Thomas Wyse

?1700-1770; of Manor of St John, Co. Waterford; co-fnd. of the Catholic Committee with Charles O’Conor and Dr. Curry. [No entry ODNB]

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R. F. Foster, Modern Ireland (London: Allen Lane 1988), remarks that descendant of namesake Sir Thomas Wyse [see infra] suggested in his history of the Catholic Association that while O’Conor and Curry looked to the aristocracy and clergy for support for the first Catholic Committee, it was his ancestor who attempted to embrace the people in the movement, and who conceived the idea of a Catholic representative body, which was precursor of the ‘Catholic parliaments’ of O’Connell.

Maureen Wall, Catholic Ireland in the 18th c., ed. Gerard O’Brien (Geography Publ. 1989): Thomas Wyse was granted £4,000 to expand a plateware industry in Waterford [89]; The founding of the Catholic committee by Wyse, Curry, and O’Conor, hoping to combine elective and hereditary principles [118].

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