A Selection of Annotated Works in the Personal Library of W. B. Yeats

Note: The following selection stems from a full list of all those works in which MS annotations by the poet were found and photocopied by Roger Parisious (c.1968). MS and Envelope Nos. attached to each below are those in the NLI Catalogue [see full version, attached]. Edward O’Shea, the standard bibliographer of the NLI Yeats Papers, is referred to as ‘O’Shea’ for brevit in what follows.

Prefixed to each entry in the listing is the name of the author concerned. The numerical discontinuity between successive items listed below fairly shows the degree of selectivity involved in the compilation of this listing which was purely occasioned by the current interest of the compiler in Yeats’s reading habits, largely from the mystical standpoint, at the time of writing. Roger Parisious was a friend of Arland Ussher who shares similar arcane interests.
The number of sheet assigned to each works listed appears to be the pages photocopied by Parisious in 1968 - themselves containing all MS material added to the printed works in Yeats’s personal library, mainly marginalia and inscriptions of one kind or another. Presumably each sheet represents a corresponding page of the work in question rather than a separate compilation of the annotations themselves (which would clearly run to a prodigious and unlikely volume of annotation text).

Agrippa. MS 40,568 / 2; O’Shea: 24. Opera / Cornelius Agrippa. 69 sheets. Envelope no.: 1234

Arnold. O’Shea: 55. The Study of Celtic Literature / Matthew Arnold. 1891. 9 sheets. Envelope no.: 1560

Blake. MS 40,568 / 17; O’Shea: 204. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell / William Blake. 1868. 32 sheets. Envelope no.: 1886

Bergson. MS 40,568 / 13; O’Shea: 156. Creative evolution / Henry Bergson. 88 sheets. Envelope no.: 1171

MS 40,568 / 14; O’Shea: 157. Matter and Memory / Henry Bergson. 118 sheets. Envelope no.: 1170

[Einstein] L. Bolton: MS 40,568 / 27; O’Shea: 240. An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity / L. Bolton. 7 sheets. Envelope no.: 1226

Bosanquet. MS 40,568 / 28; O’Shea: 254. The Meeting of Extremes in Contemporary Philosophy / Bernard Bosanquet. 27; sheets. Envelope no.: 1147

Browning. MS 40,568 / 32; O’Shea: 296. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 4th ed. Vol. 2. 45 sheets. Envelope no.: 246

Coleridge. MS 40,568 / 45; O’Shea: 371. Coleridge / John Charpentier. 26 sheets. Envelope no.: 287. MS 40,568 / 49; O’Shea: --. Biographia Literaria; ... / by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London, 1817. 27 sheets. Envelope no.: --; MS 40,568 / 50; O’Shea: 401. Biographia Literaria. 1876. 25 sheets. Envelope no.: 282; MS 40,568 / 51; O’Shea: 402. The Friend / Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1875. 7 sheets. Envelope no.: 283; MS 40,568 / 52; O’Shea: 402A.

Croce. MS 40,568 / 55; O’Shea: 440. Aesthetic as Science of Expression ... / Benedetto Croce. 33 sheets. Envelope no.: 1181. MS 40,568 / 56; O’Shea: 443. Historical Materialism ... / Benedetto Croce. 19 sheets. Envelope no.: 1184. MS 40,568 / 57; O’Shea: 444. Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept / Benedetto Croce. 245 sheets. Envelope no.: 1180; MS 40,568 / 58; O’Shea: 445. The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico / Benedetto Croce. 29 sheets. Envelope no.: 1183; MS 40,568 / 41; O’Shea: 348. The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce / H. Wildon Carr. 18 sheets. Envelope no.: 1187. MS 40,568 / 59; O’Shea: 446. Philosophy of the Practical / Benedetto Croce. 121 sheets. Envelope no.: 1179.

