-28.
- Nandy, Dipak [on A Tale of a Tub] in Modern Philology 46 (May 1969), pp.333-37.
- Nicolson, Marjorie, & Nora M. Mohler, The Scientific Background of Swifts Voyage to Laputa, in Annals of Science, 2 (1937), pp.299-334.
- ——, The Scientific Background of Swifts Voyage to Laputa, in Nicolson, Science and Imagination (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1956).
- ——, Swifts Flying Island in the Voyage to Laputa, in Annals of Science 2 (1937), pp.405-30.
- Novak, M. E., and H. J. David, The Uses of Irony: Papers on Defoe and Swift [William Andrews Clark Memorial Library] (LA: [Univ. of California] 1966).
- Nussbaum, Felicity A., Gullivers Malice: Gender and the Satiric Stance, in Christopher Fox, ed., Gullivers Travels [Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism] (Boston: St. Martins Press 1995), pp.318-34.
- OHehir, Brendan, Meaning in Swifts Description of a City Shower, in A Journal of English Literary History, 27 (Sept. 1960), pp.194-207.
- Oldmixon, John, Letter contra Gulliver and Pope in Flying Post (4 April 1728).
- ——, A Fragment of a Treatise upon Swift and Pope, Flying Post (6 April 1728).
- ——, Verses contra Swift and Popes Homer, in Flying Post (13 April 1728).
- Orrery [Charles, Fifth Earl]], Remarks on the Life & Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift [3rd edn. Corrected 1752).
- Paulson, Ronald, Swift, Stella and Permanence, A Journal of English Literary History 27 (December 1960), pp.298-314.
- ——, Theme and Structure in Swifts Tale of a Tub (New Haven 1960).
- Peake, Charles. Jonathan Swift and the Art of Raillery (Monaco: Princess Grace Irish Library Lectures).
- Pons, Emile, Swift: Les années de jeunesse et le Conte du Tonneau (Strasbourg 1925).
- Pope, Alexander, [Swifts Odd Blunt Way], in Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men: Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope by Joseph Spence (1820); rep. in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper (NY: Norton 1973), pp.602.
- Price, Martin, Swifts Rhetorical Art: A Study in Structure and Meaning (Yale UP 1953).
- ——, Swifts Rhetorical Art, From Price, Swifts Rhetorical Art: A Study in Structure and Meaning (Yale UP 1953), pp. 78-82, in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.699-704.
- ——, To the Palace of Wisdom. Garden City (NY: Doubleday (1964).
- Probyn, Clive T. Jonathan Swift: Gullivers Travels (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1989).
- Quinlan, Maurice J., Swifts Use of Literalization as a Rhetorical Device, PMLA 82 (December 1967), pp.516-21.
- Quintana, Ricardo, The Mind and Art of Jonathan Swift (NY: Oxford UP 1936); rep. (Gloucester MA 1953); [2nd edn.] (London: Methuen 1953).
- ——, Swift: An Introduction (NY 1955).
- Rabb, Melinda Alliker, [on Swift and Mrs. Manley], rep. in Aileen Douglas, et al., eds., Locating Swift (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
- Rawson, C. J., Gulliver and the Gentle Reader, in Imagined Worlds: Some English Novels and Novelists in Honour of John Butt, ed. M. Mack & I. Gregor (London: Methuen 1968) [extract in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.688-93.
- Rawson, Claude, ed. Jonathan Swift: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall 1994).
- Read, Herbert, Swift, in Read, Essays in Literary Criticism (London: Faber (1969. 62-85.
- Hermann J. Real, ed., The reception of Jonathan Swift in Europe [The Athlone Critical Traditions Ser. (London & NY: Thoemmes 2005), xxxii, 378pp.
- Reichert, John F., Plato, Swift, and the Houynhnms, Philological Quarterly 47 (April 1968), pp.179-92.
- Reimers, Hans. Jonathan Swift: Gedanken und Schriften über Religion und Kirche (Hamburg (1935).
- Roberts, Marie Mulvey, & Hugh Ormsby-Lennon, eds. Secret Texts: The Literature of Secret Societies (AMS Press 1998)[Swift, Dickens, Peacock, Paladin, Kipling, Yeats, & A. E. Waite].
- Roome, E., Dean Jonathans Paraphrase on the Fourth Chapter of Genesis (1729) [contra Pope and Swift].
- Roscelli, William John, A Tale of a Tub and the Cavils of the Sour, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 64 (January 1965), pp.41-56.
- Rosenheim, Edward W. Jr., Swift and the Satirists Art (Chicago UP 1963).
- ——, The Satiric Fiction, in Swift and the Satirists Art (Chicago UP Press 1963), pp.158-60, 166-67, rep. in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.669-72.
