       Life 1949- ; b. Scotland; son of successful Italian immigrant who moved to
Dublin in 1962 and opened the Wimpy Bar on Wicklow St., residing in Trimleston House, Merrion Rd.; ed. Downside (Worcestershire); ran family business; started law at TCD, and changed to Philosophy and Psychology after a year; employed at IQ testing in St. Brendans Asylum for the Criminal Insane; created his own job as cattle agent, translating for Italians at the Burlington Hotel; suffered the death of his father, 1976; his mother returned to Italy; sold familys three restaurants; settled at Annamoe; opened a commercially unsuccessful restaurant; wrote travel book, North of Naples, South of Rome (Dublin: Lilliput; London:
Hamish Hamilton 1994), panned in the Sunday Times but best-seller in Ireland, where it was developed into a TV series; also wrote email novel, (1998).
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Criticism Shirley Kelly meets Paul Tullio, in Books Ireland (May 1998), pp.121-22.
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