Curtin. MS 40,568 / 63; O’Shea: 459. Hero-tales of Ireland / collected by Jeremiah Curtin. 1894. 12 sheets. Envelope no.: 1565

Dante. MS 40,568 / 64; O’Shea: 467. The Convivio / Dant Alighieri. 1909. 33 sheets. Envelope no.: 78; MS 40,568 / 65; O’Shea: 470. The Inferno / Dante Alighieri. 25 sheets. Envelope no.: 80; MS 40,568 / 66; O’Shea: 471. The Paradiso / Dante Alighieri. 65 sheets. Envelope no.: 82; MS 40,568 / 67; O’Shea: 472. The Purgatorio / Dante Alighieri. 29 sheets. Envelope no.: 81 [... et. al. works of Dante]

Duffy. O’Shea: 585. (1) The Ballad Poetry of Ireland; ed, by Charles Gavan Duffy. 1874; (2) National and Historical Ballads / Thomas Davis. 1874. 17, 5 sheets. Envelope no.: 1573

[Spengler.] MS 40,568 / 83; O’Shea: 675. “Dr. Spengler’s Philosophy” / H.A.L. Fisher. 2 sheets. Envelope no.: 1056

Hegel. MS 40,568 / 101; O’Shea: 869. The Logic of Hegel. 39 sheets. Envelope no.: 1194

[Berkeley.] O’Shea: 1025. The Development of Berkeley’s Philosophy / by G.A. Johnston. 18 sheets. Envelope no.: 1175

de Jubainville. MS 40,568 / 114; O’Shea: 1047. Le Cycle Mythologique Irlandais ... / H. D’Arbois de Jubainville. 1884. 2 sheets. Envelope no.: 1558; MS 40,568 / 115; O’Shea: 1048. Introduction à l’Étude de la Littérature Celtique / H. D’Arbois de Jubainville. 1883. 8 sheets. Envelope no.: 1557

Kant. MS 40,568 / 118; O’Shea: 1052. Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Vol. 2. 10 sheets. Envelope no.: 1200

Lalor, JF. MS 40,568 / 122; O’Shea: 1077. The Writings of James Fintan Lalor. 4 sheets. Envelope no.: 1675

Landor. MS 40,568 / 124 / 1-6; O’Shea: 1081. Imaginary conversations / Walter Savage Landor. Vol. 1-6. 50, 35, 57, 48, 36, 34 sheets. Envelope no.: 445/1-6

Wyndam Lewis. MS 40,568 / 131; O’Shea: 1126. Time and Western Man / Wyndham Lewis. 29 sheets. Envelope no.: 458

Lombroso. MS 40,568 / 132; O’Shea: 1145. After Death - What? / Cesare Lombroso. 81 sheets. Envelope no.: 1313

MacDonagh. MS 40,568 / 134; O’Shea: 1180. Literature in Ireland / Thomas MacDonagh. 27 sheets. Envelope no.: 1580

McTaggart. MS 40,568 / 137; O’Shea: 1202. The Nature of Existence / John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart. Vol. 1. 23 sheets. Envelope no.: 1205

[Celtic.] MS 40,568 / 146 / 1-2; O’Shea: 1310. The Voyage of Bran. Vol. 1-2. 27, 28 sheets. Envelope no.: 1569

[More] MS 40,568 / 153; O’Shea: 1378. The Immortality of the Soul / Henry More. 12 sheets. Envelope no.: 1328

Nietzsche. MS 40,568 / 159; O’Shea: 1438. The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Vol. 1: Thoughts Out of Season; part 1. 10 sheets. Envelope no.: 1213; MS 40,568 / 160; O’Shea: 1442. Nietzsche in Outline & Aphorism. 12 sheets. Envelope no.: 1214; MS 40,568 / 161; O’Shea: 1443. The Works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Vol. 1: A Genealogy of Morals. 6 sheets. Envelope no.: 1210; MS 40,568 / 162; O’Shea: 1444. The Works of Friedrich Ni[e]tzsche. Vol. 3: The Case of Wagner ... . 6 sheets. Envelope no.: 1208; MS 40,568 / 163; O’Shea: 1445. The Works of Friedrich Ni[e]tzsche. Vol. 4: The Dawn of Day / Friedrich Ni[e]tzsche. 5 sheets. Envelope no.: 1209

Carleton. MS 40,568 / 165; O’Shea: 1482. The Life of William Carleton. 16 sheets. Envelope no.: 1605

O’Neill, J. MS 40,568 / 167; O’Shea: 1505. Land Under England / Joseph O’Neill. 17 sheets. Envelope no.: 170

