[Dr.] Anthony Traill
Life 1838-1914; b. Ballylough, Co. Antrim; ed. TCD; Fellow, 1865; degrees in engineering, law, and medicine; defended landlords against Land League, representing them on the Fry Commission on the Land Acts, 1897-98; captain of cricket and racquets; High Sherriff of Antrim, 1884; chairman of Portrush electric tramway, 1883-1947, the first in the world, running the six miles between Portrush to Bushmills; Provost of TCD, 1904. DIB DIH DUB
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Notes Terence de Vere White, The Anglo-Irish (London: Gollancz 1972), described
Traill as a restless individual involved in many spheres of activity. See also allusions in References in Oliver St. John Gogarty, It Isnt This Time of Year At All! (London: MacGibbon & Kee 1954).
Kith & Kin: possibly related to H. D. Traill [q.v.].
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