Robin Skelton, ed., Six Irish Poets (1962)

Bibliographical details: Robin Skelton, ed., Six Irish Poets (Oxford & London: OUP 1962), 134pp.

Contains poems by Austin Clarke; Richard Kell; Thomas Kinsella; John Montague; Richard Murphy, and Richard Weber.
Selected List of Publications [p.134] includes standard collection titles to date. Acknowledgements, p.ix-x, lists published collections with publication details. Venues for other printed poems incl.
  • Clarke: Irish Times.
  • Kell: Irish Writing; Listener; New Statesman
  • Kinsella: Irish Writing; Icarus; Poetry Now (Faber); Guinness Book of Poetry 1958; An Anthology of Modern Verse 1940-1960 (London: Methuen 1961); Kilkenny Magazine; Poetry (Chicago); Dolmen Miscellany.
  • Montague; Irish Times; Listener; Threshold; Kilkenny Magazine; Poetry; Times Literary Supplement; Carleton Miscellany; Studies; Encounter
  • Murphy, Dolmen Miscellany; Adelphi; The Bell; Encounter; English Love Poems (Faber); Irish Times; Listen [recte Listener]; Poetry at the Mermaid; Poetry (Chicago); Poetry Now (Faber), and Yale Review
  • Weber: Irish Times; Dubliner; Times Literary Supplement; Threshold; Delta; Irish Writing; Kilkenny Magazine; and Satis.

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