Pater. MS 40,568 / 173; O’Shea: 1538. Plato and Platonism / Walter Pater. 20 sheets. Envelope no.: 1160

Plotinus. MS 40,568 / 181; O’Shea: 1595A. Select Works of Plotinus. 1895. 11 sheets. Envelope no.: 127 [also some other works with lesser sheets]

Raphael. O’Shea: 1665. Raphael’s Astronomical Ephemeris ... 1852. 4 sheets. Envelope no.: 1420 [also successive edns., 1865, 1866, 1867, 1870, [another bound 1871-1880, with 20 sheets], 1875, 1876, 1881, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1935 and Raphael’s Almanac; or the Prophetic Messenger, 1916].

Renan. MS 40,568 / 193; O’Shea: 1735. The Poetry of the Celtic Races ... / Ernest Renan. 15 sheets. Envelope no.: 1559

Russell, B. MS 40,568 / 197; O’Shea [not listed]. Les Frontières de la Science / Albert de Rochas. 2e Série. Paris: Librairie des Sciences Psychologiques, 1904. 20 sheets. Envelope no.: [not given]; MS 40,568 / 198; O’Shea: 1797. The ABC of Relativity / Bertrand Russell. 5 sheets. Envelope no.: 1227; MS 40,568 / 199; O’Shea: 1798. An Outline of Philosophy / Bertrand Russell. 59 sheets. Envelope no.: 1146

Russell (Æ). MS 40,568 / 200; O’Shea: 1799. The Candle of Vision / A. E. Copy letter (“/5/[19]12”) to WBY from Sturge Moore. 2 sheets. Envelope no.: 1727; MS 40,568 / 201; O’Shea: 1800. Collected Poems / A. E.. 5 sheets. Envelope no.: 1722; MS 40,568 / 202; O’Shea: 1803. The Earth Breath ... / A. E. 33 sheets. Envelope no.: 1725; MS 40,568 / 203; O’Shea: 1812. Songs and its Fountains /A. E. 4 sheets. Envelope no.: 1730

[Soviet.] MS 40,568 / 204; O’Shea: 1838. Impressions of Soviet Russia / Charles Sarolea. 21 sheets. Envelope no.: 123

[Blake.] MS 40,568 / 206; O’Shea: 1846. Blake & Modern Thought / Denis Saurat. 17 sheets. Envelope no.: 1908A

Shelley. MS 40,568 / 215; O’Shea: 1902. Essays and Letters / Percy Bysshe Shelley. 24 sheets. Envelope no.: 673; MS 40,568 / 216 / 1-2; O’Shea: 1905. The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Vol. 1-2. 13, 5 sheets. Envelope no.: 669/1-2; MS 40,568 / 217 / 1-3; O’Shea: 1907. The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Vol. 1-3. 41, 51, 49 sheets. Envelope no.: 666; MS 40,568 / 218; O’Shea: 1908. The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 31 sheets. Envelope no.: 667; MS 40,568 / 219; O’Shea: 1909. Prometheus Unbound / Percy Bysshe Shelley. 16 sheets. Envelope no.: 48

Spengler. O’Shea: 1975. The Decline and Fall of the West / Oswald Spengler. Vol. 1. 45 sheets. Envelope no.: 1083; MS 40,568 / 228; O’Shea: 1975A. The Decline and Fall of the West / Oswald Spengler. Vol. 2. 96 sheets. Envelope no.: 1083

Spenser. MS 40,568 / 229 / 1-5; O’Shea: 1978. The Works of Edmund Spenser. 1862. Vol. 1-5. 20, 111, 26, 38, 46 sheets. Envelope no.: 713/1-5; MS 40,568 / 230; O’Shea: 1983.

Stalin. The October Revolution / Joseph Stalin. 4 sheets. Envelope no.: 1085; MS 40,568 / 231; O’Shea: 2002.