- Ross, John F., The Final Comedy of Lemuel Gulliver, Studies in the Comic (Univ. of California Publications in English 8.2 [1941]). 176-96.
- ——, Swift and Defoe: A Study in Relationship. Berkeley and Los Angeles (1941).
- Rousseau, G. S., From Swift to Smollett: The Satirical Tradition in Prose Narrative, in John Richetti et al., eds,. The Columbia History of the British Novel (Columbia UP 1994), pp.127-53.
- Sacks, Sheldon. Fiction and the Shape of Belief: A Study of Henry Fielding, with Glances at Swift, Johnson and Richardson (California UP 1964).
- Said, Edward W., Swifts Tory Anarchy and Swift as Intellectual, in The World, the Text, and the Critic [1983] (London: Vintage (1991), pp.54-72.
- San Juan, E., Jr., The Anti-Poetry of Jonathan Swift, in Philological Quarterly 44 (July 1965), pp.387-96.
- Sherburn, George, Errors Concerning the Houyhnhnms, Modern Philology 56 (November 1958), pp.92-97.
- Sherburn, George, & Donald F. Bond, Jonathan Swift, in The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789). Vol. 3 of A. C. Baugh, ed., A Literary History of England (London: Routledge 1948; 2nd edn. 1967), pp.857-69.
- Slepian, Barry, The Ironic Intention of Swifts Verses on His Own Death, Review of English Studies 14 (August 1963), pp.249-56.
- Smedley, Jonathan, The Metamorphosis of Scriblerus into Snarlerus (London: A. Moore 1728).
- ——, ed. Gulliveriana and Alexandriana; with an ample preface and critique on Swift and Popes Miscellanies (London: J. Roberts 1728).
- ——, ed. Gulliveriana secunda (1728) [On Pope and Swift].
- Smith, Curtis C., Metaphor Structure in Swifts Tale of a Tub, in Thoth 5 (1964), pp.22-41.
- Smith, David Nichol, Jonathan Swift, Some Observations, in Transactions of the Royal Society for Literature 14 (1935), pp.29-48.
- Smith, Frederick N., Dramatic Elements in Swifts Journal to Stella, in Eighteenth-Century Studies 1 (June 1968), pp.332-52.
- Starkman, Miriam K., Swifts Rhetoric: The Overfraught Pinnace? South Atlantic Quarterly 68 (Spring 1969), pp.188-97.
- ——, Swifts Satire on Learning in A Tale of a Tub. Princeton (1950.
- Stephens, Lamarr, A Digression in Praise of Digressions as a Classical Oration: Rhetorical Satire in Section VII of Swifts A Tale of a Tub, in Tulane Studies in English, 13 (1963), pp.41-49.
- Stone, Edward, Swift and the Horses: Misanthropy or Comedy? Modern Language Quarterly 10 (Sept. 1949), pp.367-76.
- Stout, Gardner D., Jr., Speaker and Satiric Vision in Swifts A Tale of a Tub, in Eighteenth-Century Studies 3 (Winter 1969), pp.175-99.
- Strachey, Lytton, Jonathan Swift [1909], in Spectatorial Essays (London: Chatto & Windus 1964), pp.141-46.
- Suits, Conrad, The Role of the Horses in A Voyage to the Houhnhnms, in University of Toronto Quarterly, 24 (January 1965), pp.118-32.
- Sutherland, John H., A Reconsideration of Gullivers Third Voyage, in Studies in Philology, 54 (January 1957), pp.45-52.
- Taylor, Aline Mackenzie, Sights and Monsters and Gullivers Voyage to Brobdingnag, in Tulane Studies in English, 7 (1957), pp.28-82.
- Taylor, Dick, Gullivers Pleasing Visions: Self-Deception as a Major Theme in Gullivers Travels, Tulane Studies in English, 12 (1962), pp.7-61.
- Thackeray, W. M., Swift, in The Four Georges: The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century (London: Smith, Elder 1895), pp.119-55.
- Thickstun, Lisa Olofson, The Puritan Origins of Gullivers Conversion in Houyhnmland, Studies in English Literature [Rice University], 37, 3 (Summer 1997), pp.517-35.
- Thomas, W. K., The Bickerstaff Caper, in Dalhousie Review, 44 (Autumn 1969), pp.346-60.
- Tilton, John W. Gullivers Travels as a Work of Art, in Bucknell Review, 8 (December 1959), pp.246-59.
- Traugott, John., A Voyage to Nowhere with Thomas More and Jonathan Swift: Utopia and The Voyage to the Houyhnhnms, The Sewanee Review, 69 (Autumn 1961), pp.534-65.
