Ben Forkner, ed., Modern Irish Short Stories, foreword by Anthony Burgess (London: 1980; NY: 2002)

Bibliographical details: Ben Forkner, ‘ed., Modern Irish Short Stories, ‘with foreword by Anthony Burgess (London: Michael Joseph 1980’; NY: Abacus 2002), 560pp. ‘26 twentieth-century Irish short stories, including works by Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and W.B. Yeats.’

CONTENTS: Anthony Burgess, Preface’; Ben Forkner, Introduction’; George Moore, ‘Home Sickness’ [Harper’s Weekly, 16 Aug. 1902]; E. OE. Somerville, ‘Poisson d’Avril’; W. B. Yeats, ‘The Twisting of the Rope’; J. M. Synge, ‘An Autumn Night in the Hills’; Daniel Corkery, ‘Rock-of-the-Mass’; Seamus O’Kelly, ‘The Weaver’s Grave’; James Stephens, ‘The Blind Man’; James Joyce, ‘The Dead’; Liam O’Flaherty, ‘The Pedlar’s Revenge’ [Colliers, July 25, 1953]; Elizabeth Bowen, ‘Summer Night’; Sean O’Faolain, ‘Falling Rocks, Narrowing Road, Cul-de-Sac, Stop’ [Playboy, June 1972]; Frank O’Connor, ‘In the Train’ [New Yorker, 1936]; Patrick Kavanagh, ‘George’; Patrick Boyle, ‘Pastorale’; Samuel Beckett, ‘Dante and the Lobster’ [1934]; Michael McLaverty, ‘Six Weeks On and Two Ashore’; Bryan MacMahon, ‘Exile’s Return’; Flann O’Brien, ‘The Martyr’s Crown’; Mary Lavin, ‘Happiness’ [New Yorker, 1968]; Benedict Kiely, ‘A Ball of Malt and Madame Butterfly’; James Plunkett’; A Walk Through the Summer’; Aidan Higgins, ‘Killachter Meadow’; William Trevor, ‘The Ballroom of Romance’; Edna O’Brien, ‘The Creature’; Eugene McCabe, ‘Cancer’; John McGahern, ‘All Sorts of Impossible Things’ [Ploughshares, Spring 1980].
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