Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day Co. 1991), Vol. 3: launched by Patrick Kavanagh,
with Peter; last several controversial months [168]; In his Self-Portrait (1964), Kavanagh wrote: ‘Reverting to my public career, I must mention
that adventure when I edited and wrote Kavanagh’s Weekly in 1952 [12 April to 5 July]. We had no ads. – a distinction that looks like overtaking many other papers before the century is out. I wrote almost the whole paper including the poems, letters to the editor, etc. Why do people engage in such madness? .. I had not yet been born, as I believe I afterwards was, though perhaps some folks may not agree. anyhow, I did arrive at complete casualness, at being able to play a true note on a dead slack string. [488].