- Tuveson, Ernest, Swift: The Dean as Satirist, University of Toronto Quarterly, 22 (July 1953), pp.368-75.
- ——, ed. Swift: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs (NJ: Prentice-Hall 1964).
- Tyne, James L., Gullivers Maker and Gullibility, in Criticism 7 (Spring 1965), pp.151-67.
- Brian Vickers, coll. & ed., The World of Jonathan Swift: Essays for the Tercentenary (Oxford: Basil Blackwell; Harvard UP 1968),
vi, 273pp.
- Voight, M. Swift and the Twentieth Century (Wayne State UP 1964).
- Waingrow, Marshall, Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, in Studies in English Literature, 5 (Summer 1965), pp.513-18.
- Ward, James, Reading Swift and Ireland, 1720-1729: Constituencies, Contexts and Constructions of Identity in Jonathan Swifts Occasional Writings of the 1720s [PhD] (Leeds Univ. 2004) [see extract]
- ——, Bodies of Sale: Marketing a Modest Proposal, in Irish Studies Review, 15, 3 (August 2007), pp.283-94.
- Wedel, T. O., On the Philosophical Background of Gullivers Travels, in Studies in Philology,23 (October 1926), pp.434-50.
- Willey, Basil, The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period (London: Chatto & Windus 1940).
- Williams, Harold, Swifts Early Biographers, in J. L. Clifford and Louis A. Landa., eds., Pope and His Contemporaries: Essays Presented to George Sherburn (NY 1949).
- ——, The Text of Gullivers Travels (Cambridge UP 1952).
- Williams, Kathleen, Gullivers Voyage to the Houyhnhnms, in A Journal of English Literary History 18 (December 1951), pp.275-86.
- ——, Jonathan Swift and the Age of Compromise (Kansas UP 1958; London: Constable 1959).
- ——, Giddy Circumstance, in Jonathan Swift and the Age of Compromise (Kansas UP 1958), rep. in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.693-99.
- ——, Restoration Themes in the Major Satires of Swift, in Review of English Studies 16 (August 1965), pp.258-71.
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- ——, ed. Swift and the Critical Heritage (NY 1970).
- Wilson, James R., Swifts Alazon, in Studia Neophilologica, 30 (1958), pp.153-64.
- Wood, Nigel, Swift [Harvester New Readings] (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf 1986).
- ——, Jonathan Swift (1999).
- Wotton, William, Observations upon the Tale of a Tub, From A Defense of the Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning, In Answer to the Objections of Sir W. Temple, and Others, with Observations upon the Tale of a Tub [1705], in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp. 592-98.
- Wyrick, Deborah Baker, Jonathan Swift and the Vested World (N. Carolina UP 1988).
- [...]
- Bryan Fanning & Tom Garvin, Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal (1729 in Books That Define Ireland (Sallins: Merrion 2014), Chap. 4.
- Janelle Pötzsch, ed., Jonathan Swift and Philosophy (NY: Lexington Books 2017), 259pp.
- Thomas Lockwood, The life of Jonathan Swift [Wiley Blackwell Critical Biographies] (Chichester: Wiley Blackwell 2023), 480pp. [SEE contents].
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Bibliographies |
- Hubbard, Lucius L., Contributions toward a Bibliography of Gullivers Travels (Princeton 1923).
- Jackson, W. Spencer, Bibliography of Swift, in Temple Scott, ed., Prose Works, Vol. 12 [Bohn Library] (1908).
- Landa, Louis A., & James E. Tobin, eds. Jonathan Swift: A List of Critical Studies Published from 1895 to 1945 (NY 1945).
- Stathis, James J., ed., A Bibliography of Swift Studies, 1945-1965 (Nashville 1967).
- Teerink, H., Bibliography of Swift (The Hague 1937; rev. 1963).
- Voigt, Milton, Swift and the Twentieth Century (Detroit 1964).
- Williams, Harold, Dean Swifts Library (Cambridge 1932).
- ——, Bibliography of Swift, Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 2, pp.581-96.
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Related writings |
- Mary Wortley Montagu, The Reasons That Induced Dr. Swift to Write a Poem Called "The Ladys Dressing Room", rep. in M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al., eds., The Norton Anthology of English Literature [7th edn.] (NY: Norton 1999), Vol. .1, 2588-90.
- Alexander Pope, Imitations of English Poets, in Adolphus William Ward, ed., The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope (London: Macmillan 1879).
- ——, Mary Gulliver to Captain Lemuel Gulliver, in Robert A. Greenberg & William Bowman Piper, eds., The Writings of Jonathan Swift (NY: Norton 1973), pp.603-5.