Stephens, J. The Hill of Vision / James Stephens. 6 sheets. Envelope no.: 1762; MS 40,568 / 232; O’Shea: 2004. Reincarnations / James Stephens. 2 sheets. Envelope no.: 1764

Swedenborg. MS 40,568 / 236; O’Shea: 2036. Angelic Wisdom / Emanuel Swedenborg. 43 sheets. Envelope no.: 1361; MS 40,568 / 237; O’Shea: 2037. Arcana Coelestia / Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 1. 34 sheets. Envelope no.: 1364; MS 40,568 / 238; O’Shea: 2039. The Principia / Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 1. 32 sheets. Envelope no.: 1359; MS 40,568 / 239; O’Shea: 2039A. The Principia / Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 2. 25 sheets. Envelope no.: 1359; MS 40,568 / 240; O’Shea: 2040. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 1. 17 sheets. Envelope no.: 1360; MS 40,568 / 241; O’Shea: 2040A. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 2. 17 sheets. Envelope no.: 1360; MS 40,568 / 242; O’Shea: 2040B. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 3. 13 sheets. Envelope no.: 1360; MS 40,568 / 243; O’Shea: 2040D. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 5. 4 sheets. Envelope no.: 1360

Synge. O’Shea: 2073. Deirdre of the Sorrows / John M. Synge. 7 sheets. Envelope no.: 1793; MS 40,568 / 246; O’Shea: 2076. The Works of John M. Synge. Vol. 2. 16 sheets. Envelope no.: 1790

[Plato.] MS 40,568 / 248; O’Shea: 2107. A Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus / A.E. Taylor. 6 sheets. Envelope no.: 1158; MS 40,568 / 249; O’Shea: 2109. Plato: the Man and his Work / A.E. Taylor. 6 sheets. Envelope no.: 1162

Upanishads. MS 40,568 / 254; O’Shea: 2122. The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. 165 sheets. Envelope no.: 1022

Thoreau. MS 40,568 / 256; O’Shea: 2133. Walden / Henry David Thoreau. 10 sheets. Envelope no.: 766; MS 40,568 / 257; O’Shea: 2156. The Philosophy of Civilization / R.H. Towner. 28 sheets. Envelope no.: 1087

Tyrrell, GNM. O’Shea: 2178. Science and Psychical Phenomena / G.N.M. Tyrrell. 82 sheets. Envelope no.: 1375

Vasiliev. MS 40,568 / 262; O’Shea: 2191. Space Time Motion / A.V. Vasiliev. 16 sheets. Envelope no.: 1229; MS 40,568 / 263; O’Shea: 2211. The Real History of the Rosicrucians / Arthur Edward Waite. 73 sheets. Envelope no.: 1382; MS 40,568 / 264; O’Shea: 2213. Compendium of Natal Astrology and Universal Ephemeris / Herbert T. Waite. 41 sheets. Envelope no.: 151; MS 40,568 / 265; O’Shea: 2220. Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel’s Philosophy / William Wallace. 31 sheets. Envelope no.: 1193; MS 40,568 / 266; O’Shea: 2227. A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg / Samuel M. Warren. 34 sheets. Envelope no.: 1363

Wentz. MS 40,568 / 271; O’Shea: 2242. The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries / W.Y. Evans Wentz. 7 sheets. Envelope no.: 1268B; MS 40,568 / 272; O’Shea: 2243. The Tibetan Book of the Dead / W.Y. Evans-Wentz. 35 sheets. Envelope no.: 1029A

Whitehead. MS 40,568 / 273; O’Shea: 2258. Science and the Modern World / Alfred North Whitehead. 100 sheets. Envelope no.: 1229

Lady Wilde. MS 40,568 / 275; O’Shea: 2265. Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland / Lady Wilde. 1890. 54 sheets. Envelope no.: 1564; MS 40,568 / 276; O’Shea: 2271. Salome / Oscar Wilde. 37 sheets. Envelope no.: 1801

Wordsworth. MS 40,568 / 278 / 1-5; O’Shea: 2292. The Poetical Works / William Wordsworth. Vol. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. 4,6,3,12, 53 sheets. Envelope no.: 1807

Zadkiel. MS 40,568 / 279 / 1; O’Shea: 2460-2469. Zadkiel’s Astronomical Ephemeris ... 1841, 1844-1849. 28 sheets. Envelope no.: 1422; other edns. 1853, 1855, 1858, 1908, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1922, 1923, 1926, 1927, and 1881-90 bound [34 shts.] Envelope No.

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