Ireland Today

(June 1936-March 1938; 1-22), a literary magazine edited by Edward Sheehy and [?later] Michael O’Donovan [viz., Frank O’Connor]. Contributors included Brian Coffey, Daniel Corkery, Denis Devlin, Michael MacLaverty, Ewart Milne, Sean O’Faolain, Liam O’Flaherty, and Mervyn Wall. Aloys Fleischmann wrote on music. The journal took the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War under the influence of Owen Sheehy-Skeffington (but not afterwards).

John Dowling wrote in Ireland Today in 1937 that, while Europe might experience the turbulance of artistic experimentation, in Ireland there was the ‘comforting thought that the steady stream of tradition still moves on, indifferent to these squalls, and it is heartenig to remember that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.’ (‘Surrealism’, in Ireland To-day, 22, 2, feb. 1937, pp.60, 62; quoted in Shaun Richards, ‘A Dramatic Form “at the end of its tether”: Brian Friel and the Irish Peasant Play’ [lecture], in Proceedings of the Irish Research Group, Natal, Brasil, in 2013.)

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Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day Co. 1991), Vol. 3: from 1936-38 Ireland Today briefly attempted to emulate blend of literary and social concern practised in Irish Statesman, and closed by right-wing Catholic agitation against its support for the Republic in the Spanish Civil War [91]; included MacGreevy’s review of Denis Devlin’s Intercessions, in Ireland Today, II (1937), pp.81-82 [248n.].

Hyland Books (Cat. 219; Oct. 1995), lists Ireland Today, Vol. 1 (1-6)-Vol. III (1-3), June 1936-March 1938 [18 of 22]; contribs. incl. Robert Barton, E[rnest] Childers, Eric Gill, Patrick Kavanagh, Peadar O’Donnell, Frank O’Connor (O’Donovan), Sean O’Faolain, Lennox Robinson. [Note that Hyland offers a prize to anyone who can identify his grandfather from his pseud. and explain same.]